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Beware of Forex Product Launch Marketing Tricks


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I am not sure if I have put this thread in the correct forum section. If no, moderators feel free to relocate this thread. (I was almost tempted to put this thread in the "Jokes and Entertainment" section).


Background: I am no affiliate of any products, in fact, I have never been an affiliate of any online products. But for some bizarre reasons, I have been sent a link today to become an affiliate for an upcoming launch of a forex product by a guy named Bob I@ccinos.


Here is the actual affiliate sign-up link:

http://[email protected]/aff/

(change the "@" to "a")


The truth is, I actually thought this guy is one of the better guys out there. But the marketing plan as revealed to their affiliates really smacks of some less-than-honest "tricks" in marketing.


Since the above page will probably be taken down after a while, I have copied a small part of it below:


Launch schedule

Email drop # Happening on What's on the menu?

1 September 28th Bob's Introduction Video: "How a CNBC Analyst has created an automated tool that he is willing to show the user on how he has used it for years"

2 September 30th Register for Monday's Webinars...Bob will give a sneak peak of the Software and how he will continue to educate around it.

3 October 2nd Additional Webinar has been added on Monday because of demand email. Provide both Registration links, the time and details.

4 October 4th Morning email with reminder that the webinars are today and that there are just a hand full of seats left in each webinar....showing the times, registration links again.

5 October 5th Go live at 12 PM EST

6 October 6th Follow up email #1

7 October 8th Great initial response and add a count down to the price increase

8 October 9th Last-chance Email


Unfortunately, the formating does not transfer in the above copy-paste job. Sorry if it may be a bit difficult to read.


So, have you ever wondered why, whenever there has been a product launch webinar, there is always an "additional" webinar because the "demand" was so high? Hah! wonder no longer, because it was all part of a pre-planned marketing set-up. Even if zero people ask for an extra webinar, they will still tell you that the "demand" was so high, they had to add an "additional webinar."


And how about they telling you to sign up for the webinar now, because the seats are filling up fast? Once again, marketing tricks. Even if zero people has signed up, they will still tell you only a few seats are left.


Likewise, ever wondered about those impending price increase because they claim the sales has been going off the roof and very few copies are left? Well, that too is a pre-planned marketing script. According to the above marketing plan, even if zero sales occurred, they'll still tell you the product is selling like hot-cakes, so get your copy now, before they raise the price.


The funny thing is, I think Bob I@ccino's new product could actually be a solid product. But the marketing plan as revealed to their affiliates really put a damper on my enthusiasm for his products now.


I hope this post will help "inoculate" newer traders who can be a bit too eager in buying into new product launch's hype (I have to admit, I still fall for their tricks myself at times.).



Edit: you can see a screen capture of the site posted by freddy below in post #3

Edited by joeytrader
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Guest David1713006337
Actually this is a very good posting my friend. Many marketers will try to figure out the best way to entice traders with big anticipation to view the next best trading system. It's normal to have your own curiosity peaked with hopes that one developer will finally share the best forex trading system. The only thing we can do is to continue to keep our fingers crossed in the meantime.
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I am not sure if I have put this thread in the correct forum section. If no, moderators feel free to relocate this thread. (I was almost tempted to put this thread in the "Jokes and Entertainment" section).



Here is the actual affiliate sign-up link:

http://[email protected]/aff/

(change the "@" to "a")




I hope this post will help "inoculate" newer traders who can be a bit too eager in buying into new product launch's hype (I have to admit, I still fall for their tricks myself at times.).




indeed, very good topic, should be put somewhere in a "sticky" thread.


That is what i also try to alert, even if sometimes some members don't understand my ironical style.



On a side note, i discovered recently this little add-on very useful.(i use the free version for firefox, but it works also for IE)






see the result:




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You can always set up a specific email address just for those products. Then you can satisfy your curiosity.


Another tactic used is to say that the website was so overwhelmed with orders that it crashed, so they are extending the offer for a few more days; but hurry now...

When mind lingers in one place efficiency is lost
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Unfortunately I was not smart enough to think of the throw-away email accounts until very late in the game. Nowadays, I do two things: (1) use throw-away email accounts for signing up for info from new vendors, etc; and (2) throw all spam emails into the spam folder, and at the end of each month (sometimes each week), spend some time clicking through all the "unsubscribe" buttons, or reply with "unsubscribe" notes.


Unfortunately, for many of the spam emails, there are no "unsubscribe" options.


I still get emails from daughters or sons of some multi-billionaires murdered by some dictators from some African nations, who happen to have inherited their family fortune and are all offering to share massive wealth with me ... Wow, lucky me!! And of course don't forget emails promoting miracle products that will powerfully enhance my sexual prowess to the nth degree. Great!


Now if you don't hear back from me again, that's because I have just married some former princess of Nigeria and her billions of financial fortune. =))

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