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(Share) Excellent Interval Timer

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If you're trading a system that gives signals when the bar closes, an interval timer is a great thing because it frees you up to do other things until the bar closes. Also, I might add, if you're not watching the trade intra-bar, you won't be tempted to exit early or similar sabotaging of your trade... the stress is noticably decreased.


I tried the Metatrader4 b-clock.mq4 but there are a few things I don't like about it. The biggest negative is that it updates when there are new trades so if the market is slow, the countdown can fall 10 or more seconds behind! I also don't like that it is very small and has no alert feature to tell you the bar is about to end. Finally, it takes up resources and could interfere with indicators and EAs...


Well, after an exhausting search, I have found what I believe to be the ideal solution. This interval timer was originally designed for interval workouts, but it works like a charm for my trading. I'm using a 5m system so I have the timer give an audio signal when there are 5 seconds until the bar closes. Then it counts down and gives another signal when the bars (time period) ends. It is a online application so no downloading and installing needed. And did I mention it's free! Anyway, here it is for all my Indo friends. Enjoy!



Edited by Diesel 10
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