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0600 London Break Out

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The '3 tier London Breakout EAs' that I found on the FF thread are really excellent. Makes five trades and manages the stop loss.


Most LBOs that I have seen have almost the whole Asian session as their range. I concluded some time back that all we need is a short period's range. I have decided on one hour. I use 0600 to 0700 UK time.


My Asian Run II thread is not trading today due to a too small range so I decided to run the LBO set up instead.


I am now in profit after a dodgy start.




I am not at all knowledgable about EAs and their use.

Better re-phrase that: I have one on the Asian Run and need to have that open for the EA to do it's business. How do I get the LBO one to run at the same time?


Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by Freddie
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Hi, Thank you Freddie! Asia and London break: How many minimum range and max range? How many loss and win trade settting?


The range is set by the bars from 0600 - 0700 The EA is set to 15min 80max.

The EA makes 5 trades.


Price is now heading for the 'range box' so it might make a buy breakout or if price turns after reaching the box it will make a second 5 trade sells.

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The '3 tier London Breakout EAs' that I found on the FF thread are really excellent. Makes five trades and manages the stop loss.


Most LBOs that I have seen have almost the whole Asian session as their range. I concluded some time back that all we need is a short period's range. I have decided on one hour. I use 0600 to 0700 UK time.


My Asian Run II thread is not trading today due to a too small range so I decided to run the LBO set up instead.


I am now in profit after a dodgy start.




I am not at all knowledgable about EAs and their use.

Better re-phrase that: I have one on the Asian Run and need to have that open for the EA to do it's business. How do I get the LBO one to run at the same time?


Any help would be appreciated.


Hi Freddie,


I don't remember how is your '3 tier London Breakout EA. (actually i am testing grid trading!)

If your EA has "magic number" settings inside, then you can install the EA on one GBP chart with settings for the Asia session and a magic number XXX and you install the EA on another GBP chart with settings for London session and a different magic numbeer YYY, like that all orders are managed as they should be.


Could you re-post your '3tierLB EA?


Also, you have two threads opened with same subject!




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Hi Freddie,


I don't remember how is your '3 tier London Breakout EA. (actually i am testing grid trading!)

If your EA has "magic number" settings inside, then you can install the EA on one GBP chart with settings for the Asia session and a magic number XXX and you install the EA on another GBP chart with settings for London session and a different magic numbeer YYY, like that all orders are managed as they should be.


Could you re-post your '3tierLB EA?


Also, you have two threads opened with same subject!





second that

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Hi Freddy and Musketeer, the EA is over on FF 'A simple London Breakout V2' It is not mine and you ought to get it there in case of updates.


This is a new thread only concerned with the 0600 BO with this new 5 trade EA, the other included news.


Can I use the three charts on one 'profile' and just look at the one I want to whilst the others remain 'alive'. This sounds simple but I am a little confused.


Actually, it has all become clear. I know all about 'profiles' with different templates. It was just the behavior of EAs that was a mystery to me.


Thanks freddy. BTW, the EA makes its own magic numbers when we use multiple EAs.

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Hi Freddy and Musketeer, the EA is over on FF 'A simple London Breakout V2' It is not mine and you ought to get it there in case of updates.


This is a new thread only concerned with the 0600 BO with this new 5 trade EA, the other included news.


Can I use the three charts on one 'profile' and just look at the one I want to whilst the others remain 'alive'. This sounds simple but I am a little confused.


Actually, it has all become clear. I know all about 'profiles' with different templates. It was just the behavior of EAs that was a mystery to me.


Thanks freddy. BTW, the EA makes its own magic numbers when we use multiple EAs.



Oh, yes I remember now for the FF thread, thanks.


The second thread i was referring to was the one with same name here:




In one profile, you can switch charts (even with EAs on it).

For magic numbers, then just check they are different for each strategy.

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Hi Freddy and Musketeer, the EA is over on FF 'A simple London Breakout V2' It is not mine and you ought to get it there in case of updates.


This is a new thread only concerned with the 0600 BO with this new 5 trade EA, the other included news.


Can I use the three charts on one 'profile' and just look at the one I want to whilst the others remain 'alive'. This sounds simple but I am a little confused.


Actually, it has all become clear. I know all about 'profiles' with different templates. It was just the behavior of EAs that was a mystery to me.


Thanks freddy. BTW, the EA makes its own magic numbers when we use multiple EAs.


Thanks Freddie,

You have nothing to do with profiles. Stay in one profile and open charts as many as you want. "Can I use the three charts on one 'profile' and just look at the one I want to whilst the others remain 'alive'." - do not understand that part...?

About EAs and it's magic number - it depends of design/code of. It may manage by magic numbers and may not - there are no rules - just the author's decision.

and do not understand "...the EA makes its own magic numbers when we use multiple EAs" as well

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The timeframe shown on the chart for determining the 23P does not reconcile with either the 3 tier or your new one.


Sorry igof, don't understand: maybe you mean the range times? They are 0600-0700 UK, 0500-0600 Broker time. The EA is the latest version of 3 tier.

Whatever the time displayed, I can assure you that it all happened at the times that I said. In fact, I have to get up for 0600 here in Penang to set up for the Asian run that starts at midnight Broker Time. Other times I have to check throughout the day.

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They are 0600-0700 UK, 0500-0600 Broker time.


Let me clarify. The candles forming the range on your chart (post #5) were formed starting at 0300 GMT through 0400 GMT which does not equal 0600-0700 UK time or BST.


Hi Igof...thanks for being so persistant. I had gone the wrong way with the broker times. I should use broker 0700 -0800 which is 0600-0700 UK, 0500-0600 GMT.

Wonder what that would have meant to today's results? Just as well I am setting up on demo!!

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Bonjour Freddie,

Now you've really got me concerned. How can something this simple be so profitable?? Today alone produced 60 pips with no losers this week and hardly any stoploss. If you could convert this to an automatic system you could put Fielder and Poulos out of business. Might be worth checking it's efficacy on other pairs.

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Bonjour Freddie, Now you've really got me concerned. How can something this simple be so profitable?? Today alone produced 60 pips with no losers this week and hardly any stoploss.

Hi iqof...I am afraid that it is not always so good. Sometimes it loses as they all do.

My friend 'forexweasel' on FF had a thread using this system with more indicators called BOWALF he gave up when he got some bad losses.

On the original thread someone else has given up for the time being due to losses.

Later I will mark up a picture for you of yesterday's trades. One win set and lots of losses.


I am now set up for today with the correct times, thanks to you.

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