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Get OracleTrade for $499 (5 Days only)

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New Info from OracleTrader (Price down from $2470 to $499 only 5 days)


Forex4Love, this is HUGE! You indicated that you wanted to give

OracleTrader a try, but you wanted a much more affordable option. So...


Here it is for under $500! And its just in time for the biggest release of

the month the Non Farm Payroll...


It's almost the Fourth of July weekend, and you probably have 4th of July

plans, but have you made FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE PLANS?


If not, now you can get going with OracleTrader with no long-term



For 5 days ONLY, I am willing to waive the usual $2,470 activation

fee, and give you two very low cost options to get you started quickly

and profitably.


Here are the option you asked for:


Two (2) months of OracleTrader software and Profit Center for

just $499 - only $130 for double the time!


BONUS: with Option 2 we'll throw in the Advanced Curriculum Course as

a "thank you" bonus. The Advanced Curriculum is an 8-module video

on-demand course worth $2,900!


Why should you act now? First, because this offer is for a very limited

time, and OracleTrader has NEVER had a losing month in almost 5 years!


Secondly, because we have one of the LARGEST news of the month coming out

this Friday - the Non-Farm Payroll Release.


This trade has the potential to move the market singificantly and rapidly -

last month our subscribers reported up to 108 pips on this trade, and we

will be poised and ready to make those pips again, and you are invited along

for the ride!


So... two month for $499, AND when you do, you'll get a $3,000 bonus that will help you

MASTER newstrading with OracleTrader.


After the initial period is over, you can go on a monthly basis for $369,

which you should be easily bringing in from your news trading. :-)


This offer is good only during the 7th of July holiday!


Do NOT procrastinate! This will NOT be repeated, and it is an awesome and

powerful tool to put money in your trading accounts month after month,

helping you to become financially independent, and that is what you want,



So here's the link:


With the price issue removed, you have the green light to start securing

your future as a financially independent FOREX Trader.


I am confident that you will become the consistently profitable trader

you've always wanted to be by taking part in this very low cost OracleTrader



Now go make some money trading!


Dedicated to Your Financial Success,


- Dustin Pass


P.S: We also have the Canadian Employment Figures coming out NEXT week,

so you might be looking at an amazing one/two profit punch with these two

news releases.

Edited by forex4love
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I have access to Oracle Trader ID and Password... but I'm not giving it till I get back my $85 from Forex4love which I sent as a group offering to him once we had 5 to buy for the special price when it was open. he didn't get enough people to buy accecped from my $85 which he is holding and not giving back, ... I've asked him over 3 times now but no answer!

I shouldn't have to ask for my money back anyway it should have been sent back. and yes I have sent him private messages.



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