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i modified the indicator slightly to make it show all the past entries, just for manual backtesting, TP & SL is the spread(High - Low) of the signal bar




if you get different signals from the educated indicator posted here and your registered copy, that must be caused by different indicator versions or different parameters.

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  Pheniox said:
I have purchased both the Indy and the EA.


Observations are as follows.


Educated indy and educated EA do not signal or trade the same as the registered copies.


Conclusion the dll file is required and unless someone can get insdie the dll file and see what it is doing there it is a waste of time.


The educaated EA does not come anywhere close to the same results in back tests as pruchased version using the dll.




which would mean that:


there is a new version of indy or dll


educated indy mised something from the dll


and further we do NOT have an educated EA yet, because the EA was not shared yet

only a half-auto EA by monk7 based from the indi, so at least you do not have 2 place the

pending orders manualy

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I was working on the code of basic EA, and these are the achievements:


1) EA is placing 2 pending orders automatically.

2) EA is removing pending order when the opposite one closes in profit

3) EA sets expiration time on pending orders, calculating it based on the number of candles chose by extern parameters , so it is versatile and multi frame

4) To avoid the visual interference both EA and indi are causing on charts, indi is being checked only at the begining of a new candle, so charts are stable now.



I will go on working on some money management features that have caused troubles, and await for market to open, to test it live. On Monday, and if everything performs as wanted, I will share it.


Thank you to those who suggest me coding solutions, and of course, further ideas are welcome.



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Guest james_phuc28

Hi Testttt and Monik7,


1. Testttt, your provided link does not work. Please re-post the correct link. Kudos to you.


2. Monik7, interesting to see you are working hard on the EA. Kudos to you.

I think you should also add "Trailing stop" so that when market price moves in correct direction of the EA for xxx pips, the trailing stop will kick in to protect profits, and at same time, look for bigger pip profits.


Thanks and regards,


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Hi Monik7,


Thanks for your hard work.


Here is a code snippet in two variations for Money Management


extern int UseMoneyMgmt           =   1; // If 1 - Money Management is used
extern double RiskPercent         =   2; // Risk in percentage
extern double Lots                =   1; // The EA trades this lots if UseMoneyMgmt  ! =   1;
extern int StopLoss               =  25; // Stop Loss in pips

double Lotsi;
int Decimals;

//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
  if (Digits == 5 || Digits == 3) 
    StopLoss = 10 * StopLoss;   
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()
//| expert start function                                            |
int start()
// Money management - Define suitable lotsize from RiskPercent, AccountLeverage and AccountFreeMargin

  double AcctLeverage    = AccountLeverage();
  double MinLotSize      = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT);
  double MaxLotSize      = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT);
  double LotStep         = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSTEP);
  double CurrencyLotSize = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSIZE);

  if(LotStep == 0.01) {Decimals = 2;}
  if(LotStep == 0.1)  {Decimals = 1;}
  if(LotStep == 1)    {Decimals = 0;}
  if (UseMoneyMgmt==1)
    Lotsi = AccountFreeMargin() * (RiskPercent * 0.01) / (CurrencyLotSize / AcctLeverage);
    Lotsi = StrToDouble(DoubleToStr(Lotsi,Decimals));
    Lotsi = Lots;
  if (Lotsi < MinLotSize) {Lotsi = MinLotSize;}
  if (Lotsi > MaxLotSize) {Lotsi = MaxLotSize;}   
// =============================== OR ===============================   
// Money management - Computed from Stop Loss and AccountFreeMargin 

 double MyRisk     = AccountFreeMargin()*(RiskPercent * 0.01); // The amount of risk in $ with the RiskPercent we use
 double Risk_1_Lot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE)*StopLoss; // The amount in $ we would risk with 1 full lot
 Lotsi             = Normalize_Lots (MyRisk/Risk_1_Lot); 

double Normalize_Lots(double Lots2) // Adjust traded lots to broker specification
 double LotStep    = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);
 double MinLotSize = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
 double MaxLotSize = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT);
 if(MaxLotSize > 0)
   Lots2 = MathMin(Lots2, MaxLotSize);
 if(LotStep > 0)
   double Result = MathFloor(Lots2/LotStep)*LotStep;
   Result = 0;
 if(Result < MinLotSize)
   if(MinLotSize > 0)
 else if(Result > 0)


Hope you can utilize something from this...

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Hi! I promised I'll post improved version on Monday, buy I've decided to do it now. Reason 1: I'm anxious.

Reason 2: I'm exhausted and prefer that ones who are following this thread, could help testing it and reporting bugs found.


You'll find two new external inputs:

1) Number of candles to set expiration time. So exp time on pending orders will be determined by timeframe of chart + number of candles selected. (default 4 as per indi developers suggested).

2) Minimun pips requested by broker to place pending orders in relation with current price. This limitation was generating the order send errors found before. If anyone knows how to code it in a better way, pls help.


Rules the EA should follow:

1) Opens both BUY & SELL pending order when signal is detected at the open of new candle.

2) In case one of both enters the market, the other one will be removed only when expired or because the opened one hits its profit.


I hope MM is solved. Next improvements may be addition of break even/TS strategies, and trend filters.

I await feedback, do not forget to insert indi also on chart and set these inputs according to broker's digits: Tavnit, highcheck,lowcheck, MinDist.

Enjoy and share.





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Hello Monica,

Thanks, good job, the EA seems to work correctly,

I did a Probascket, but I get operations from 2009,

Broker: Alpari

Timeframe: H1

Symbol: GBPUSD

Trades: 5 winners

EA is usually the winner, with all symbols, but performs few operations

I wonder: can work in this EA Probasket?

work or live alone?

