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Olga Morales, Astrology For Gann Traders Advanced level


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the forum has the beginners and intermediate, now we need the advanced, please share it, thanks!!!



Olga Morales, Astrology For Gann Traders Advanced level


1: Eclipsing the Stock Market

Why did Gann start and end TTTA with indirect references to Eclipses?

Rules for forecasting with Eclipses in reference to the Stock Market and Commodities,

World affairs and Weather Conditions.


2: Planetary Harmonics

Gann's Rule of Three

Gann's Death Zone

Septimal Law

Planetary Ratios

Understanding Gann's Harmonic Square


3: Gann's Master Forecasting Cycle

Exploring Gann's Dow chart of overlapping cycles.

How to replicate his composite and determine future trends.


4: Forecasting Time Cycles

Cycles in Cotton

Cycles in TTTA

How to discern and rate planetary aspects - learn the Foundation of my OM's Planetary Indicator.

How to time cycle clusters like shown in the chart below.


5: Planetary Price Tunnels

Exploring Gann's Soy Bean Letter and Price Chart and

applying the same techniques to current markets.

Converting planetary longitude to price Gann's method.

Applying Gann's Harmonic Box.

Using planetary longitude to determine price support and resistance levels.


6: Squaring Price with Planetary Time

Gann had a specific and ingenius scale for planets

learn how to square price with this planetary scale and more.

Learn how to project into the future.

Scaling your charts so that Gann Angles and Fans are accurate from the beginning.

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  • 2 weeks later...
C'mon, traders, please. I laugh my you know what off when I see stuff like this. Planetary cycles? Wow! Anyone with an idea can sell in the trading realm because there are people out there who think this is controlled by cycles of galaxies and black holes. Save yourself time and do not put hundreds and thousands of hours into stuff like this. You're better off using bollinger bands, pretending they are clouds, and trading from the high of one cloud down to the low of another.
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Dear jbozman,


Hmmmm.... you seems to be a wrong man in paradise :D


Well your feelings ... your thoughts are good... I appreciate...

but... a 2c question to you...


have you ever tried ...? Obviously you will say NO.

Then how come you write that... my dear first try ... try to apply those concepts and then say.....


see as you said about Bollinger or MA's... but before they were publicized ppl like you might have criticized those concepts...


Somewhere I came across an article... Leonardo Da Vinci... a great painter... painted a picture, some 400-500 year ago (might need some tolerance as I was and am poor in history ;) ) which was very much similar to helicopter. Now in those days and if this story is true then, that time those who might have seen that painting would have thought that he is a dumb.. (If the story is true ... then you are on the dumb side... ;)) Ppl thought that how can a man-made machine fly and like on... But now we do fly in helicopters...


So my dear, to criticize, doesnt need much efforts.. much knowledge... but to prove it needs guts...


So your grand grand (or grand ) son/daughter might call you a dumb. ;)


I might have hurt your feelings... but what i want to tell you is that... be ready to explore anything... as you dont know what will come to rescue you in this field... some 5 yrs ago I was on your side :)


Be open minded...broad minded... by NOT accepting various ideas you are hindering your progress.. this not only implies to astro stuff but from your post i found that you are not open minded...broad minded ... :D


Have a nice day


Edited by johnbest
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Thanks John. Doesn't persuade me in any way. Nor does anyone's words have an effect on my self esteem.


Astrology and cycles to charts? Man, that's the craziest concept I've heard. Go ahead and study planetary cycles. I bet you I can make 5 great trades with Bollinger Bands or MACD compared to who is trying to figure out some cycle on a chart comparing it to lunar orbits. I'd never study this because it belongs in the toilet.


You can get a monkey to throw a dart at any stock or forex pair and he'll be right some of the time. Bankers and money people do not use such devices to control the market. So why study such garbage if they aren't using it to manipulate price?


Planetary cycles have nothing to do with triple tops or bottoms or RR tracks, dojis or engulfing candles. Like I said, if it works, and you are highly successful, then more power to you. But to study this takes many, many moons.


