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One of the few forex authors I like, Hector Deville, seems to be recommending this guy. Anyone heard of this one before ? (I took out the affiliate link, of course):


http://[email protected]/macromillion@ire/live/

(change "@" to "a")


It is not specific to forex, but does seem interesting. The idea of macro moves also make sense to me. But unfortunately, $2000 per year (and recommended $20,000 minimal starting account) is a bit too rich for my wallet at the moment.


Anyone know anything of this John Thom@s guy?

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One of the few forex authors I like, Hector Deville, seems to be recommending this guy. Anyone heard of this one before ? (I took out the affiliate link, of course):


All the affiliates are pushing this one. Hector is just like the rest "...only recommending ..."

He, and some others didn't always go this route but more and more they do. I firmly believe that he will be pushing Pourlos(sp) soon.

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All the affiliates are pushing this one. Hector is just like the rest "...only recommending ..."

He, and some others didn't always go this route but more and more they do. I firmly believe that he will be pushing Pourlos(sp) soon.


Hi Freddie, I have no reason to defend Hector. And I agree with you, if he ever start promoting Poulos (or better yet, start promoting Dittman, LOL), I will un-subscribe from his list immediately.


So far, at least in my case, Deville hasn't been as bad as many other affiliates in swamping my email in-box with non-stop junk mail. So I will still give him the benefit of the doubts. And his previous offering of (unfortunately black-listed) Hector's Course is still one of the better ones I have seen out there. But he does have the problem of talking too long and too much.


Anyway, still interested if anyone knows more about this "M@cro Million@ire" offered by this chap called John Thom@s. These "Macro" events he mentioned and their impact on financial instruments do seem quite interesting to me. Although I trade only forex, never hurt to read/learn about other investment opportunities.

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Hi Freddie, I have no reason to defend Hector. And I agree with you, if he ever start promoting Poulos (or better yet, start promoting Dittman, LOL), I will un-subscribe from his list immediately.




Anyway, still interested if anyone knows more about this "M@cro Million@ire" offered by this chap called John Thom@s. These "Macro" events he mentioned and their impact on financial instruments do seem quite interesting to me. Although I trade only forex, never hurt to read/learn about other investment opportunities.


LMAO re: Poulos :D


I've been signed up to his email list for awhile and he released some very insightful videos in the last few months. eg. Top 3 Fx Trades for 2011, Trading the Bond Collapse, and Where to get rich in 2011 (QE2, fx wars and bond bubble)


Everything is connected these days, and I believe it's important even if you're a technical trader to at least be aware of the Global Macro themes and InterMarket / Fundamental Analysis. He seems very connected in the industry too which is beneficial for us. I like Ashr@f L@idi and J@ck Crooks as well.


I watched the videos awhile ago so don't remember the details but I do recommend them.... Enjoy!!





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I was trapped into viewing the vid by Mark Deaton of the 3 Island system; for $2,000 you can beat Soros and company with this macro stuff.

I am not going to ask why a man that demands that his investors have 5mil to trade- and he gets 20%, wants to put in a load of time and energy to teach me, if I give him 2K!!


What do you mean? Who's a cynic?


I will be extremely happy for anyone to come back to me in a few months and tell me how they made their first million on this!


"Dittmann in the sky with diamonds" comes to mind!!

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Hi Freddie, I do not think this John Thom@s chap is selling his service as a good Samaritan either.


At $2000 per person, if he can get 100 people to sign up, that will be $200K. And if 500 or more sign up, that will be a cool million dollars or more, each and every year. (I know he says 500 available spots only, but I assume if it does sell well, it will not be that difficult to raise this number in the future, or to raise the price).


And he will be doing the same type of analysis for his own hedge funds anyway. So not really additional work in the analysis side. I guess this "mentoring" can pay quite well for him.


hmmmmm, maybe we are in the wrong business, lol.


I know it will be too expensive for my personally signing up. My interest here is more on knowing what sort of "Macro" trades he is thinking about, and for sparking my own interests in learning a bit more on the fundamental side of trading.




I just finished watching the first video link posted by mlee in post #7, the one for "topcurrencytrades", I thought it was an interesting video on longer term timeframe for forex.

Edited by joeytrader
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