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Lucky Candles v3, v2 - Profit Candles v3

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thanks for your share Stormin_Norman, your lucky candles seems to be v1.0

anyway website is:


and on myfxbook real and demo accounts:



I spoke with the author of the ea, he reccomended me lucky candles v3 or new pyramid ea,

both don't use any martingale as he told me, but I'm interested in lucky candles v2 because it's cheaper than others and it seems to me to not be too much inferior product than the others more expensive ea. ( as I see on real account on myfxbook, those with ® are real accounts ).

What's your opinion about those ea ?

too much drowdown ?

I like them because no indicators are used, only candles analysis.

Edited by acosma
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Please, help me to understand:

I'm checking both demo and real account of lucky candles v3.0 and I don't understand somethings:


demo -> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/ForexInvestGroup/lucky-candles-v30/15250

real -> http://www.myfxbook.com/members/ForexInvestGroup/profit-candles-v30-r/19115


first thing I don't understand it's the so great difference in profit gain but especially the drowdown,

if you put a custom start date both for demo and real from 19 february you have: demo 67%gain 6%DD, while real 13%gain 33%DD

although I know demo performances are always better but why such great difference ? this is not a scalping EA so I don't understand such difference, maybe different broker ??? The strange thing is that on real account broker is hidden ...... and It seems only broker is hidden.

what do you think ???

why such difference ? I should also ask to the author of the ea.

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chat with the author of lucky candles:

00:21:51 Thank you for contacting us. An operator will be with you shortly...

00:22:23 Operator Igor joined the chat

00:24:40 Igor: Hello, how may I help you?

00:26:15 Visitor: Hi, I'm interested in lucky candles v3, I'mlooking at myfxbook account s and I see so great difference in profit gain between demo and real accounts of lucky candles . especially the drowdown: demo 11% drowdown, real 33% drowdown , why such difference ?

00:26:24 Visitor: it's not scalping ea

00:26:46 Visitor: demo started also before....

00:29:17 Visitor: I mean no problem of requote, slippage, spread such for scalping ea that could make such difference between demo and real

00:32:14 Igor: Between the difference in the dates of the opening of one month

00:33:24 Igor: have different size of the initial lots 0,10 and 0,01

00:36:49 Visitor: broker is the same for real and demo ?

00:39:33 Igor: This is not much difference. in FxPro less spread. This gives about 5% more profit

00:41:45 Visitor: ok, thanks bye.


I don't see that "have different size of the initial lots 0,10 and 0,01", I didn't understand his answer.

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