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Traders Secret Library - Webinar - Trendlines -by ty young

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Traders Secret Library - Webinar - Trendlines -by ty young






http://www.traders-secret-library.com is a subscription based website. The site is hosted by Mr. Mark McRae.


The site contains plenty of forex educational material such as Trading Systems, Trading Techniques, Forum, Webinars, Interviews with Professional Traders, Videos, Beginners Guide, MT4 Indicators etc. New Material is added regularly.


This contains files for 3 webinars hosted by Mr. Ty Young, the faculty member of the Traders Secret Library. The webinars are on Technical Indicators - Trendlines





Traders Secret Library - Webinar - Trendlines






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Re: Traders Secret Library - Webinar - Trendlines -by ty young


password = tactools.org








3 videos; 175MB

…will probably be quickly deleted

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Hi lapa70, thanks for the links--and to the original share by trdurakamaraj


If anyone having trouble extracting the 1st parts TrendlinesA

I had to add a underscore"_" and number "1" for to extract, just on part 2 thru 6 of TrndlinesA part 2-6

original file name when downloaded-----Trendlines.A_www.friendlytraders.com.part2.rar-----

had to change to this ---Trendlines.A_www.friendlytraders.com.part2_1.rar----

the others named TrendlinesB and C extracted fine

Thanks again for the links

Edited by newbie0101
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