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Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


I think there might be bugs - NOthing is accurate. We are the ones who Can Make this accurate. What I thought about this is .. We can buy only after Price Hits Resistance or Support + 50 Pips - After it breaks that level WE will go for the trade. Anyways Thoughts and Suggestions are always welcome!


Harsh124 :-bd

Please Dont Forget the Kudos Coming! :-bd
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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


I think there might be bugs - NOthing is accurate. We are the ones who Can Make this accurate. What I thought about this is .. We can buy only after Price Hits Resistance or Support + 50 Pips - After it breaks that level WE will go for the trade. Anyways Thoughts and Suggestions are always welcome!


Harsh124 :-bd


ok change to 50 , but also in that case the last trade was trigger.


the resistance was the candle alpari 9:00 / 1.5503 and the trigger candle was 15:00 1.5508


so we have still a loss, hope now come the 99 winner trades :)>-

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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy




Systems which rely on a fixed no. of pips tend to come a cropper when longer term dynamics of the pair change.


Rather than using S/R + 40, 50 pips or whatever, why not use a % of the Average Daily Range ?


Average Daily range can be calculated as (Sum of High-Low for 20 days) / 20 for example.


If the GBP/USD ADR right now turns out to be 250 pips, then what we're looking at now for S/R+50 would become S/R+20% of ADR.


This makes the system much more robust, because over the longer term if ADR increases to 350 pips or decreases to 150 pips, the system will still work.

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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy




Systems which rely on a fixed no. of pips tend to come a cropper when longer term dynamics of the pair change.


Rather than using S/R + 40, 50 pips or whatever, why not use a % of the Average Daily Range ?


Average Daily range can be calculated as (Sum of High-Low for 20 days) / 20 for example.


If the GBP/USD ADR right now turns out to be 250 pips, then what we're looking at now for S/R+50 would become S/R+20% of ADR.


This makes the system much more robust, because over the longer term if ADR increases to 350 pips or decreases to 150 pips, the system will still work.


Yeah - Thats a Great Idea! Kudos to you! ;) \m/


Harsh124 :-bd


-- 22 Feb 2010, 22:31 --


ok change to 50 , but also in that case the last trade was trigger.


the resistance was the candle alpari 9:00 / 1.5503 and the trigger candle was 15:00 1.5508


so we have still a loss, hope now come the 99 winner trades :)>-


Harry - There is 99 % Chance of the Price Going Up the Trade should be green - if you are trade is active let it go active with a 100 pip take profit - Because Most of the times the market goes back up again to give you your tp. And Secondly I download an Average Day Range Indicator & Another Indicator , They seem to be great Here they are :- http://www.4shared.com/file/227486382/d78ab213/indicators.html




-- 22 Feb 2010, 22:34 --


Infact I also Observed When The Price Action Breaks Through the DAY HL Indi It can sureshotly give 100 Pips! This a good method, when DailyHL are broken theres a sure shot 100-150 Pips Allowance! Wow! I backtested it on GBPUSD using Trade Simulator, Seems Really Nice. Any Views?


Suggestions and Views are most welcome!



Please Dont Forget the Kudos Coming! :-bd
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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


Hi Guys,


Something else to throw into the mix:


oktoeight asked about pro S/R levels...


These can take various forms, however the bulk of serious traders recognise natural S/R levels created by price action as a key S/R indicator.


Here's a pic. to show what I'm talking about:




The S/R lines are drawn as close as possible to where price has failed to break through several times, normally indicated by spike candles "knocking on the door" of a particular level and then failing to break through only to retrace with a classic "spike" formation.


These lines don't tend to change too much. Start today on a 4H chart by marking these lines where there are several spike candles at the same level (or new spike candles reaching recent highs and lows), and then trace those lines back in history by switching auto-scroll off and scrolling the chart back.


You'll see new levels where you can place more S/R lines, however you'll also see the same lines which you've already drawn being tested again and again.


I'm not sure if it's possible to simulate this in an EA, though for this system checking for breakouts of major levels like these would make sense if we're gunning for 100 pip targets.

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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


im still working on trying to get the EA to recognize what color it is.


