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News and Review of European Economic Zone


Euro-Zone Trade Surplus Reduced

Monday, December 17, 2012


Weak export performance looks like managed to reduce the trade surplus in the euro-zone. The trade balance Surplus only reached € 7.9 billion for the month of October; the prediction is lower than € 10.8 billion and the previous publication of the € 11 billion. Exports are down 14% while imports increased by 0.6%. The weakening export performance can certainly undermined the performance of the euro-zone economy is still sinking in the abyss of recession.


Meanwhile, the euro notes attenuation thin at the London session. EUR/USD is now traded away from the high level, 1.3155 daily 1.3187

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News and Review of European Economic Zone (Italy)


Italy Increases Trade Surplus

Monday, December 17, 2012


The continued improvements in export performance succeeded in raising seemed Italy trade surplus for October 2012. Surplus trade balance reaches € 2.45 billion; higher than the prediction of € 250 million and publication September € 410 million. Exports increased by 12 per cent while imports rose only 0.9%. With the improving export performance and is expected to help the economy of Italy to come out of the abyss of recession.


Meanwhile, the euro was seen trying to dampen any further weakening in the London session. EUR/USD is traded now 1.3156, trying to steer clear of a low level 1.3144 daily

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News and Economic Review Zone Asia (Japan)


Abe Is Trying To Embrace The BoJ

Monday, December 17, 2012


Candidates for Japan's Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, said his Government will compile an extra budget to help economic recovery. Abe also point out his Government will return to form the Council of economic and Fiscal Policy and asked the Governor of the BoJ to attend the Council meeting. LDP party has won the election in Japan and its leader, Shinzo Abe, will be the next Prime Minister.


Abe would point out to form the Cabinet of Government on December 26, and will instruct his ministers to cooperate with the BoJ, so it can compile target inflation of 2%. Abe also point out that Japan's central bank admitted the fact of his victory as a popular support will loose monetary policy. Abe apparently are trying to embrace the BoJ to support the political agenda when Japan's central bank conducted a meeting on 19-20 December.

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News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK)


United Kingdom Inflation Persists At A High Level Since The Month Of May

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Outside estimates, the rate of inflation still survive in the high level since may so that the Bank of England sparked anxiety that potentially price pressure to continue.


United Kingdom Office for national statistics reported on Tuesday that annual consumer price inflation remained at the level of 2.7% after he surprisingly jumped in October, compared to estimates of economists over the decline to 2.6%. A decrease in the price of fuel seems not quite offset rising prices of other products, such as food, especially bread and potatoes.


Services price inflation while also accelerating to 4.2%, the highest since December. In a quarterly report released last month, the central bank stated that the United Kingdom inflation potentially to go up significantly in the next 18 months, compared to expectations in last August.


The central bank projections suggest that it will take time until Q3 2014 before inflation falls again below the 2 per cent target. Certainly a high level of inflation is close to the endless flow of opportunities for economic stimulus that exceeded aggressively. The next monetary policy meeting minutes, the BoE was last released on Wednesday tomorrow will confirm it.

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News and Review of European Economic Zone


ECB Loan Request Diminished

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Request to the banking loan facility downloads the ECB, in the data was the ECB. The European Central Bank provided funding for 9 days as much as € 72,68 billion with a fixed interest rate 0.75%. The amount lower than the amount of loans that the ECB disalurakan week total € 73,22 billion. The number of participating banks also dropped from 82 to 79. This could be the signal will decrease in the funding needs of banking in the euro-zone as meredanya concern over the debt crisis.


Demand for ECB loans facilities dwindling as summer and lower are is over record € 291,63 billion. In July, the ECB President Mario Draghi was speak bank readiness to any by Save. ECB also launched OMT bonds program expected reducing anxiety will worsening debt problems.


Meanwhile, the euro strengthened on the London session. EUR/USD is traded now 1.3181, near high level daily 1.3189

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News and Review of European Economic Zone (Spain)


Nonperforming Loans Increased Spain

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Bad credit in Spain banking increased in spite of the amount of the credit channeling down to lowest level since 2007, according to data released by the Central Bank of Spain. Nonperforming loans increased as much as € 7 billion to € 189,6%; the highest level of all time. The ratio of nonperforming loans also increased from 10.7% to 11.2% for the month of October. This course will provide additional evidence of the difficulties being faced by the banking sector and the economy of Spain.


The amount of bad debts continued to rise each month as you get older the amount of defaulted residential contractor, high rates of unemployment, and weak domestic demand. The number of loans disbursed also decreases the banking terms imposed stricter credit channeling. Total credit channeling down from € 1.7 trillion to € 1.69 trillion for the month of October.

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News and Review of European Economic Zone


Berlusconi: Italy May Be Forced To Leave The European Zone

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Former Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi said on Tuesday that Italy was forced to leave the European zone, unless the European Central Bank to get more powers to ensure the low borrowing costs.


