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Seven Summits Trader

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Take your pick from n3tpick systems: Just need to search threads here for edu. versions but here is source.

hxxp://sst.n3tpicks.com/_indicators/ *****7 summits trader

hxxp://hvmm.n3tpicks.com/_indicators/ *****high velocity market master

hxxp://ust.n3tpicks.com/_indicators/ *****ultimate swing trader

hxxp://umt.n3tpicks.com/_indicators/ ******ultimate market trader

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Posted here on Indo by Craven. Put in a little effort and you might just find what your looking for. :-/



MT4 RangeBars.mq4

mir [ dot ] cr/MIEQXZSQ
mir [ dot ] cr/PMVFX6CU




[1] Place the expert in your MT4/experts/ folder.


[2] Place the expert in your MT4/experts/scripts/ folder as well.


[3] Open a M1 chart of your favorite currency pair.


[4] Attach the expert to your M1 chart from either your experts or scripts folder.


[5] Go to 'Open Offline' from the 'File' menu.


[6] Find the currency pair that you attached the expert to followed by M8 time frame.


You can adjust the range of the bars by changing the 'BarsRange' value. You can change the 'TimeFrame' of the OffLine chart if you would prefer to use your own settings. In this case, make sure you DO NOT set it to a time frame that already exists in the MT4 platform, i.e., DO NOT set it to 15, as M15 charts already exist in the platform. If the chart is not showing enough bars, set the 'MaxBars' to a higer value. Change the 'ShowGaps' value to FALSE if you require smoother price charts. In actuality, prices GAP all the time, so I highly recommend you leave this setting as is. 'RescaleFor5DigitsBroker' is set to TRUE, if you are on a 4DigitsBroker, please change this to FALSE.


As per running it as an expert or script, well, I will leave that up to everyone to experiment and figure out on their own.


Here is a hint: if you plan on running it as an expert over the weekend when the markets are closed, you will need the MT4T1CK3R to feed you tick data.


You can get that from the link below:



indo-investasi [ dot ] com/showthread.php/9790-MT4T1CK3R-Sends-continuous-tick-data-to-MT4



There is a way to give it a fraction of a pip GAP.


[1] Set the 'RescaleFor5DigitsBroker' to FALSE.


[2] Set the 'BarsRange' i.e., for 10 pip range to 100 (add a ZERO onto the range).


If you set it up like this, it will open a new bar on the next fractional pip. You need a 5 digit broker in order to use it like this.


And another from Craven in post #17


mir [ dot ] cr/1MHXUS3K
mir [ dot ] cr/0DMD8IMZ




I've found the RangeBars that N3tp1cks uses on their videos and offers on the web site.


Edited by wades-world
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I have scrounged up some videos which will help us.:-$




Haven't been able to find the online manuals yet.:-?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Jayman007

I haven't personally tested them yet. The ex4 files were downloaded directly from the source website. All I did was run them through the decompiler so we could view the source mq4 files and see what was going on. Maybe try just using the ex4 files and delete the mq4 files from the indicator directory. I didn't write the files, I just downloaded, decompiled, and posted them for all to study.


good luck.



EDIT: Here they are truly educated http://[email protected]/?4379l1yv2yyysdr


THANKS GO TO musketeer (http://indo-investasi.com/member.php/15771-musketeer) for liberating the mq4 files

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