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Which is a Proven working system ?

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  • 2 months later...



It is the trader himself that is the best system. Learn the art of the trading process, money & risk management and of course keeping a cool head.

Keep your rules simple & always follow them. Re-evaluate your system after 20 or 30 trades. Keep a journal of all your trades and learn from your mistakes.


A good trader can turn an average system into a winning system and a Bad trader can turn a winning system into a losing system.

Edited by shabz
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  • 4 weeks later...


It is the trader himself that is the best system. Learn the art of the trading process, money & risk management and of course keeping a cool head.

Keep your rules simple & always follow them. Re-evaluate your system after 20 or 30 trades. Keep a journal of all your trades and learn from your mistakes.


A good trader can turn an average system into a winning system and a Bad trader can turn a winning system into a losing system.


So its all goes back to ur mind /physcology and discipline...

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So its all goes back to ur mind /physcology and discipline...


Thats right, Any system will not be useful if we can not control the physcology . We can not discipline with its own rules that have been made​​.



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Amen brother and also once you do start trading in volume look for an active trader program through your broker to help cut down on the spread slippage you peope have no clue what the 2-3 pip spread does to you when your moving $10 million in the forex markets $200-300 per trade which it takes out of your pocket if your not on a fracational pip spread thru a Instutionaled fractional pip rate or some kind of active trader program that offers fractional pip spreads thru your active trader platform at your broker. Once you get big look and ask for these programs through your broker I know my broker FXCM offers active trade where if you move more then $10 million in volume per month they offer a spread of .02 -.03 and they also offer you a level 2 type forex platform were you can see the next 12 traders size on the bid and ask sides gives you an awsome advantage
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Amen to the last comments. We are usually our own worst enemies. I have a few really good and consistent systems but at times I see a trade going against me and doubts start to set in. In a panic I convince myself that I have got it all wrong. I set up a counter trade to try to recover the situation, possibly even increasing my bid size to recover the losses. The price then moves stringly back in the direction I had originally predicted. Aaaaaaargh! All going wrong. Confidence shot to pieces.


Anyone else been there?


Discipline is difficult to learn but really is essential in trading.

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Amen to the last comments. We are usually our own worst enemies. I have a few really good and consistent systems but at times I see a trade going against me and doubts start to set in. In a panic I convince myself that I have got it all wrong. I set up a counter trade to try to recover the situation, possibly even increasing my bid size to recover the losses. The price then moves stringly back in the direction I had originally predicted. Aaaaaaargh! All going wrong. Confidence shot to pieces.


Anyone else been there?


Discipline is difficult to learn but really is essential in trading.


Watch the Mark Douglas video : "How to trade like a professional"

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest FloridaTrader
guys all this talk about indicators your better using fxpremiere.com forex signals by professionals on your account . i subscribed to them for $199 and received 5 months worth of signals.. a real bargain....,,,


Spam on another forum noob, not here.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest FloridaTrader
Im a forex trader and use forex signals from 2 signals firms www.fxpremiere.com and z signals. these 2 together when both are sending me the same signal i know its 100% accurate. Use them and keep it simple. oh as for a broker i recommend iron fx.




You are NOT a trader, you are a CLOWN SPAMMER...13 of them in a row. Are you a moron?

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