Berlusconi, who announced this month that he would lead the People of Freedom Party again in national elections which is expected to be held in February, he said in a talk show on the television station RAI that the ECB be supposed as lender for blok.


Germany "if it did not accept that the ECB should a bank, if not down interest, kita are forced to euro returned to currencies ourselves to, said Berlusconi in his reported news Ansa's Agi.

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News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK)


United Kingdom Retail Sales Not So Uplifting

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


United Kingdom Retailer seems to be having a disappointing Christmas holiday as consumers are more selective in spending his money. This can be seen in the retail sales index fell to as low as 19 for the month of December; lower than the prediction of 26 and 33 prior publication. "The survey results show the retailer probably won't feel the Christmas cerianya especially with the level of sales that did not match expectations," said Anna Leach, Chief CBI economist who released the data. The sales expectations index dropped from 25 to 10 at the end of the year 2012.


Weak consumer purchasing power and the uncertainty of the economic outlook is still a risk for the retail sector in 2013. The condition of the food retailer and furniture is quite good but long-lasting products retailer's situation is very bad. Some of the well-known retailer even has closed some stores including JJB Sports, Clinton Cards, Game Group, and Comet.

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News and Review of European Economic Zone


ECB Accepted Greece Bonds As Assurance

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Greece bonds receive the ECB the guarantee access solvency. ECB decision was after the troika of the furnishes program reform Greece. Rating agency S & P has also been raising Greece's credit rating from B-to default selectively. This is certainly good news for Athens is mainly financial institutions Greece that can now access the ECB liquidity facilities again.


"Bonds issued by the Government of Greece can now be used as collateral to access liquidity facilities," the ECB statement. Meanwhile, the euro strengthened in the New York session. EUR/USD is traded now 1.3292, near high level daily 1.3308

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News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK)


United Kingdom Retail Sales Are Stagnating

Thursday, December 20, 2012


United Kingdom retail sales stagnate in November along with the retailer failed to sell more products in the midst of weak consumer purchasing power. This is surely a signal will be weak economic recovery United Kingdom. Retail sales monthly United Kingdom records growth of 0% for the month of November; better than the previous publication revision down 0.7%. However, it is still worse estimated rise 0.3%.


Retail sales contributed 20% to the economy and this means the recovery is still fragile. United Kingdom has indeed been out of recession in the third quarter but economists worry the recovery is not sustainable given the rebound more sustained by the Olympic factor only happens once in a lifetime. United Kingdom Central Bank even predicted the economy will experience a contraction in the last quarter of 2012.


Meanwhile, sterling was a sign the strengthening in the London session. Sterling did not seem too affected by the publication of retail sales data as investors focus more on the US fiscal gap negotiations. GBP/USD is traded now 1.6262, near high level daily 1.6271

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News and Review of European Economic Zone (Italy)


Monti's Resignation Is Expected To Be Postponed

Thursday, December 20, 2012


The resignation of the Prime Minister of Italy Mario Monti is expected to occur by the end of this week is likely to be delayed after members of Parliament from the Party of Silvio Berlusconi's People of Liberty asks for more time to examine the cost of the State budget.


Monti said on December 8 that he would resign after the budget year 2013 have been approved by Parliament, but today he is delaying its schedule for a press conference on December 21, which it is estimated that he will outline the future of his political career, in the meantime for its new date has not been set yet, said a Government spokesman.


"This is just a tactic in the face of the election, Berlusconi might have realized that Monti does not come into play in the game," said Nicola Marinelli Glendevon King, analyst at Asset Management in London. "

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News and Review of European Economic Zone (Italy)


Italy's Senate Approved the budget BILL by 2013

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Italy's Senate on Thursday approved the budget BILL for the year 2013 proposed PM Mario Monti. In doing so, the BILL needs final approval from Parliament, according to media reports in Italy.


The previous Senate approval is expected to be acquired on earlier this week, but was delayed after members of the PDL party led by Silvio Berlusconi asked for more time to examine the proposed measures.


However, the consent of the Senate that the more smooth the planned resignation of Monti who had promised to put the Office after next year's budget is passed. Monti step will force Italy President Giorgio Napolitano was to hold elections sooner.

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News and Review of European Economic Zone (Spain)


Spain Was Stuck In Recession

Friday, December 21, 2012


Spain will struggle to meet the deficit target for 2011 as economic kontraksinya that is preventing the impact of the budget cuts, the largest in the history of Spain, Vice Minister of budget of Marta Fernandez Curras said.


"It's going to be tough, but who's to say that's not possible?", said Curras told reporters in Madrid yesterday evening after Ministry of the budget shows a deficit of the Government until November, and that of 4.37 per cent of the GDP of Spain.


