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(Req) market maker chart indicator

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can anyone pls share this interseting indicator used for stocks, forex ...any charts/platform. it is 2 part indicator and if you go to the url you will see the details. it could be somehow usefull for traders?

the url is

http:// [url]www.mmindicator.com[/url]

thank you to anyone who shares the full package.

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Re: (Req) market maker chart indicator


i have already shared this 2 months ago.(may be you can search the forum)

and deleted it within 1 week from my pc.

it used the charts from opti0nxpress.com and used zigzag indicator available std dev channel.

nothing else and in that they only provide futures chart and not spot forex.

the zigzag indicator is a repainting one but slightly different from the standard in mt4.

but still if anyone wants to try they can buy it and ask refund thru paypal dispute.

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Re: (Req) market maker chart indicator


i have already shared this 2 months ago.(may be you can search the forum)

and deleted it within 1 week from my pc.

it used the charts from opti0nxpress.com and used zigzag indicator available std dev channel.

nothing else and in that they only provide futures chart and not spot forex.

the zigzag indicator is a repainting one but slightly different from the standard in mt4.

but still if anyone wants to try they can buy it and ask refund thru paypal dispute.


Would you be so good to provide a link to your previous post on this indicator? I tried searching but was unable to find it. Imagine it would be much easier for you to find just by looking using the "View Your Posts" icon. I am curious as to the settings and the actual methodology they use in entering a trade using these two indicators. Thanks!

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Re: (Req) market maker chart indicator


here ...enjoy...



//|                                                  MMindicator.mq4 |
//|                                                  MMindicator.com |
//|                                        http://www.mmindicator.com|
#property copyright "MMindicator.com"
#property link      "MMindicator.com"
#property indicator_chart_window

extern int period=0;
/*default 0 means the channel will use the open time from "x" bars back on which ever time period 
the indicator is attached to.  one can change to 1,5,15,30,60...etc to "lock" the start time to a specific 
period, and then view the "locked" channels on a different time period...*/
extern int line.width=2;
extern int LR.length=34;   // bars back regression begins
extern color  LR.c=Orange;
extern double std.channel.1=0.618;        // 1st channel
extern color  c.1=Gray;
extern double std.channel.2=1.618;        // 2nd channel
extern color  c.2=Gray;
extern double std.channel.3=2.618;        // 3nd channel
extern color  c.3=Gray;

int init(){return(0);}

int deinit(){ ObjectDelete(period+"m "+LR.length+" TL"); 
  ObjectDelete(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.1+"d"); ObjectDelete(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.1+"d");
  ObjectDelete(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.2+"d"); ObjectDelete(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.2+"d");
  ObjectDelete(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.3+"d"); ObjectDelete(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.3+"d");

int start(){//refresh chart
ObjectDelete(period+"m "+LR.length+" TL");
ObjectDelete(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.1+"d"); ObjectDelete(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.1+"d");
ObjectDelete(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.2+"d"); ObjectDelete(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.2+"d");
ObjectDelete(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.3+"d"); ObjectDelete(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.3+"d");
//linear regression calculation
int start.bar=LR.length, end.bar=0;
  int n=start.bar-end.bar+1;
//---- calculate price values
  double value=iClose(Symbol(),period,end.bar);
  double a,b,c;
  double sumy=value;
  double sumx=0.0;
  double sumxy=0.0;
  double sumx2=0.0;
  for(int i=1; i<n; i++)
  if(c==0.0) return;
  double LR.price.2=a;
  double LR.price.1=a+b*n;

