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Tradestation 8.7 b3085 + Owndata 2.7


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What does it say for Data Source in the that same window? Are you using forexite free data or an actual eSignal feed?


(I still have this error message appearing from when I tried to configure a [free] eSignal feed - and it's still there [with eSignal listed as the Data Source], but I am using forexite free data, and it is displaying fine in TS).


In the meantime, assuming you have 'waiting for data' in your TS windows, give this a try here; you'll need to of course use either ES or GS before the pair name, depending on what data feed you are using. (http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/11623-Tradestation-8.7-b3085-Owndata-2.7-CHART-FREEZE?p=133569&viewfull=1#post133569).

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the situation is this :

on my 1 pc I've installed :


TradeStation 8.7 Build 3085

OwnData 2.7 Build 8015.400

Omega Research ProSuite 2000i

Forexite QuoteRoom 2009

advanget get for tradestation 2000i


I used forexite and globalserver (without esignal feed) all was fine but it is so slow.It tooks a lot of hours to save only 2 charts , but I could open the chart with advanget get for tradestation2000I (didnt try with tradestation)


now Im trying to use only :

TradeStation 8.7 Build 3085

OwnData 2.7 Build 8015.400


Data Source eSignal Collect RT Data w/o Plotting Connecting

and get this message :

Realtime tick server message : Success type NOTIFY CONNECT status : Winsock communication error

Realtime tick server message : Success type NOTIFY RETRY status : Winsock communication error

DataManager Start (pause 21 seconds)

Automatically start Esignal data manager


on my 2 pc i've only installed :


TradeStation 8.7 Build 3085

OwnData 2.7 Build 8015.400


Data Source eSignal Collect RT Data w/o Plotting Connecting

I get this message :

Realtime tick server message : Success type NOTIFY CONNECT status : Winsock communication error

Realtime tick server message : Success type NOTIFY RETRY status : Winsock communication error

DataManager Start (pause 21 seconds)

[Error] Winros.ini not found.Make sure eSignal is installed properly


Im intereristing in Stock too but unfortunately I can't find them on GS

any other solution ? or datafeed ?

In other forum other people can use Esignal and I dont understand where I had make the mistake

thank you for the help and apoligize for my english

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  • 9 months later...
  • 9 months later...

try out this


Tradestation 8.7 Build 3085 with Esignal, IB, Free RT Forex Data)


the package also includes Omega 2000i and it is from adnrey old collection, with clear instructions how to set it up all...


Though it is old, worth trying,



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