In order to have multicolored output, an indicator has to use multiple index buffers, one for each color. When an indicator has 2 colors and displays them alternatively, it will typically have 2 buffers, one of which will have invalid values. So, determining the indicator color is as easy as checking which of the buffers has valid values in it for the shift you want to check.

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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy



In order to have multicolored output, an indicator has to use multiple index buffers, one for each color. When an indicator has 2 colors and displays them alternatively, it will typically have 2 buffers, one of which will have invalid values. So, determining the indicator color is as easy as checking which of the buffers has valid values in it for the shift you want to check.


Hey Birt!


Thanks for the tip, But I am a kind of Newbie in creating EA's So could you help me by just writing this piece of code & I'll try to incorporate it with my EA Maker Software! Please!



Please Dont Forget the Kudos Coming! :-bd
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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


Re Soundfx - thanks for the input - attached is an indicator which does exactly that, it draws S/R lines from previous pivot high/lows


the indicator is not very good in terms that it will not clean the lines from the chart once you make changes to the settings - maybe some of our supercoders can take care of this - or someone has a better indi which does that





#property copyright "RD"

#property link "[email protected]"

#property indicator_chart_window

#define MaxObject 1000

//---- indicator parameters

extern int TimeFrame=15; TimeFrame=Period();

extern int BarsMax=144;

extern int ExtDepth=12;

extern int ExtDeviation=1;

extern int ExtBackstep=5;

bool DeleteObjectsOnExit=true;

color LineColor1=Red;

color LineColor5=Red;

color LineColor15=Red;

color LineColor30=Red;

color LineColor60=Red;

color LineColor240=Orange;

color LineColor1440=Red;

color LineColor10080=Red;


double ExtMapBuffer[];

double ExtMapBuffer2[];

int SUPRESCount=0;

int linewidth;

string NamePattern;

color LineColor;




//| Delete objects |


int DeleteSupRes()


int ObjectCount=ObjectsTotal();

string names[MaxObject];

for (int i=0; i<ObjectCount;i++)


for (i=0; i<ObjectCount;i++)


string objname=names;


if (objname!=NamePattern || ObjectType(names)!=OBJ_TREND)



for (i=0; i<ObjectCount;i++)


if (names!="") {







//| Custom indicator initialization function |


int init()








switch (TimeFrame)


case 1: linewidth=1; LineColor=LineColor1; break;

case 5: linewidth=1; LineColor=LineColor5; break;

case 15: linewidth=1; LineColor=LineColor15; break;

case 30: linewidth=1; LineColor=LineColor30; break;

case 60: linewidth=1; LineColor=LineColor60; break;

case 240: linewidth=1; LineColor=LineColor240; break;

case 1440: linewidth=1; LineColor=LineColor1440; break;

case 10080: linewidth=1; LineColor=LineColor10080; break;

default: linewidth=1; TimeFrame=Period(); break;


NamePattern=DoubleToStr(TimeFrame,0)+" SUPRES ";

if (BarsMax<55) BarsMax=55;







//| Custom indicator deinitialization function |


int deinit()


if (DeleteObjectsOnExit) DeleteSupRes();





//| |


int start()


int shift, back,lasthighpos,lastlowpos;

double val,res;

double curlow,curhigh,lasthigh,lastlow;

string objectname;


if(BarsMax==0) {BarsMax=Bars/2;}// return(0);

for(shift=iBars(NULL,TimeFrame)-ExtDepth; shift>=0; shift--)



if(val==lastlow) val=0.0;




if((iLow(NULL,TimeFrame,shift)-val)>(ExtDeviation*Point)) val=0.0;



for(back=1; back<=ExtBackstep; back++)



if((res!=0)&&(res>val)) ExtMapBuffer[shift+back]=0.0;





//--- high


if(val==lasthigh) val=0.0;




if((val-iHigh(NULL,TimeFrame,shift))>(ExtDeviation*Point)) val=0.0;



for(back=1; back<=ExtBackstep; back++)



if((res!=0)&&(res<val)) ExtMapBuffer2[shift+back]=0.0;