To date, the Government of Prime Minister of Spain Mariano Rajoy laid aside to seek European help to limit a surge in borrowing costs, meanwhile Spain admitted that they had missed its deficit target in 2012

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News and Review of European Economic Zone (UK)


United Kingdom Threatens Limit The Scope Of The Banking

Friday, December 21, 2012


The Banking Commission of the United Kingdom Parliament (PCBS) urge the Government to make regulations that can minimize the scope of the banking financial institutions if they fail to meet the standard. PCBS also want the Government to tighten regulations will limit the leverage that can be used for banking or even banning proprietary trading. PCBS insisted separating retail banking activity with investing.


This Proposal will be used PCBS by Finance Minister George Osborne when filing a Draft Banking Law at the beginning of next year. Although PCBS proposal looks too exaggerated but it's realistic enough given the magnitude of the burden that should be borne by the Government when the financial crisis hit the United Kingdom.


Meanwhile, sterling weakened in the New York session. GBP/USD is traded now 1.6200, away from high level daily 1.6284

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News and Review of European Economic Zone (Germany)


First quarter of 2013, Germany's economy is still Sluggish

Friday, December 21, 2012


The Ministry of Finance of Germany, addressing his country's economy is pessimistic the prospects in Prime quarter of 2013. The Minister's statement strengthens speculation that the Government is soon to lose its economic projection for 2013.


In the bulanannya report, the Ministry called the business activity had been getting worse in the final quarter of 2012. The dismal conditions will continue in the first few months of next year, before the real growth could be achieved. Up to now the Ministry of Economics of Germany the national growth rate projected by 1% in 2013. But the Government is likely to issue his latest revision in January after taking into account the various obstacles faced by countries.



Pessimistic attitude of the Government towards economic growth in the future in line with the view of some agencies researchers Germany. Most of the private researchers lowered the expectations of the national economy for 2013 due to the lack of volume demand for Germany from the Euro. Last Tuesday, the Kiel Institute researchers Institute for the World Economy to talk about the threat of a slowdown in Germany. For next year, predicting a growth rate of only Kiel amounting to 0.3%, whereas in the fall and then the experts are projecting economic growth ratio of 1.1%.



Officials of the Ministry of economy has indicated the possibility of a revision down of economic performance due to the debt crisis of Euro. "If seen from the perspective of today, there is definitely an indication of the revised down," said Bernhard Heitzer, high officials in the Ministry of economy. Earlier this month, the Bundesbank economists also revised the forecast to 2013 the economy from 1.6% (December) to be 0.4%. The exchange rate of the Euro currently looks at 1.3199 per Dollar.

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News and Review of European Economic Zone


The Euro Still Hope By Monti

Monday, December 24, 2012


The Euro strengthened on the London session over an expectation that Monti was still a chance to be the next Prime Minister of Italy. Two days after filing a resignation, Mario Monti will point out considering a run for the Prime Minister if the party nominated by the commitment of running a policy reform that have been run. Monti has managed to calm the anxiety of investors who worried Italy would fall victim to the next debt crisis but anxiety began to appear along with Italy preparing to hold parliamentary election on Feb. 24-25.


As a senator for life, Monti didn't have to run for Member of Parliament in the next elections. Monti said it would publish details of policy recommendations for the next Government and is willing to lead the party that wants to run the policy. Democratic Party, one of the major parties in Italy, has point out will remain isolationist Monti and intimated a desire to see Monti policy recommendations before making a decision. EUR/USD is traded now 1.3218, away from the daily low level 1.3167

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News and Review of European Economic Zone (Greece)


Greece Has Not Yet Firmly Taxes

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Greece should remove a portion of the tax receivables due to less Government specifically in charge of taxes, according to a report of the IMF and the EU which was released today. The report also estimated that Athens will only be able to get 20% of the total accounts receivable taxes reached € 53 billion. Governments need to be more focused on collecting taxes from 1500 the greatest debtor contributes 2/3 of the total tax receivables.


The report menyarakankan that the Government allocate more staff to audit tax cases penunggakan and set a realistic tax target for 2013. The Bloomberg report obtained also indicate that Greece could not meet 5 of 10 monthly targets which have been set as part of the tax reform.


Meanwhile, the euro appears to be difficulty in continuing the momentum gain of the session in New York. EUR/USD is traded now 1.3218, trying to steer clear of high level daily 1.3233

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News and Review of European Economic Zone


The U.S. Budget Agreement Look Forward To Euro

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Volatility could potentially increase over increasingly having a deadline of completion ' fiscal cliff '. Failure in avoiding enforcement of tax increases and trimming spending around $ 600 at the start of 2013, will put the US economy under the threat of recession. While the achievement of an agreement in the next few days will be able to trigger a rally of currency risk, including the Euro, along with the return of risk appetite of investors. Any development of Greece and Italy elections also has the potential to push the Euro higher amid thin year-end trade

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News and Review of European Economic Zone


Russia Is Not Planning To Give Cyprus A Loan

Wednesday, December 26, 2011


Russia does not plan on providing a loan of € 5 billion requested Cyprus because the risks are too great, according to Russia's Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak. "We do not plan to do so. Quite clearly, the risks are too great to be borne by Russia on its own, "said Storchak. Cyprus has been the victim of a debt crisis in the euro-zone's fourth. In addition to asking for financial assistance from the euro-zone and INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, Cyprus also submitted a loan to Russia.


