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Req; WTD software pack


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mirrorcreator [ dot ] com/files/SGML49XE/MID.zip_links

mirrorcreator [ dot ] com/files/0A4TD1CH/MID_0.zip_links


1. Unzip files and place in vendorlicense folder.

2. Replace 'MachineID' in both file names with your unique MachineID.

3. Open both files. Find 'MachineID' and replace with your unique MachineID. Save.

4. Restart NinjaTrader. Load indicators.




Can any off your experts Educate these files please
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You have to install the program in post #3.

The indicators will be installed in the proper folder.


Set the keys in post #5.

Load the WTD indicators.


Thanks...but both of the above files are the EXACT same thing in side...ONLY two XML files....no indicators
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Watch the charts for the W**Radar signals.


Cheers! =) ;)


Cool...it's all working....now how do we use these to make money ....well that is another story! Any ideas?
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Hey, this thing is pretty hot...gave a short arrow on 5M chart on ES at 1081....now ES is at 1076......i wonder what the strategy is to exit


OH, By the way....what is the difference in the MID and MID_0 Zip files????????????????

Edited by fxuser1
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Same thing, just different places to download.

People have their own preference as to where they want to get their files from.


Hey, this thing is pretty hot...gave a short arrow on 5M chart on ES at 1081....now ES is at 1076......i wonder what the strategy is to exit


OH, By the way....what is the difference in the MID and MID_0 Zip files????????????????

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  • 1 month later...

Reloaded to 27 locations


Here you go, links below! Buy a girl a drink? :x


mir [ dot ] cr/1VADFNAU

mir [ dot ] cr/05AEEDC3


Can someone upload the actual files?It doesn't allow you to download from the site no more it asks for all your info then puts you on a mailing lists and says we will contact you.




Did you ever get this to work with 6.5? Craven, since we cannot download from W*lcome any idea where to get program?

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I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

Please explain.


Craven...Thank You, and also for a quick response. BTW, do you know how to crack a server side indicator? I can do these types but haven't been able too on the newer server style authorization?
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I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

Please explain.


How would you crack a product like Tu_rnSig_nal, it goes straight to the companies website even when you have IIS and a NT 6.5 cracked. I could not do it (crack as normal) and was not sure how too. Just wondering if you knew how to do that type. Again, Thanks. Nate

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How would you crack a product like Tu_rnSig_nal, it goes straight to the companies website even when you have IIS and a NT 6.5 cracked. I could not do it (crack as normal) and was not sure how too. Just wondering if you knew how to do that type. Again, Thanks. Nate


Do you have the program to install?You could setup the files it wants to read from its server locally and have them read from there, you could find the names maybe by using WPE pro.

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I could not even install TurnSignal it says error initializing script then tried to send an error report to turnsignal using MSHTA.exe


Hi Bingo, I am not sure what WPE pro is, and how to use it? ButI think I understand wht you mean, just need clarification on WPE pro.




It captures packets from Ninja shows you what files its trying to read this is how I get the license file names what I was thinking was you could capture what TurnSignal is trying to read from its server then divert the TS domain to your localhost and put the files there for it to read from.

But the software wont even install here crashes says error initializing script.

Edited by Bingo69
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Ah, yes. TurnSignal incorporates different security measures.

Nevertheless, it was garbage anyway.


I don't think I can help you on this one, as I don't know the schematic.


How would you crack a product like Tu_rnSig_nal, it goes straight to the companies website even when you have IIS and a NT 6.5 cracked. I could not do it (crack as normal) and was not sure how too. Just wondering if you knew how to do that type. Again, Thanks. Nate
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