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Pipware D@shboard 3.0


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[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I hope to buy the new version soon however you know I share almost everything here but this is one I will not share and the reason is many traders know this guy. The forex factory is filled with EAs and systems that he coded. He is one of the best coders in the world. He gives freely his time and work and this pipware is his only paid product. For me t would be like stealing from him and he deserves something back. Mr. Stratman used to give this away free. Now he's charging I think $35 it's worth more than that.

Check him out on FF.


Edited by patheway
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I hope to buy the new version soon however you know I share almost everything here but this is one I will not share and the reason is many traders know this guy. The forex factory is filled with EAs and systems that he coded. He is one of the best coders in the world. He gives freely his time and work and this pipware is his only paid product. For me t would be like stealing from him and he deserves something back. Mr. Stratman used to give this away free. Now he's charging I think $35 it's worth more than that.

Check him out on FF.



I agree with you 100% about stratman. Very generous and awesome coder. Just for the record the new version pipware 4.6 is now $50.00 US.


However, there are many decent trader's products that are shared on this forum that are very good too!. This is the purpose of this forum.


Ultimately, this sharing keep the forum going.

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Thank you I certainly was not trying tooffend anyone here about the sharing thing. I am happy some get the message.


You want a great indicator see my post on the Wadden. It's hard to beat that if you know how to use it and practice. To me this is what the forum hopes to be . A place for testing and making things better in hopes of having a system that is profitable. It should not be a place where we are just waiting for the next new one to come out.

Also I feel we preforom a good service to other traders who may have spent $100 if not $1000 on a piece of worthless crap.






I agree with you Patheway. I've had Pipware Dashboard 4.3 for a few months but wouldn't share it because Stratman is a good guy who has done much to help others for nothing in return. There are plenty Karl Dittmanns out there who deserve to have their worthless s*** distributed freely but Stratman isn't one of them.
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  • 2 weeks later...

pipware dashboard - I made it


Hi guys. I am the creator of the pipware dashboard. Please understand that it took me 100's of hours to build it plus the free indicators I give away.


I teach my very profitable method of trading for free and have created more than 80 videos now. I have proven with my own trading results (available to all) that I can consistently make over 2% increase in equity per day. You can do that without the dashboard using the methods I teach ie the dashboard is just a tool that helps make the job a little easier.


My goal is to make money from my own full-time trading and I teach people how to avoid getting ripped off from the so called 'teachers' and 'mentors' charging $1000's for their services. But the problem is that each hour I spend making forex software for the community takes me away from my other software contracting work ($60 USD per hour).



stratman (pipware)

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btw, just having someones 'system' or 'product' is not necessarily going to help you. Let me explain ...


Learning to trade is like learning a musical instrument eg a lot of people see a rock star playing guitar and want to learn. If they buy a guitar and read an instruction book, will they be able to play like their hero in a day, a week, a month ... 2 yrs? I think you get the idea ie you can read all you want about the theory of trading but you need the practice aka screen-time ... it's the only way.


All the education you need for trading is freely available on the internet .. I don't mean trying to find a hacked copy of someone's really expensive system ... I mean education ... get the education and screen-time ... it is the only real way to become successful.


When you go live, just start with $100. There's no need to lose your shirt! Most people blow up their first live account ... I did ... it was $10,000 USD. Learn from mistakes made by people like me.


Avoid paying for expensive systems eg there's one for $5,000. Work out your rate of return .. how long will it take for you to get that $5,000 back from your profits? I know that $5,000 mentor makes approx 2% per week and often has draw-downs of more than 10% ... is that how you really want to trade? I would suggest he makes most of his income from the $5,000 he charges you ie not from his own trading profits.

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After reading FF Pipware forum,I bought it.Not because I want to but to honour a man that is truthful and honest.I search and copied and upload many materials for free but nothing compare with what Startman can offer you.Your journey to search the Holy Grails end here when you study his free materials.One jewels he mentions on a broker will save you many pains and setback.I already stopped on uploads and downloads as it is no longer necessary after I join Pipware club.


When I joined I paid $35 and the info I got made me a trader rather than losing my shirt day in and out.


Stratman do not know me as I use different identity from his forum.I am not here to drum up support for him but to let everyone here know that Pipware and it free training videos are many many times worth it's value.I just do not understand why he selling it for a song and spending so much of his times with new birdies.He is plain amazing.


Just checked it out and you will know why no one will upload his $50 stuff.


I am known by another identities here and now I don't need to wear away my times searching for the latest,newest trading toys.

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Interesting thread this! Lots of facets!

Who deserves to be copied and shared...who does not?

Yes, I know about Stratman and his work with another (free) system.

FYI and maybe you already know this but the latest 'pipware' job replicates lots, if not all, of Craig Harris' system indicators. Stratman had to be asked not to promote it as that - see old YouTubes if they are still there.


Also, on the CH system, there is a dashboard for free on the FF thread about the 'CH with stochastics'. I understand Mr H is not best pleased about that either.


I would download 'pipware' latest if it was available but doubt that I could use it, too complicated and I am a simple man!

In all honesty I don't believe that these multiple indi systems are of any real use. More and more I am heading toward the three or five bar reversal supported or not by stochastics. A simple system based on PA and a basis of many of the systems sold by various 'spivs'. Just realised that the expression is old English from WWII so may not be understood. Try crooks, scammers or one of the assorted robber expressions.


I am not trading live at the moment, I am in Bulgaria and have no good internet. In October I go back to Malaysia where I have a reliable(ish) internet and will go live then.



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The 'holy grail' of trading is education and screen time and practice, practice and more practice. The only cost is your investment of time. I did this and am now consistently profitable. You do not need to purchase anything from me to learn my methods ... it's all free in over 80 videos.


I created my dashboard for me to help my trading. I only sell it to help recover my development time but it's not essential to trade my profitable methods (useful though!). Same goes for all the free indicators I make ie they are helpful but not essential.

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Hello Mr. Stratman happy you found this place and all the kudos to you.


What he is saying about trading is absolutely true. To be honest very few people are really serious about learning to trade maybe 5%. So is it any wonder why 95% are losers.

When he says it takes years that is what he means years. Spending months just learning the basics and lots of screen time. Nothing else but basics for a good 3 months and then maybe on to something a little more than basic stuff. But in here it's like a Disneyland amusement park! Now don't get me wrong we all have our fun in many ways and Forex trading is no different. However the few on here that are serious traders including myself I bet do not see this as amusement or even fun but see it as a job and a dangerous one at that. So I can really respect people like Mr. Stratman who is not doing this for kicks but for his living..


But please do not misunderstand what I am saying here. There is noting wrong about playing with Forex to get your kicks but just understand that is what you are doing, it's your hobby your fun.


Happy pips to all


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