Daily Kathimerini has reported bailout for Cyprus from euro-zone and the IMF might be achieved on 12 February. It is unclear how the bailout funds will be Cyprus; but Finance Minister of Cyprus said his country needs financial assistance of € 17.5 billion, equivalent to the size of its economy.

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News and Review of European Economic Zone


Euro Continue Strengthening vs Yen To highest Level since August 2011

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Euro currency led to the highest level in 17 months against the Yen Thursday as Japan's action offers the speculators and investors in the currency the Yen Japan due to expectations of an aggressive monetary easing by the Central Bank of Japan.


The Euro also strengthened against the Dollar, so far up 0.40 percent at 1.3276 level, due to the action of steady purchases by macro funds amid waning worries about the eurozone debt crisis. While the cross rate EURJPY soared 0.79% traded at 114.12 level, after reaching the highest point intraday lowest level at 169.31 and his day-to-day role at 113.04.


In intraday EURJPY technical bias remains bullish, despite the price entered overbought territory, however during the unsettled pattern is bearish divergence on the Daily RSI and stochastic, there is still room for further increase in at least a test area of 115.40. At the bottom, just under the new transpiration 110.75 area can change intraday bias became bearish in the short term.

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News and Review of European Economic Zone


ECB Won't Terms Loosen OMT

Thursday, December 27, 2012


The Central Bank will implement a requirement for any country that wants to enable the program to purchase bonds OMT, according to ECB officials Luc Coene. "States that the ECB would like to intervenes faced Consequently," said ECB's Coene which are Governor bank Belgium.


"If we do not implement the terms of the ECB could lose his credibility this complicate. The Central Bank could not solve the problem of government debt. The Central Bank can only provide more time for the Government to undertake economic reforms in order to solve the problem of debt, "said ECB's Coene when interviewed by the magazine Trends. Activation terms speak have ECB program OMT belong reform policy milestone deficit target.


Meanwhile, the euro strengthened on the London session. EUR/USD is now traded 1.3274, near high level daily 1.3283

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News and Review of European Economic Zone (France)


Paris Will Solve Government Budget

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici said Paris will restructure the Government budget deficit to overcome problems that have been going on for years. "France has never approved a balanced budget policy in the past 30 years and this contributed to increasing debt up to € 1.7 trillion in 2011," Moscovici said when interviewed by the daily Handelsblatt.


"France intends to lower the ratio of budget deficit to 3% of GDP in the next year and cut its debt ratio starting in 2014," said the French Minister of finance. "This is an ambitious plan and we want to implement without adopting a fiscal policy that is long. In the next five years, the rate of trimming spending will exceed the rate of tax increase and this will boost government revenue by as much as € 60 billion. "


Meanwhile, the euro strengthened in the New York session. EUR/USD is now traded 1.3274, near high level daily 1.3283

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News and Review of European Economic Zone (France)


French GDP Revised Down Q3

Friday, December 28, 2012


The French economy managed to avoid recession in the 3rd quarter of 2012, although the pace of growth was revised lower on Friday.


The final Data released by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies the economy grew by 0.1% during the July-September period, down from the previous publication of 0.2%. Household spending recovers by 0.2% after a decline of 0.2% registered in the previous quarter, while the foreign trade balance also contributed positively to GDP growth.


The French CAC40 Index plummets more than 0.75% after the announcement.

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News and Review of European Economic Zone (Greece)


The Bank of Greece: Greece Banking Recapitalization needs a € 50 Billion

Friday, December 28, 2012


Greece Central Bank says if the allocation of funds amounting to € 50 billion is enough to ' treat ' the troubled banks. The statement has at least partly alleviates fears that Greece suffered a deep recession will probably create the need of funding to the banking sector even more.


The Bank of Greece if the need to explain the funding for Greece banks is estimated at about € 40.5 billion given the majority of their capital has been eroded by massive debt restructuring program earlier in the year 2012. The Government of Greece itself has been working to help the banking sector, with funding set aside funds from the 2nd International bailout program that reached € 173 billion.


"With the economic uncertainty which is under the reasonable level, the central bank assesses that the expenditure worth € 50 billion through the Economic Adjustment Programme has been sufficient to cover the cost of recapitalization and restructuring of the banking sector, Greece," said the Bank of Greece said in a report.

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