//---- maximal deviation calculation (not used)
  double max.dev=0;
  double deviation=0;
  double dvalue=a;
  for(i=0; i<n; i++)
     if(max.dev<=deviation) max.dev=deviation;
//Linear regression trendline
  ObjectCreate(period+"m "+LR.length+" TL",OBJ_TREND,0,iTime(Symbol(),period,start.bar),LR.price.1,Time[end.bar],LR.price.2);
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" TL",OBJPROP_COLOR,LR.c);
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" TL",OBJPROP_WIDTH,line.width);
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" TL",OBJPROP_RAY,false);     
//...standard deviation...
  double x=0,x.sum=0,x.avg=0,x.sum.squared=0,std.dev=0;
  for(i=0; i<start.bar; i++)    {
     x=MathAbs(iClose(Symbol(),period,i)-ObjectGetValueByShift(period+"m "+LR.length+" TL",i));
     if(i>0)  {
        std.dev=MathSqrt(x.sum.squared/(start.bar-1));  }  }
  //Print("LR.price.1 ",LR.price.1,"  LR.Price.2 ",LR.price.2," std.dev ",std.dev);
//...standard deviation channels...
  ObjectCreate(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.1+"d",OBJ_TREND,0,iTime(Symbol(),period,start.bar),LR.price.1+std.dev*std.channel.1,
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.1+"d",OBJPROP_COLOR,c.1);
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.1+"d",OBJPROP_WIDTH,line.width);
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.1+"d",OBJPROP_RAY,false);
  ObjectCreate(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.1+"d",OBJ_TREND,0,iTime(Symbol(),period,start.bar),LR.price.1-std.dev*std.channel.1,
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.1+"d",OBJPROP_COLOR,c.1);
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.1+"d",OBJPROP_WIDTH,line.width);
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.1+"d",OBJPROP_RAY,false);

  ObjectCreate(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.2+"d",OBJ_TREND,0,iTime(Symbol(),period,start.bar),LR.price.1+std.dev*std.channel.2,
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.2+"d",OBJPROP_COLOR,c.2);
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.2+"d",OBJPROP_WIDTH,line.width);
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.2+"d",OBJPROP_RAY,false);
  ObjectCreate(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.2+"d",OBJ_TREND,0,iTime(Symbol(),period,start.bar),LR.price.1-std.dev*std.channel.2,
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.2+"d",OBJPROP_COLOR,c.2);
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.2+"d",OBJPROP_WIDTH,line.width);
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.2+"d",OBJPROP_RAY,false);

  ObjectCreate(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.3+"d",OBJ_TREND,0,iTime(Symbol(),period,start.bar),LR.price.1+std.dev*std.channel.3,
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.3+"d",OBJPROP_COLOR,c.3);
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.3+"d",OBJPROP_WIDTH,line.width);
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" +"+std.channel.3+"d",OBJPROP_RAY,false);
  ObjectCreate(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.3+"d",OBJ_TREND,0,iTime(Symbol(),period,start.bar),LR.price.1-std.dev*std.channel.3,
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.3+"d",OBJPROP_COLOR,c.3);
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.3+"d",OBJPROP_WIDTH,line.width);
  ObjectSet(period+"m "+LR.length+" -"+std.channel.3+"d",OBJPROP_RAY,false);

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Re: (Req) market maker chart indicator


seems worthless i saw free indicators like this one zigzag and channels X_X


here is the second one


//|                                               MMindicatorZig.mq4 |
//|                                                  MMindicator.com |
//|                                                  MMindicator.com |
#property copyright "MMindicator.com"
#property link      "MMindicator.com"

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_color1 Red
//---- indicator parameters
extern int ExtDepth=12;
extern int ExtDeviation=5;
extern int ExtBackstep=3;
//---- indicator buffers
double ZigzagBuffer[];
double HighMapBuffer[];
double LowMapBuffer[];
int level=3; // recounting's depth 
bool downloadhistory=false;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//---- drawing settings
//---- indicator buffers mapping

