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[REQ] Autopilot4x

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I have the all the files (els + dll) for the aut0pil0t4x (hxxp://www.aut0pil0t4x.com) trading methodology.


Unfortunately, they are all protected by a system call "diamondlock".


I also have the Neoticker files, and they are using a .lok extension.


None of those files are unprotected, and I would be curious to see what is behind the methodology.


The easiest way to unprotect them would be to use a Neoticker .lok decompiler, this would avoid linking the .els with the .dll.


Does anybody have suggestions on how to proceed? I can upload the files if necessary..


Thank you!

Edited by clippertm
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I have the all the files (els + dll) for the autopilot4x (http://www.autopilot4x.com) trading methodology.


Unfortunately, they are all protected by a system call "diamondlock".


I also have the Neoticker files, and they are using a .lok extension.


None of those files are unprotected, and I would be curious to see what is behind the methodology.


The easiest way to unprotect them would be to use a Neoticker .lok decompiler, this would avoid linking the .els with the .dll.


Does anybody have suggestions on how to proceed? I can upload the files if necessary..


Thank you!


C'mon guys =D>

help him .

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