// final cutting

lasthigh=-1; lasthighpos=-1;

lastlow=-1; lastlowpos=-1;


for(shift=iBars(NULL,TimeFrame)-ExtDepth; shift>=0; shift--)




if((curlow==0)&&(curhigh==0)) continue;






if(lasthigh<curhigh) ExtMapBuffer2[lasthighpos]=0;

else ExtMapBuffer2[shift]=0;



if(lasthigh<curhigh || lasthigh<0)












if(lastlow>curlow) ExtMapBuffer[lastlowpos]=0;

else ExtMapBuffer[shift]=0;












for(shift=iBars(NULL,TimeFrame)-1; shift>=0; shift--)


if(shift>=iBars(NULL,TimeFrame)-ExtDepth) ExtMapBuffer[shift]=0.0;




if(res!=0.0) ExtMapBuffer[shift]=res;



///////////////////////// Lines creation /////////////////

int count=0;

double TempBufferPrice[MaxObject];

int TempBufferBar[MaxObject];

string ObjectNames[MaxObject];

//////////////////////// lists of lines //////////////////

for(shift=BarsMax; shift>0; shift--)

if (ExtMapBuffer[shift]>0)






for(int i=0; i<count; i++)

ObjectNames=/*TimeFrame+"m S/R("+i+")"+DoubleToStr(TempBufferPrice,Digits)+" "+*/



/////// deleting pending objects ///////////////

int ObjectForDeleteCount=0;

string ObjectsForDelete[MaxObject];

for(i=0; i<ObjectsTotal(); i++)



if (StringSubstr(objectname,0,StringLen(NamePattern))==NamePattern)






for(i=0; i<count-2; i++)



for(int j=0; j<ObjectForDeleteCount; j++)







for(j=0; j<ObjectForDeleteCount; j++)

if (ObjectsForDelete[j]!="")




////////////// objects plotting /////////////////

for(i=0; i<count; i++)


if (ObjectFind(ObjectNames)==-1)







ObjectSetText(ObjectNames,ObjectNames/*+" "+DoubleToStr(TempBufferPrice,Digits),8,"Courier",LightSteelBlue*/);




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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy




Some things are not quite right with your post which makes me think that you're someone looking for an EA to be developed for free so that you can market it as "Pip Exterminator" or whatever lol.


The first thing that hit me was that "your own custom indicator" contains decompiled code which is very strange if it's your own indicator. In fact it appears to be the same as the freely available NonLagAMA indicator to found here:



"I personally know a guy who has converted $ 600 To $ 8,00,000 in 3 Months With a drawdown of 4 %."- Hmmm, now...where have I seen comments like this before?


If you know a guy who has done this, couldn't he tell you exactly how he did it and then you can put 3 months aside for some intensive manual trading and become a multi-millionaire yourself ?


It makes no sense to me that you need an EA with a system this powerful. Besides, if there is any discretionary element to trading this system, then creating an EA is not the thing to do.


I assume that because the system is so powerful, that you're already trading it in live and just need to free up your time. Can you provide us with live statement to back up your claims ?


Despite these reservations, the system looks like quite a good one and I'll check out the indicators in demo over the next few days.

i would advice you to think with your brain before you fire attacks to people. One thing is that anybody can have his personal indis decompiled for some good reasons:, maybe to make it easier for modifications by others or so. yes ofcourse i have some of my personal indicators decompiled and if i am to share it i will post the decompiled versions of it.... ok?.Then secondly why would anyone come into a crowded place like this and expose and share a system or ea he intends to sell before marketing the system/ea? as for me, i will say that ur post did not make any sense. i know there are many scams and copycat in this forex world, or you've been a victim of many hypes. but i think u aught to consider some certain factors before you run your personal universal judiciary on this forum. such a big dissappointment that a moderator gave you kodos for that pointless.

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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


the problem is, that the lines will stay on the chart even if you remove the indicator - so each time you change something in the settings, it will paint new lines and keep the old ones too - just play around with it and you wil see what i mean...


the best thing would be an option where you would be able to choose which timeframes you want to plot on a single chart and how for you want those back

- it should not be a problem for someone able to program a couple of extra lines of code but i just have no idea how to do that



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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


i would advice you to think with your brain before you fire attacks to people. One thing is that anybody can have his personal indis decompiled for some good reasons:, maybe to make it easier for modifications by others or so. yes ofcourse i have some of my personal indicators decompiled and if i am to share it i will post the decompiled versions of it.... ok?.Then secondly why would anyone come into a crowded place like this and expose and share a system or ea he intends to sell before marketing the system/ea? as for me, i will say that ur post did not make any sense. i know there are many scams and copycat in this forex world, or you've been a victim of many hypes. but i think u aught to consider some certain factors before you run your personal universal judiciary on this forum. such a big dissappointment that a moderator gave you kodos for that pointless.