//---- indicator short name
//---- initialization done
//|                                                                  |
int start()
  int i, counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
  int limit,counterZ,whatlookfor;
  int shift,back,lasthighpos,lastlowpos;
  double val,res;
  double curlow,curhigh,lasthigh,lastlow;

  if (counted_bars==0 && downloadhistory) // history was downloaded
  if (counted_bars==0) 
  if (counted_bars>0) 
     while (counterZ<level && i<100)
        if (res!=0) counterZ++;
     if (LowMapBuffer[i]!=0) 
     for (i=limit-1;i>=0;i--)  
  for(shift=limit; shift>=0; shift--)
     if(val==lastlow) val=0.0;
        if((Low[shift]-val)>(ExtDeviation*Point)) val=0.0;
           for(back=1; back<=ExtBackstep; back++)
              if((res!=0)&&(res>val)) LowMapBuffer[shift+back]=0.0; 
     if (Low[shift]==val) LowMapBuffer[shift]=val; else LowMapBuffer[shift]=0.0;
     //--- high
     if(val==lasthigh) val=0.0;
        if((val-High[shift])>(ExtDeviation*Point)) val=0.0;
           for(back=1; back<=ExtBackstep; back++)
              if((res!=0)&&(res<val)) HighMapBuffer[shift+back]=0.0; 
     if (High[shift]==val) HighMapBuffer[shift]=val; else HighMapBuffer[shift]=0.0;

  // final cutting 
  if (whatlookfor==0)
  for (shift=limit;shift>=0;shift--)
        case 0: // look for peak or lawn 
           if (lastlow==0 && lasthigh==0)
              if (HighMapBuffer[shift]!=0)
              if (LowMapBuffer[shift]!=0)
        case 1: // look for peak
           if (LowMapBuffer[shift]!=0.0 && LowMapBuffer[shift]<lastlow && HighMapBuffer[shift]==0.0)
           if (HighMapBuffer[shift]!=0.0 && LowMapBuffer[shift]==0.0)
        case -1: // look for lawn
           if (HighMapBuffer[shift]!=0.0 && HighMapBuffer[shift]>lasthigh && LowMapBuffer[shift]==0.0)
           if (LowMapBuffer[shift]!=0.0 && HighMapBuffer[shift]==0.0)
        default: return; 


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Re: (Req) market maker chart indicator


The website says that one indicator would give a heads up as to when your at the bottom or top of a range. And if at top of range, then plan on looking for a short. And the 2nd indicator would signal the trade. I downloaded the code from the above post and can't seem to figure out what the trade signal would be with these 2 indicators. Zigzag i know just shows past highs and lows. Channel shows s/r but not sure how they are using it.

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Re: (Req) market maker chart indicator



The Main indicator is called "STANDARD DEVIATION CHANNEL"


PART ONE - Standard Deviation Channel


The Standard deviation channel should be set at 2.0 (that's the most common setting)


The way it should be used is simple.... set it to one of your chart time frames that you normally use.

****Preferably you want it on a one day chart if you are daytrading.


If you are a multiday swing trader...choose a 3 day or 5 day chart.


***Its always best to see the setting on a 1 day chart first because there are a lot of day traders that dont care about multi day moves.)


-When the price hits the bottom of the channel..its A BUY SIGNAL OR COVER SIGNAL)

-When the price hits the middle of the channel (also known as the mean) either take profits on the whole or at least a part of your position.

-When the price hits the top of the channel....SELL SIGNAL OR SHORT SIGNAL



PART TWO - How to confirm Entry/exit points


Confirm your entry /exit points with a "ZIGZAG %" indicator.

***use TWO ZIGZAG indicators per chart.. one set at 5.0 (longterm) and one set at a shorter term (2.0, 1.0, 0.7, or 0..5)

The longterm 5.0 is the true direction of the trend.... the short term is price deviation from the trend price always reverts back to the 5.0 until it changes direction.


When the price is at the bottom of the Standard deviation channel..the Zigzag indicator should be starting to point up which would be an ideal long entry point, (or exit point for a short)

Same for the top of the Standard deviation channel.... when the price hits the top, the zigzag should start to point downward....(enter short or sell your long.).


