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FXpipcapital Training Package


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Why The FXPC Training Program?

Wouldn`t you rather learn from someone who really trades for a living and has the track record to back it up? Our program is headed by our lead trader Adam who professionally trained traders for one of the world`s largest proprietary equity trading firms, Maverick, for five years. While with the firm he averaged daily trading volumes of over 150 Million dollars and 2% of Google`s daily volume. He has been trading since 1998 and professionally trading Forex since 2003.

What Our Program Includes


* Daily live chart schools with Adam where you can plan and discuss trades and strategies in the live market. Chart schools will be on a rotation offering anyone around the globe the ability to participate and if you miss one they are all recorded.

* Several Monthly webinars which will cover topics such as trade strategies, risk management, trader psychology and much more. All webinars are recorded in case you can`t make it.

* A lifetime membership. Learning to be a disciplined and successful trader doesn`t happen over night. Everyone will have a different learning curve, and we want to make sure you make it to your goals.

* A personal coach. You will be able to email the staff questions as well as ask question in the live webinars.

* Monthly Economic Newsletter: This newsletter covers all of the hottest markets from commodities/equities to real estate and everything in between.

* 33% off Forex Tester. Forex Tester is a 3rd party back testing/simulation tool.


Goals of Training Program


* First and foremost to teach you the psychology of trading. Most traders fail not due to the systems they are trading but due to the lack of a true understanding of risk management and the two keys, FOCUS and DISCIPLINE.

* Teach you how to trade our trading systems, as well as teach you how to develop a system that fits you and your psychological makeup.

* Team participation in helping one another as well as other community members.

* Meet other traders and develop a social support system which is necessary for any successful trader.

* If you`re a beginner we will get you up to speed with webinars and material to be able to use and understand the systems that we teach.

* If you`re not a beginner we give you techniques that you can test, trade with, and build on right away as well as fine tune your psychological approach to training.






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