It may be interesting to include a TS


Best result:

USDJPY Spread = 2.5 // period : 2009 - 06/2010 - 90% Quality Modeling

MinDist = 10

LowCheck = 150

HighCheck = 1500

MM = True: 0.1


Max DD = 7.40

Operations = 36 // wins : 66% Loss :33%

Profit Factor = 2.40

Profit = 40%


Thanks From Spain

Edited by scorpion
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hi monik7

first of all very good job


i have problems with 4 digits open pending orders

5 digits work

i changed for 4 digits

tavnit 5

mindist 5

low.chek 20

high.check 150

indi is also on the chart with the same settings


but no pending orders will be placed

put i something wrong in it ?

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ramlian: if you observe the charts you'll find the the suggested entry points still appear, even 10 or 12 candles later than signal alert. Really, I do not know why the indi is doing that, because developers suggest to ignore it after 4 candles.

As per the EA, as it is coded at present, it will place the orders at the same moment the alert appears, and not later, so if your signal is more than 1 candle behind, the EA won´t take it into account and will wait for a new one to appear. Hope it helps.


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  monik7 said:
ramlian: if you observe the charts you'll find the the suggested entry points still appear, even 10 or 12 candles later than signal alert. Really, I do not know why the indi is doing that, because developers suggest to ignore it after 4 candles.

As per the EA, as it is coded at present, it will place the orders at the same moment the alert appears, and not later, so if your signal is more than 1 candle behind, the EA won´t take it into account and will wait for a new one to appear. Hope it helps.


version 2 seams to work better than latest version new version does not place the pending buy/sell I am forward testing now & looks promising many thanks monik7 for U hard work & wish U country well in WORLD CUP Edited by saendee
best wishes
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  Dionisos said:
hi monik7

first of all very good job


i have problems with 4 digits open pending orders

5 digits work

i changed for 4 digits

tavnit 5

mindist 5

low.chek 20

high.check 150

indi is also on the chart with the same settings


but no pending orders will be placed

put i something wrong in it ?

It works on my 4-digit broker.


the MinDist has to be set according to the rules of the broker.

Some allow 10 Pips, others less than 10 Pips , but it depends on the pair too.

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How to set MinDist: It refers to minimun distance required by broker, between entry price of pending order, and market price. You can check it trying to open a pending order manually. At the bottom of the window, you´ll find that. For example in case of FXPro, minimun required if 50 in most of majors, but GBPJPY requires 80.


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monik and fxeasy thanks for your reply

still with your help i dont get it to work


as example GBPAUD 4-digit with spread 8 pips

minimun distance required by broker 5 pips

so i put in the EA

tavnit 5

mindist 5

low.check 20

high.check 150



tavnit 5

low.check 20

high.check 150


can you proof please my settings and bring me on the right way

second version works with these setting and open pending orders sometimes in both directions without error

version III do nothing

cant work it out need your help

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Today there was a signal on GBPJPY, but still the EA wasn´t able to place pending orders.

Why ?

I tried to enter a pending-buy-order manually and there I saw it: Minimum Distance from price 42 Pips required.


Normal distance at forex4you is 7 Pips = normal Spread of GJ.


The price shot up and almost hit TP, but in such cases we can do nothing. It would be wrong to let the EA place a pending order at the distance of 42 Pips.


monik7, good idea to improve v2 since v3 seems to work only on my account. LOL

Thanks for your good work.


I don´t have the EA attached to the charts but load it only when I get a signal because it saves me the hassle of placing pending orders on Mt4.

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  saendee said:
monik7 v3 does not work my MT4 axisodl broker 5 digit my MinDist 20 pips so inputs MinDist = 20 OR 200 - v2 works great except for flickering


I had the same problem with Axis, so swapped to another..worked fine. I think the problem lies with Axis because it is ECN.

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A promise is a debt. I'try to explain what I did. As I mentioned before, my intention was to work on v2, because as some of you commented, works better than v3, or at least it works. But I consider we should move forward and not backwards, so I work on v3. I have no idea how to solve ECN broker features, I must say.

Changes you will find: As external input , you will be able to ignore the Min Distance which I suppose is causing troubles, if set as TRUE , EA will stay same as original v3, if set to false it will be similar to v2.

The code is more tidy now, although my priority is to verify if indicator gives profitable entries.

Those who were unable to run former versions, pls keep me informed.

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monik7 many thanks for the great work U have done on this EA vIII-1 has fixed my problems so every body should now be able to demo this indicator & EA opened a pending buy/sell stop this morning AUDUSD IF any forum members are not getting INDICATOR to show possible entries for EA this is because indicator does not always open this is because CERTAIN CONDITION must be met first BEST way to explain all this BECAUSE I do not know what the CONDITIONS are so just place the modified INDICATOR on a separate chart & U will see that a signal may not appear 2-3 days link --http://www.4shared.com/file/cVxaLBV0/Forex_Executive_mod.html--this will show all previous entries high/low on screen is U T/P & S/L enjoy Edited by saendee
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I'm glad to read it works, saendee! I have not time to test it in other broker other than mine (5 digits one).

Tomorrow I'll release versionIV with trailing stop, if there are not bugs found in the last one, as I prefer to fix existent troubles already found.

There were few signals today: EURUSD, USDCHF, EURJPY,GBPJPY, AUDUSD and USDCAD, and all of them were closed successfully. GBPUSD lost. It was a nice day for the EA, let´s see how it performs in next days.



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