** you can also use the zigzag% with a setting of 1.0 - 0.7 - or 0.5 for the hyperactive intraday trader.





1) You shouldn't initiate a position when the price is in the mean (middle of the channel) that's a 50-50 bet...too risky.. ONLY TRADE THE UPPER AND LOWER CHANNEL..never the middle.


2)Conservative trading would be for a trader to exit most of his positions when the price hits the mean (middle of the channel). let the rest ride.


3) Always use stops! please them outside the channel or above the zigzag indicator.


4) Its always better to trade in the direction of the slope of the 5.0 ZIGZAG indicator. If the its sloping down....better to enter short positions. if the slope is higher... look to buy.





*There is always risk in every trade. News specific events may cause the stock to break the channel...and that will change the slope of the channel for the next day....so if the channel was down and it broke out...chances are the next days slope will be slopping higher. (*On a one day chart)



Pretty simple. But extremely effective. You wont ever get pinned or stuck indications (like stocastics or cci), this indicator strictly uses price action.




STANDARD DEVIATION CHANNEL: Setting is a 1.0 on a 2 min chart for the ESU8 contract.

The SDC is the most widely used indicator for most hedge funds and institutions....it indicates direction..notice the slope of the SDC (DOWN) . It also indicates when marekts get overly optimistic or overly pessimistic. It lets you know the ranges of the day before the day even happens!!!! We see that the slope is down...which should automatically signal you to spot short setups. As the price hits the top of the SDC....you should confirm your trade with a ZIG ZAG....sell the next chart....






Another confirmation of the downtrend is the ZIGZAG% INDICATOR set at 5.0 standard setting, which is a longer term setting. (the dark line in the chart below) Before the day even started..you should notice the line is sloping DOWN!...you should immediately start to look for a short entry for the day.... TO further confirn your entry.......Use a shorter term




The Shorter term ZIGZAG INDICATOR...set at 0.5 below should be a clear signal to enter short. You clearly see the direction is changing and the ESU8 is starting to plummet.






The chart below shows you all Indicators working together.....



Way before the bell rings...you should see two things......the DOWNSLOPING SDC and LONG TERM 5.0 ZIGZAG....which should CLEARLY signal that you should be looking for SHORT SETUPS!!!! next is trying to figure out WHERE you should enter your order........ Obviously if you want to short...you want to short high and cover low....so you want to short at the TOP SDC LINE. (or one deviation away) But are you sure that where it will start reversing and fall? You should confirm that with a SHORT TERM ZIGZAG% set at 0.5 you see that the short term is starting to fall..... THATS WHEN YOU SHOULD POUNCE ON THE TRADE FROM THE SHORT SIDE!!!!


WHERE SHOULD YOU COVER YOU SHORT??? that's up to you.... If you are conservative.... take 50% of your profits at the middle line (the mean) and let the rest ride. OR...wait for a opposite reversal on the lower SDC line. That's up to you!!!

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Re: (Req) market maker chart indicator



The Main indicator is called "STANDARD DEVIATION CHANNEL"


PART ONE - Standard Deviation Channel


The Standard deviation channel should be set at 2.0 (that's the most common setting)


The way it should be used is simple.... set it to one of your chart time frames that you normally use.

****Preferably you want it on a one day chart if you are daytrading.


If you are a multiday swing trader...choose a 3 day or 5 day chart.


***Its always best to see the setting on a 1 day chart first because there are a lot of day traders that dont care about multi day moves.)


-When the price hits the bottom of the channel..its A BUY SIGNAL OR COVER SIGNAL)

-When the price hits the middle of the channel (also known as the mean) either take profits on the whole or at least a part of your position.

-When the price hits the top of the channel....SELL SIGNAL OR SHORT SIGNAL



PART TWO - How to confirm Entry/exit points


Confirm your entry /exit points with a "ZIGZAG %" indicator.

