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Installation Instructions:


1) Open the folder "Gann 3.1 Rel 11 (E)" and double-click setup.exe and follow the instructions on the screen, confirming the choices offered.


2) During installation you will be asked if you want to copy the batch file with the setup of graphics may be saved (for example if you have installed GannTrader 3.07 and you saved graphics with your studies): answer yes (yes).

3) Will be 'an error concerning the authorization, not to consider it and move on.

4) At this point, you must copy the file gann.exe which is located in the "Patch" in the installation folder of GannTrader (c: \ GANN30 if you have not changed the choices offered during installation). Confirmed the replacement of the existing file GANN.EXE (more massive) with that of Catella "patch" mentioned.

5) Finished! You can launch Ganntrader 3.1.

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