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Has anyone had any experience with bill williams chaos sys?

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Re: Has anyone had any experience with bill williams chaos sys?


Hi all,


i was wondering if anyone has any wxperience with bill Williams chaos tradign system?


Is anyone using this as their primary trading system and how do they find it?


Does it work long term?





Hi all, hi hermanhess,

Yes, yes,yes - so triple yes. But be careful to trade the right system with the right rules!!! There is Chaos1 (first two books and DVD on this thread) and Chaos2 (last book and profitunity DVD published after 2007) Chaos 1 is a huge system with rulesset, Chaos2 is a lighter system with less rules (sometimes to be misunderstood withother CHaos1 rules) and not as fine tuned - but entering trades earlier (DBars). Best way would be starting out with Ch2 and later adding Ch1 details.


The beauty of Profitunity/Chaos (and its derivatives like "TheFractalsEdge") is:


It incorporates Breakouts, Trendreversal, Trendfollowing, Elliott waves, Fibs, posittion sizing, mm, fractals and independence from timeframes, you can use it on any. And all this in an easy to read and apply system.


Disadvantage: No mechanical trading or backtesting - only of isolated part like AO or fractal breakouts.


Biggest misunderstanding: Trading the signals immediately while the rule says you should place a stop/limit order. The system doesn`t give you entry/exit SIGNALS but entry/exit PRICES - which might be filled or not at a future time.


The position sizing is the reverse of most others: Not start with five and take profits in parts, but to ADD where everybody would take profits.



All the best



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