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  metin said:
This system seems very profitable and has very positive feedback from users at Forex Peace Army.

The website address is : http://www.1minutedaily.com/

Please share if someone has it.


Thank you.


Still in my collections, here we go.......

For indicators: http://www.4shared.com/file/258826419/552a677d/Indi.html


For pdf : http://www.4shared.com/file/258827593/c4580939/1mntDaily.html

Enjoy, n don't forget for your feedback after test this indy, ok? thx.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I looked at this system on backtest and compared to similar breakout systems I was quite impressed. Like any system it has its losers but the win/loss ratio was quites respectable. I spent a while looking for seconadry indicators to eliminate or minimise those trades that did fail, especially with a whiplash immediately after the open of the breakout but, sadly, I can't say I was successful. You can widen the SL margin which sometimes helps but when thing do subsequently go wrong you just take a much bigger hit.


All I can say is to test it on a few or the major currency pairs and scroll backwards to see the proportion and magnitude of winners and losers. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. If anyone has any ideas on improving the quality of signals please let us know.


There are a few massive threads on breakout strategies on ForexFactory (if I am allowed to say that here?) though you will need several weeks to read and digest them.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

like to share how i use this with the sharing people on this forum.


On the GU alter the setting so you get 10pm till 10am as your breakout zone and just follow normal instructions. I've found most of the false signals happen because of major news (around 9-9:30). You will have some loosing trades of course but this way you all but eliminate both buy and sell orders opening. in the last 21days i'm close to 530pips up doing this.



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  kraven said:
like to share how i use this with the sharing people on this forum.


On the GU alter the setting so you get 10pm till 10am as your breakout zone and just follow normal instructions. I've found most of the false signals happen because of major news (around 9-9:30). You will have some loosing trades of course but this way you all but eliminate both buy and sell orders opening. in the last 21days i'm close to 530pips up doing this.




Hey Kraven I know this is banned but we can still talk about it cant we, as in settings etc.

Do you trade anything else.I do GU EJ and UJ.Have you altered the settings on anything else?Did you find 9am didnt work for you at all. I even do 7 am to catch early breakouts.PM me if its a problem posting.

Mods. I apologise if I`m violating anything.

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pauli i tend to just trade GU at the moment, the reason behind moving it to 10am is all big news in the UK happen's at 9:30. if you back test you'll find a lot of the time this will cause false breakouts or breakouts to retrace. today i rode on the back of Public Sector Net Borrowing results (9:30). if you did 7am you would have been down -100pips by 10:30. I got out at +50 at the US housing data. even if i don't exit i move SL to breakeven after 30pips. so now i'd be BE. Are you UK based?
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I did manual backtesting this system on GU for the year 2010. Very impressive results. Started backtest with 04.01.2010 - 16.07.2010 with a

a little distance of 6pip at Buy orders and 2pip at Sell orders, TP and SL original from the system.


Gives a total return of about 3800 pip till now, with only one losing month (May -310pip). Profits seem to run very consistent, most loosers in a row

were 4 days (happend two times that year - may and june).


I used the same box time as kraven, which is from GMT 22 to 10am.

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Ah! Kraven may well have given us the answer to the breakout problem! False BOs of retraces. I have been looking at various BO times from overnight to just the odd half hour before the London open. So, now a trawl of after 10 breakouts.


Thanks Kraven! Kudos give in the appropriate place!!



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  kraven said:
pauli i tend to just trade GU at the moment, the reason behind moving it to 10am is all big news in the UK happen's at 9:30. if you back test you'll find a lot of the time this will cause false breakouts or breakouts to retrace. today i rode on the back of Public Sector Net Borrowing results (9:30). if you did 7am you would have been down -100pips by 10:30. I got out at +50 at the US housing data. even if i don't exit i move SL to breakeven after 30pips. so now i'd be BE. Are you UK based?


Yes Im based in the UK and normally trade London open.

I think you may be onto something here by using 10am.I originally went for 7 am as it suits me and would catch any early BOs.

Following is a post from another forum/review site from a guy who's been trading this system live for some time now and it makes interesting reading.Take a look I think you will be 'mildly' surprised at his results.


