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Need your help on Order Triggered Order EA coding


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hi, there. i am newbies in writing mql4 expert advisor..

recently i'm writing about grid concept EA, however face some order management source code problems:


1) EA supposes to open only 4 orders, HOWEVER, at each tick, the EA is opening many and many same 4 orders..

2) After an order is closed due to take profit point hit, EA will triggered to open a same new order,

HOWEVER, no new order is opened after TP is hit..


Please do give your opinion how to resolve above 2 problems.. attached below is the FULL source code for this Order Triggered Order EA.

(If possible, please give a FULL WORKING source code?) :)


Thank you very much, sir.





//| Order triggered order EA.mq4 |

//| [email protected] |


#property copyright "[email protected]"

#property link "http://"


#property show_inputs

extern double Lot = 0.1;

extern int Take_Profit = 10;



//| expert initialization function |


int init()








//| expert deinitialization function |


int deinit()








//| expert start function |


int start()




// (1) When EA activated, 4 orders will be opened ONCE only,

// that is 1 instant OP_BUY, 1 instant OP_SELL, 1 pending OP_BUYLIMIT and 1 pending OP_SELLLIMIT.

// (2) Problem at SECION 1: After EA activated, these 4 orders are opened MANY MANY times

// (everytime new tick, 4 new orders are opened AGAIN)

// (3) Your opinion : How to write the code in SECTION 1 so that once EA runs, it ONLY opens 4 orders?



OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lot, Ask, 3, 0, Bid+1*Take_Profit*Point, "Long at 1.3400", 1000, NULL, Lime);

OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYLIMIT, Lot, Ask-1*Take_Profit*Point, 3, 0, Bid, "Long at 1.3390", 1001, NULL, CLR_NONE);


OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lot, Bid, 3, 0, Ask-1*Take_Profit*Point, "Short at 1.3400", 9000, NULL, Red);

OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLLIMIT, Lot, Bid+1*Take_Profit*Point, 3, 0, Ask, "Short at 1.3410", 9001, NULL, CLR_NONE);








// (1) At SECTION 2, when ANY ONE of above 4 orders is closed (due to take profit), EA will triggered to:

// (a) RE-OPEN SAME with previous order properties.

// (b) The process at (a) will repeat UNLIMITED times

// (Hit_TP_&_closed -> Reopen_same_order... Hit_TP_&_closed -> Reopen_same_order...)


// (Example: Say EURUSD market price is at 1.3400, then price move down to 1.3390 and hit the OP_BUYLIMIT.

// After a while, market price retraced to 1.3400, so take profit is achived, so earlier OP_BUYLIMIT is closed now.

// At this moment, EA is triggered to send a NEW same with previous order:

// OP_BUYLIMIT 0.1Lot at order price 1.3390, TP at 1.3400 and magic number 1001

// =>same properties with earlier order.

// The EA will repeat the same, as long as TP is hit)


// (2) Problem at SECION 2: When one of the order TP is hit, there is NO new same properties order is Re-opened.

// (3) Your opinion : How to write the code in SECTION 2 so that the TP hit can trigger to send a new same

// properties order?

// That is when market price hit one TP, EA will be triggered to Re-open one new same properties order.



for(int i=3;i>=0;i--) // Check the last 3 closed orders in history



if(OrderMagicNumber()==1000) //previous OP_BUY order

OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYLIMIT, Lot, Ask-Take_Profit*Point, 3, 0, Bid, "Repeating-Long at 1.3400", 1000, NULL, CLR_NONE);

if (OrderMagicNumber()== 1001) //previous OP_BUYLIMIT order

OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYLIMIT, Lot, Ask-Take_Profit*Point, 3, 0, Bid, "Repeating-Long at 1.3390", 1001, NULL, CLR_NONE);


if(OrderMagicNumber()==9000) //previous OP_SELL order

OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLLIMIT, Lot, Bid+Take_Profit*Point, 3, 0, Ask, "Repeating-Short at 1.3400", 9000, NULL, CLR_NONE);

if (OrderMagicNumber()== 9001) //previous OP_SELLLIMIT order

OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLLIMIT, Lot, Bid+Take_Profit*Point, 3, 0, Ask, "Repeating-Short at 1.3410", 9001, NULL, CLR_NONE);






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