I gave him kudos because he deserved it, in my opinion. A prerequisite for giving him kodos would have been that he was playing World of Warcraft, which is probably not the case. Before I get to actually replying to your post, one thing I'd like to ask you is to watch your writing. You're getting away without a warning this time, but your post does come off aggressive and kind of insulting.


Moving on, when it comes to decompiled indicators, why would you share such a version of your own indicator, knowing that it would obviously hinder the development? I'm not even mentioning that later in the thread the original poster turned out to lack basic knowledge about indicator code in general. My assessment is that he did indeed use a decompiled indicator and most likely applied his own modifications. Nothing wrong with that as far as I'm concerned, but I still fail to see why in the world would you share decompiled versions of your own indicators if you were asking for help in writing an EA that uses them. In addition, if you'd have bothered checking, the Kicker indicator does indeed look very much like the NonLagAMA indicator linked there, which I'm sure you'd have noticed, having developed indicators of your own.


You ask why would anyone come into a place like this and expose a system he intends to sell? It's easy: for the free development. Find an enthusiastic programmer, persuade him to write the EA then sell the result. It's a known fact that the work posted on this forum is being renamed and sold, see Kain for a recent example. These being said, given the current state of the thread I strongly doubt harsh124 plans to sell the system, but this doesn't make soundfx' concerns any less legitimate.


Personally, I don't even touch systems without a good track record, not even in paid projects. So, claiming that someone converted a three digit balance into a six digit balance in a very short interval raises quite a few question marks in my mind. Not providing a statement to go with it simply makes me think of it as bullshit designed to lure programmers. The only reason I didn't write this before was that soundfx did it before me and his post pretty much summed up my thoughts, which is also the reason he got my kudo. Moreover, the system is not being actively traded live by the original poster, which further goes to show.


Even though just like soundfx said, it doesn't seem to be a bad system at the first sight, I'll be very impressed if its EA implementation turns out to be profitable.


As for your "think with your brain" remark, it appears to me that's pretty much exactly what he did, or else he wouldn't have been able to come with such pertinent observations.


Thanks for the tip, But I am a kind of Newbie in creating EA's So could you help me by just writing this piece of code & I'll try to incorporate it with my EA Maker Software! Please!



iCustom(Symbol(), Period(), "Kicker", params..., 2, shift);

for red and

iCustom(Symbol(), Period(), "Kicker", params..., 1, shift);

for blue. The currently active color will not have EMPTY_VALUE returned.

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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


These being said, given the current state of the thread I strongly doubt harsh124 plans to sell the system, but this doesn't make soundfx' concerns any less legitimate.


Hey Birt,


I have no plan of selling it Live or to sell it to even anybody. I shared this system for the spirit of sharing - If I can write good enlglish which somehow seems like those affiliate english doesnt justify the fact that I will sell anything - If I had to sell anything why wouldnt I sell this system & Make Profit. I am not concerned about selling it - If my other members in this forum make money with this system - That is my achievement. Sometimes Good People are never recognized & Only Doubted.


And I gave the indicators Decompiled So you dont have the hassles of decompiling the indicators, And I am SORRY if I did any wrong in thinking it so.


If Birt , Sharing my stratergy is wrong , Next Time I wont share; I am SORRY.


That wasn't my expectation from birt. :(



Please Dont Forget the Kudos Coming! :-bd
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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


I never said you shouldn't share or that sharing is wrong. If you read carefully, I also stated that I strongly believe that you don't intend to sell it, in light of the thread development. However, given your original post, it's easy to misjudge the intention.