***use TWO ZIGZAG indicators per chart.. one set at 5.0 (longterm) and one set at a shorter term (2.0, 1.0, 0.7, or 0..5)

The longterm 5.0 is the true direction of the trend.... the short term is price deviation from the trend price always reverts back to the 5.0 until it changes direction.


When the price is at the bottom of the Standard deviation channel..the Zigzag indicator should be starting to point up which would be an ideal long entry point, (or exit point for a short)

Same for the top of the Standard deviation channel.... when the price hits the top, the zigzag should start to point downward....(enter short or sell your long.).


** you can also use the zigzag% with a setting of 1.0 - 0.7 - or 0.5 for the hyperactive intraday trader.





1) You shouldn't initiate a position when the price is in the mean (middle of the channel) that's a 50-50 bet...too risky.. ONLY TRADE THE UPPER AND LOWER CHANNEL..never the middle.


2)Conservative trading would be for a trader to exit most of his positions when the price hits the mean (middle of the channel). let the rest ride.


3) Always use stops! please them outside the channel or above the zigzag indicator.


4) Its always better to trade in the direction of the slope of the 5.0 ZIGZAG indicator. If the its sloping down....better to enter short positions. if the slope is higher... look to buy.





*There is always risk in every trade. News specific events may cause the stock to break the channel...and that will change the slope of the channel for the next day....so if the channel was down and it broke out...chances are the next days slope will be slopping higher. (*On a one day chart)



Pretty simple. But extremely effective. You wont ever get pinned or stuck indications (like stocastics or cci), this indicator strictly uses price action.




STANDARD DEVIATION CHANNEL: Setting is a 1.0 on a 2 min chart for the ESU8 contract.

The SDC is the most widely used indicator for most hedge funds and institutions....it indicates direction..notice the slope of the SDC (DOWN) . It also indicates when marekts get overly optimistic or overly pessimistic. It lets you know the ranges of the day before the day even happens!!!! We see that the slope is down...which should automatically signal you to spot short setups. As the price hits the top of the SDC....you should confirm your trade with a ZIG ZAG....sell the next chart....






Another confirmation of the downtrend is the ZIGZAG% INDICATOR set at 5.0 standard setting, which is a longer term setting. (the dark line in the chart below) Before the day even started..you should notice the line is sloping DOWN!...you should immediately start to look for a short entry for the day.... TO further confirn your entry.......Use a shorter term




The Shorter term ZIGZAG INDICATOR...set at 0.5 below should be a clear signal to enter short. You clearly see the direction is changing and the ESU8 is starting to plummet.






The chart below shows you all Indicators working together.....



Way before the bell rings...you should see two things......the DOWNSLOPING SDC and LONG TERM 5.0 ZIGZAG....which should CLEARLY signal that you should be looking for SHORT SETUPS!!!! next is trying to figure out WHERE you should enter your order........ Obviously if you want to short...you want to short high and cover low....so you want to short at the TOP SDC LINE. (or one deviation away) But are you sure that where it will start reversing and fall? You should confirm that with a SHORT TERM ZIGZAG% set at 0.5 you see that the short term is starting to fall..... THATS WHEN YOU SHOULD POUNCE ON THE TRADE FROM THE SHORT SIDE!!!!


WHERE SHOULD YOU COVER YOU SHORT??? that's up to you.... If you are conservative.... take 50% of your profits at the middle line (the mean) and let the rest ride. OR...wait for a opposite reversal on the lower SDC line. That's up to you!!!



I never really understood how ZigZag could be a leading indicator. By using two of them, now the picture is more clear to me. Thank you for sharing this lengthy insight! :)>-

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Re: (Req) market maker chart indicator


please note this manual is for the indicators for charts in optionsxpress.


and the bad news it that zigzag in that also repaints in other way.

it will first show pointing down the zigzag and after sometime if the market goes up then again it will down as if it showed the exact top.

i know its a bit confusing bcoz the working of zig zag in optionsxpress charts is different from mt4 zigzag.

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