Study MACD divergence along with pivots and you'll crush planetary cycles. People want to believe something exists out there than can sniff out great trades. When you throw the mystical world of astrology in there, it's going to grab those people and make them believe such powers exist. It's magical thinking.


Draw a trendline between 2 pin bars and see if there is divergence on MACD. Notice how it often changes direction. Fine tune an entry, know an exit, and you have a winning trade. No need for planetary cycles and astrology applied to markets.


What I'm trying to do is help those traders out there, especially the newbies (even just 1) who might come here and think that this is a valid method for being successful in this business. It isn't. Like I said, people can make anything work.


So you newbies out there, please do not study this stuff. You'll be wasting countless years on trying to figure this out and be saddened by your losses.


In ending, there is a beginning planetary cycle course and now this advanced one. If the intro course was so spectacular, why a need for an advanced course? Oh, I get it. That's because a recently discovered black hole in the Zeta Galaxy now has influence on our gravity, which effects Apple's stock. How? Well, because Apples grow on trees, and as newton found out, gravity caused it to fall on his head. So Apple stock should fall.


Psyche! Apple just posted some of the biggest profits on record. Hmmm...maybe there is another course coming out that explains this phenomenon...Let's call it, the Mega Advanced Planetary Course for 4th Dimensional Traders.

Edited by jbozman
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I am not trying to persuade you... Why should I..? Its your path so you have to decide how you will go ahead...

You are very right with your points...


But if you don't believe that doesnt mean that those thing are vague... Its your belief... Are you right or wrong... time will tell.

Opposing an idea... criticizing an idea is the easiest job... But proving it ....


Great to hear of your self esteem... :)

My 2c thought... Those who have self esteem.. neither poke nose in others business.. nor contradict others idea...

They too respect others... ideas of others... :D


Well, my simple question to you - Have you tried to apply astrology....?


Have a nice esteem


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I had the same skeptiscm with Elliott Wave before. It was initially very difficult or almost impossible for me to understand. But when my son of 5(yrs old) started telling me about EW after watching my video lessons, I knew I just had to be more persistent in studying it.


Now I can not see a chart without actually applying EW on it. But other strategies help my EW Analysis.


I believe studying Astro in relation to the market is the same. It just looks difficult as it is something new again and not many are willing to assist others to learn this.


I would not dismiss Astro as useless in relating it to the market

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............... It was initially very difficult or almost impossible for me to understand. But when my son of 5(yrs old) started telling me about EW after watching my video lessons, I knew I just had to be more persistent in studying it.




Dear alfonso2011,


Keep showing your son the Elliott waves.... One day he will be a great Elliottician :)

Best of luck to both father and son :)



Have a nice day


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Hi JBest.


Thanks. He would watch the EWI Basic EW video Lessons. Then he 'd get the Prechter book and start telling me about the details almost verbatim as what Wayne Gorman talked about on the video.


I actually felt ashamed for giving up on EW. That was what pushed me to persist. Now, I am learning and still continue to learn.

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  • 3 weeks later...



we are all keen to get your Gann analysis for the EURUSD which shows the tool and method for the aug 21 22 date.

The price pattern of wave “C” (grey) started yesterday only. Please, show us how you determine that this will be finished within 3 days. The pattern started may 4th at 1.4940.





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Also... 23 Aug... is a trend change date... as per GANN's Monthly changes..


Reference - Master Stock Market Course - W D Gann (Chapter 5 Seasonal Changes on Stocks Page No - 159)


Note - The page number, I quoted, is from the book which I have...

For some it might be different :D



Have a nice day


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Hello jw1958,



I think ur date is , August 2012 is correct but u should see the chart upside down! or reverse your head 180 degree..


Thanks for that tgt123.


Just wondering if anyone has come across this book " Astrology for traders by Karl Dittmann and Olga Morales (2 Brains in one) - How to sell trading courses that are difficult to understand and talk utter nonsense and make money faster than you can imagine"


Please anyone, required urgently.

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