In any event, trading the strategy manually for a while can do no harm at all. If the strategy proves to be profitable in manual trading and you can back that up with a track record, I'm sure there will be a lot more interest from programmers. Even if you miss some signals, that's not a major problem. Sure, it's possible to find a programmer to implement it even without any proof of its profitability and I wish you good luck with it. All I'm saying is that it's natural to expect people to have doubts when you put it like you did. You went further to imply that you know someone who has made a lot of money trading this strategy - if he was using this strategy, with your indicator, how come you don't provide more details?


I'm not saying that your sharing & request to start an EA development is not legitimate; what I mean is that personally, I think the information provided is far from enough to warrant pursuing its implementation. However, should someone do it, I'll gladly help with any MQL-related particular questions that might arise if I can answer them and have the time for it.

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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


@birth i am very dissappointed on you guyz attitude in this topic. a you guyz both you and soundfx should give a fellow member a little chance before playing C.S.I MIAMI. wait and see what significance a topic will be to the entire community before judging or concluding on what you think is on the owners mind. I apologise to soundfx for being aggressive. but u guyz were not being fair at all and i dont give a go ahead for things like that. if this thread had offended the whole forum upon creation then it shouldnt exist. i mean its such an embarrasment to the topic owner and makes him look like a cruck even if it was his intension or not. first give members a breathing space and watch what a progress would be like before predicting and forecasting people's mind. i dont intend to quarel with anyone but i just want you guys to take it easy with people okey :)

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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


@birth i am very dissappointed on you guyz attitude in this topic. a you guyz both you and soundfx should give a fellow member a little chance before playing C.S.I MIAMI. wait and see what significance a topic will be to the entire community before judging or concluding on what you think is on the owners mind. I apologise to soundfx for being aggressive. but u guyz were not being fair at all and i dont give a go ahead for things like that. if this thread had offended the whole forum upon creation then it shouldnt exist. i mean its such an embarrasment to the topic owner and makes him look like a cruck even if it was his intension or not. first give members a breathing space and watch what a progress would be like before predicting and forecasting people's mind. i dont intend to quarel with anyone but i just want you guys to take it easy with people okey :)


Everyone has the right to express their opinion and the concerns soundfx voiced were perfectly legitimate. I don't think anyone took offense at this thread. Having doubts doesn't equal being offended. As for the topic owner, he's free to post more details and make his intentions clear, which he did to some extent. It was easily clarified (in my eyes, at least) that soundfx was perfectly right with the indicator used but that harsh124 doesn't intend to sell the resulting EA.


Let me try to make a parallel. Assume I'm a relatively new user having scored a grand total of 25ish posts on the forum and I post a new thread in this section claiming that I'm working to develop an EA based on XXX strategy, which I am detailing in my post and which doesn't look bad at all. I proceed to ask people for donations to cover my living expenses during the development of the EA. Would you jump the bandwagon and just send me money or would you have doubts about my request? It's essentially the same thing if you post a strategy and ask for people to invest time by writing an EA for the it. Ultimately, no matter how you put it, time is money.


Bottom line, writing an EA requires a time investment, which is an investment nonetheless. Before going through with any investment, I find it quite natural to raise questions about the guarantees that are provided. Sure, some people might jump on it simply based on the content of the first post, but that doesn't prevent others from asking more details and posting their suspicions.

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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


Hi guys.


Good day,


Sorry for being late. There are a lot of stuff I have to do so forgive me if reply late again.


Look, there is something similar to what Harsh is looking for. There is an EA called DLM v1.4 or 1.3 and they both have the choice of placing positions based on R & S indicator that is posted in the first page.


Look, I guess all you need is to state you conditions on how to buy and how to sell.


By the way, DLM ea is based on Martingale so I guess you can deactivate it.


Please find the EA somewhere on the net and let others get the benefit as well.


It might be profitable with some modification.


If there is anything I can do, please let me know.


Best wishes,

a New Year 2011 has come, and the challenge has just started 8-)
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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


. You went further to imply that you know someone who has made a lot of money trading this strategy - if he was using this strategy, with your indicator, how come you don't provide more details?


Answer for that question : Birt , that friend of mine went to the states after this strategy - At that time I did not have much interest in trading - But seeing him having so much cash quickly drew me towards forex - Before going He shared his strategy and Indicators - So I shared them here.


