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Repating EAKAIN results

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Hi, I am new here! I am trying to repeat the result of the EAKIN EA on http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/metatrader_expert_advisor/eakain_scalper_pro/demo. I have Eakain scalper pro v1.0 - the same version as is being used for the demo however I am having difficulty setting it up to repeat the performance. Any ideas? I am not making use of Alpari, but would that make a huge difference?
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Re: Repating EAKAIN results


There might be a difference in the broker you're using, whether you're using a demo or a live account, the spread on your account, etc.


Also, the demo price feeds for some brokers are different from their live feeds, making scalpers seem more effective than they actually are on live prices.

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Re: Repating EAKAIN results


Thanks for the responses. I am making use of demo account with JadeFX. Seems to be one of the best I could find - low commission and tight spreads (mostly around 1.0 and usually below 2.0). Any experience with them? I am trying to repeat the demo results on the same time period over the last 3 weeks as base to learn how changing the parameters effect the results and then how to take it forward. Any suggestions / results will be most welcome.

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