I have been trading this breakout system now for quite a while on one of my live account with good results. It suits my trading style (I could never scalp trade). What follows is my own ramblings on this strategy which may help other readers who are considering purchasing this system.


If you trade this "straight out of the box" it will be profitable. (over the longterm)


Initially, this is how I traded it, but as time went on my understanding and confidence in the system increased, and I have changed things just a little.


The great thing about any breakout strategy is that you can back-test it easily, and I have spent a lot of time going over past data to try and fine tune this method. Like the author states, it doesn't really matter that much whether you choose 7AM, 8AM or 9AM for the GBP/USD breakout time, because each one would be profitable. 9AM is the most profitable but, up until recently, that was no use to me because I was out of the house by then. Accordingly, I set my breakout time at 8AM (still starting at 21:00 the previous day). I originally started by using the 7AM time. Since June, I have reverted to the 9AM breakout time.


"1 Minute Daily" for me usually turns in to "20 Minutes Daily" because I normally eyeball the charts looking for local highs and lows that may alter my entries slightly.


I do make use of the "wave" indicator, but in a different way to the author. If overnight price action is firmly above the wave (bias to the long side) then I still place both a long and a short order, but with a reduced (half) lot size for the short trade, as I am basically trading against the trend with the short trade. Vice-versa for short bias. If the wave is a complete mess (price ranging) then there is no short-term bias and both orders are set the same. Please understand that if you only traded "with" the wave, you would miss all the lovely reversals, which happen quite frequently.


If I am able to monitor the trade, I watch to see if the price is stalling near the TP. I drop down to the 5 or 15 min chart and look for any reversal patterns. If I don't like what I see, I am out of the trade.


If the trade is still running after 24 hours, without hitting its TP target, I reduce the target by about 15% as it usually means the trade is running out of steam. This seems to work well. However tempting, it's important that you don't close too many trades prematurely, as this will really skew the win/loss ratio.


The stop loss gets moved to breakeven if I get home in the evening and I am in the money (but still not hit TP).


I trade every day (even NFP) but I am wary of these days (and bank holidays) and will always reduce my lot size by half or more.


It must be said that this strategy only has a slight "edge". The win/loss ratio isn't remarkable and the risk/reward ratio is slightly negative. However, it does seem remarkably constant over a long period. As an example of just how constant this strategy is, just take a look at the following four periods (each 7 months long) :


Period 1 (Jan 2008 - Jul 2008) 105 WINS, 72 LOSERS = 59% / 41%


Period 2 (Aug 2008 - Feb 2009) 101 WINS , 77 LOSERS = 56.5% / 43.5%


Period 3 (Mar 2009 - Sep 2009) 109 WINS, 74 LOSERS = 59.5% / 40.5%


Period 4 (Oct 2009 - Apr 2010 partial) 107 WINS, 76 LOSERS = 58.5% / 41.5%


So, over a period of 568 trading days, there was a swing of just plus or minus 3% between winning and losing trades. This shows how powerful this strategy is over the long term.


Risking 10% of equity per trade is just plain suicide with this method. Even trading with 5% makes for tearful drawdowns on occasion. Early 2009, I experienced a 60% drawdown, and banging in the orders every day during this 3-week period took all my strength and faith in the system (and faith in myself to be honest). However, trading with a 5% risk also means you get out of the drawdown pretty quickly when things turn around (which they ALWAYS do). I now trade with a 2% risk per pair.


This is very much a long-term strategy. Over the short term, this strategy is only reasonable. If I had started with this system in Jan 2009, I would probably have ditched it. (To be honest, it would have probably given me a margin call). If ever I begin to doubt this strategy, I look back at my records, or I simply back-test a given period and this reinforces my belief in the methodology.


I hope the above helps

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Hi Pauli,

just brealised that I have this system. Looked at it, looked back and decided that it was not for me.

All my visual testing came up with retracements.


Thanks for your confirmation.


Now it is look again with Kraven's new time slot or maybe a half hour slot around nine'ish and play it ten'ish.


What a good site this is for information!



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