Secondly, I did not Live test it - Because I am a student Birt & I have my Final Exams starting from 5th next month - So I really couldn't get time testing it. But If you can trust my word - I am not lying - But I'll somehow try to get some Live account proof.




-- 24 Feb 2010, 19:51 --


Hi guys.


Good day,


Sorry for being late. There are a lot of stuff I have to do so forgive me if reply late again.


Look, there is something similar to what Harsh is looking for. There is an EA called DLM v1.4 or 1.3 and they both have the choice of placing positions based on R & S indicator that is posted in the first page.


Look, I guess all you need is to state you conditions on how to buy and how to sell.


By the way, DLM ea is based on Martingale so I guess you can deactivate it.


Please find the EA somewhere on the net and let others get the benefit as well.


It might be profitable with some modification.


If there is anything I can do, please let me know.


Best wishes,


Could You Please Upload the EA ? If You have it ?



Please Dont Forget the Kudos Coming! :-bd
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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


Don't misunderstand me - I'm not requiring you to post any proof. Even if you did post some statements and it was looking good, my schedule is way too full at the moment to accommodate a new project. All I'm saying is that soundfx did express some valid concerns and that it would most likely draw a lot more attention if you had some demo statements - if everything goes as you said in the first post regarding the 99% win rate and the amount of pips that come with each trade, such proof would speak a great many words in favor of the strategy.


By the way, is anyone trading this manually? Harry007 perhaps? Do keep everyone updated on your progress, thanks in advance :)

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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


Hi harsh124,


Good day,


Here is the EA on the link with its indicators:




And here is explanation for the EA properties:

The parameters for the expert are:



TakeProfit = 40; // Profit Goal for orders opened


Lots = 0.01; // We start with this lots number, 0.01 for micro accounts and 0.1 for mini and normal accounts


StopLoss = 0; // StopLoss


TrailingStop = 20;// Pips to trail the StopLoss



MaxTrades=10 // Maximum number of orders to open (from 0.1 the lots will be 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4, 12.8, 25.6, 51.2)


Pips=15 // Distance in Pips from one order to another



SecureProfitProtection=False; // IF true the SecureProtection subsystem will start working


SecureProfit=20 // If profit made is bigger than SecureProfit we close the orders


OrderstoProtect=3 // Number of orders to enable the account protection


AllSymbolsProtect=0 // if one will check profit from all symbols, if cero only this symbol



EquityProtection=True; // if true, then the expert will protect the account equity to the percent specified


AccountEquityPercentProtection=65; // percent of the account to protect on a set of trades



AccountMoneyProtection=False; // if true the expert will protect the account based on an amount specified


AccountMoneyProtectionValue=3000.00; // close all orders when this amount was lost in the account



NewsFileProtection=True; // if true the expert will read the News File to stop trading on the dates/times specified on that file.


NewsFileSize=124; // number of lines in the New file


BrokersTZ=2; // This value must be set to the Brokers data timezone, for example for FXDD is 2, for Interbank is 0, you must search what data time frame has your broker


NewsFileTZ=-5; // This is the time zone of the dates/times in the News file, by default ill be creating this file in NewYork time EST (GMT-5)



TradeOnFriday=False; // to save lines on the News file, you can set this parameter to true and the expert will close all orders and stop trading at friday (brokers time)



OrdersTimeAlive=0; // in seconds, this parameter is if you want to set a specific time of live to all the orders set



ReverseCondition=0 // if one the desition to go long/short will be reversed


SetLimitOrders=True; // if true, instead open market orders it will open limit orders (from 2nd order, the first order opened is a market order)



StartYear=2005 // Year to start (only for backtest)


StartMonth=1 // month to start (only for backtest)


EndYear=2006 // Year to stop trading (backtest and live)


EndMonth=12 // Month to stop trading (backtest and live)


mm=0 // if one the lots size will increase based on account size


risk=12 // risk to calculate the lots size (only if mm is enabled)


AccountisNormal=0 // Cero if account is mini/micro


MagicNumber=222777 // Magic number for the orders placed


Manual=0 // If set to one then it will not open trades automatically



OpenOrdersBasedOn=2 // Method to decide if we start long or short.

