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(REQ)Best Scalping System, DR Zain Agha

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he shut the room down claiming "it took up too much of his time" ..... funny he should say that since he was charging around 100 pounds (i forgot exactly how much) per student per month! In adition to the 300 pounds (forgot exactly how much) for the system which was just an EMA cross with a CCI.


but from what i heard that wasn't the real reason he had to shut down the room .... it seems most of the members were losing money. He has a lot of aliases and sings praises for his systems using differnet names. He will probably use one of his aliases and post in this thread about how wrong i am and what a great system it is.


almost every system vendor claims all kind of fascinating results but they dont show there results, if u email them they tell u all kinds of fantastic stories about how successful there students are and about the testimonials on their websites but they wont show u there results ..... because they dont have any profitable results. Some like Karl ditmann or that forexsignal30 fellow will show u a demo statment for a small period of time. They mostly fake it or have several demos and just show u the profitable one. (see my post if the forexsignal30 thread about how he shows profitable statment)


In my small experience out of the hundreds of systems sellers i've seen i've only seen just two people offer there statments for scrutiny. One was Mark Larson he showed his whole last two years statments for scrutiny and the second was Chick Goslin he went a step further and actually showed his audited statments on his website.


there maybe others but i havent found them yet ...........

Edited by hermanhess
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  • 2 years later...
Unfortunately I do not know how these people gave such outstanding reviews. The z20 is just a breakout system I found it useless and lost money. Then I was ****** enough to buy the advanced system by reading outstanding reviews in another forum which was the same but with new repainting indicator. Later on the system has now been changed by adding fisher indicators. His trading room did not stick to the rules of the z-20 system he used to bend the rules as the day went along. As far as set and forget is concerned you can forget it he used to wait for the price to break the top or bottom of the box then look at the indicators to go long or short. The z-20 trading has now conveniently been closed just before christmas and he is now offering 1 to 1 mentoring course at £800.00 for 2 weeks. Not very happy at all.
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