The actual values for this parameter are:


1. Pivot price level

2. Support/Resistance levels (best results on all symbols)

3. PSAR, if (PSAR)<= Low[1] AND PSAR > High[0]) start short, if (PSQR >= High[1] && PSAR < Low[0] ) start long

4. BrainTrend1Stop, if (short signal) start short, if (long signal) start long

5. Open only Sell orders

6. Open only Buy orders

7. RSI 2MA, if(ma1b4>=ma2b4 && ma1<ma2) start short, if(ma1b4<=ma2b4 && ma1>ma2) start long

8. SMA, if(Open[1]>ma && Close[1]<ma) start short, if(Open[1]<ma && Close[1]>ma) start long

9. CCI, if(ccib4>=0 && cci<0) start short, if(ccib4<=0 && cci>0) start long

10. Based on Bulls and Bears (if bull+bear<0 we start short, if bull+bear>0 we start long)


* 11 - OpenOrdersBasedOnTrendManager

SELL if red bellow price

BUY if blue above price

* 12 - OpenOrdersBasedOnFXFish

SELL if indicator bellow cero line

BUY if indicator above cero line

* 13 - OpenOrdersBasedOnOpenClose

SELL if previous bar open-close > 10 pips

BUY if previous bar close-open > 10 pips



TimeZone=16 // Time zone to calculate the pivots (not all the methods uses it)


ArrowsColor=Black; // this is the color for the arrows displayed on the chart


I hope this is useful.


Best wishes,

a New Year 2011 has come, and the challenge has just started 8-)
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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


Don't misunderstand me - I'm not requiring you to post any proof. Even if you did post some statements and it was looking good, my schedule is way too full at the moment to accommodate a new project. All I'm saying is that soundfx did express some valid concerns and that it would most likely draw a lot more attention if you had some demo statements - if everything goes as you said in the first post regarding the 99% win rate and the amount of pips that come with each trade, such proof would speak a great many words in favor of the strategy.


By the way, is anyone trading this manually? Harry007 perhaps? Do keep everyone updated on your progress, thanks in advance :)

:-S :-S sometimes i realy dont understand birt. i tought he needed some reasonable evidence. but now he is sounding like?.?.... i just dont figure what he require from harsh... ok he wants to be plain neutral now. birt! the guy is ready to provide any details now. dont you want it that way?

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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


Sure, I would like to see more details, I'm particularly curious to see a real account statement that turned $600 into $800k in 3 months with 4% drawdown, seeing that's quite a feat to accomplish.


The whole discussion was sliding towards "if you don't post proof the thread isn't valid", which I never implied, is quite far from the actual situation and constitutes the reason I specified that I do not require any such proof myself. I was merely saying that soundfx posted some valid concerns, I never said I needed anything. I don't know where exactly did you get that idea. Moreover, in the same post that you quoted, I mentioned that an account statement would go a great length to validating the profitability of the strategy, thus perhaps convincing any available potential programmers to start working on an implementation. It seems to me that, just as you said, you simply failed to understand my post.

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Re: Developing S/R Expert : Highly Profitable : 99 % Accuracy


Sure, I would like to see more details, I'm particularly curious to see a real account statement that turned $600 into $800k in 3 months with 4% drawdown, seeing that's quite a feat to accomplish.


The whole discussion was sliding towards "if you don't post proof the thread isn't valid", which I never implied, is quite far from the actual situation and constitutes the reason I specified that I do not require any such proof myself. I was merely saying that soundfx posted some valid concerns, I never said I needed anything. I don't know where exactly did you get that idea. Moreover, in the same post that you quoted, I mentioned that an account statement would go a great length to validating the profitability of the strategy, thus perhaps convincing any available potential programmers to start working on an implementation. It seems to me that, just as you said, you simply failed to understand my post.


Correctly Said by Barbara - Let it go. See , Guys I will try to get the Live account proof but I am not sure If I'll be able to get it, As the Person who gave me this strategy is not living near me, He is off to the U.S. . We are disconnected Since quite a time, But Still though I'll try my best to reach him and get the Live statements;



Please Dont Forget the Kudos Coming! :-bd
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