⭐ deadsoul Posted November 30, 2009 Report Share Posted November 30, 2009 i know that there alot of talented coders here... please add a time filter for this one.... [-O< extern int PercentEquityToClose = 10; extern int Dist = 500; extern int TP = 500; extern int SL = 500; extern int kolOrder = 10; extern double Lots = 0.1; extern int Slippage = 1; extern int Magic = 1; extern bool TrailingProfit = TRUE; extern int prchoose = 0; extern int TrailingStop = 0; extern string File_Name = "Ask.csv"; bool gi_unused_132 = FALSE; double gd_136; double gd_144; double gd_152; double gd_172; int init() { gd_172 = AccountBalance(); if (IsTesting() || IsOptimization()) gd_152 = Ask; else gd_152 = Fileread(); return (0); } int start() { int li_0 = Dist; for (int li_4 = 1; li_4 <= kolOrder; li_4++) { if (SL > 0) gd_136 = gd_152 + li_0 * Point - SL * Point; else gd_136 = 0; if (TP > 0) gd_144 = gd_152 + li_0 * Point + TP * Point; else gd_144 = 0; if (!ExistOrders("", OP_BUYSTOP, Magic, 0, NormalizeDouble(gd_152 + li_0 * Point, Digits))) SetOrder("", OP_BUYSTOP, Lots, gd_152 + li_0 * Point, gd_136, gd_144, Magic); if (SL > 0) gd_136 = gd_152 - li_0 * Point + SL * Point; else gd_136 = 0; if (TP > 0) gd_144 = gd_152 - li_0 * Point - TP * Point; else gd_144 = 0; if (!ExistOrders("", OP_SELLSTOP, Magic, 0, NormalizeDouble(gd_152 - li_0 * Point, Digits))) SetOrder("", OP_SELLSTOP, Lots, gd_152 - li_0 * Point, gd_136, gd_144, Magic); li_0 += Dist; } if (gd_152 + Dist * Point < Ask) gd_152 += Dist * Point; if (gd_152 - Dist * Point > Ask) gd_152 -= Dist * Point; if (TrailingProfit) TProf(); if (PercentEquityToClose != 0) { if (gd_172 / 100.0 * PercentEquityToClose + gd_172 <= AccountEquity()) { CPD("", -1, Magic); gd_172 = AccountBalance(); } } return (0); } void CPBS() { bool l_ord_close_0; color l_color_4; double l_ord_lots_8; double l_ask_16; double l_bid_24; double l_price_32; int l_error_40; if (OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL) { for (int li_44 = 1; li_44 <= 1; li_44++) { if (!IsTesting() && !IsExpertEnabled() || IsStopped()) break; while (!IsTradeAllowed()) Sleep(5000); RefreshRates(); l_ask_16 = MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK); l_bid_24 = MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID); if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) l_price_32 = l_bid_24; else l_price_32 = l_ask_16; l_ord_lots_8 = OrderLots(); l_ord_close_0 = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), l_ord_lots_8, l_price_32, Slippage, l_color_4); if (l_ord_close_0) break; l_error_40 = GetLastError(); if (l_error_40 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */) while (IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(11000); Sleep(5000); } } } void CPD(string as_0 = "", int a_cmd_8 = -1, int a_magic_12 = -1) { int l_ord_total_20 = OrdersTotal(); if (as_0 == "0") as_0 = Symbol(); for (int l_pos_16 = l_ord_total_20 - 1; l_pos_16 >= 0; l_pos_16--) { if (OrderSelect(l_pos_16, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { if (OrderSymbol() == as_0 || as_0 == "" && a_cmd_8 < OP_BUY || OrderType() == a_cmd_8) { if (OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL) if (a_magic_12 < 0 || OrderMagicNumber() == a_magic_12) CPBS(); } } } } void TProf() { int l_cmd_4; double l_price_8; double ld_16; bool li_24; double l_ord_open_price_32; int l_ticket_40; bool l_bool_44; if (prchoose == 0) prchoose = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL); for (int li_0 = 1; li_0 <= OrdersTotal(); li_0++) { if (OrderSelect(li_0 - 1, SELECT_BY_POS) == TRUE) { l_cmd_4 = OrderType(); l_price_8 = OrderStopLoss(); while (true) { if (TrailingStop == 0) TrailingStop = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL); ld_16 = TrailingStop; li_24 = FALSE; switch (l_cmd_4) { case OP_BUY: if (NormalizeDouble(l_price_8, Digits) < NormalizeDouble(Bid - ld_16 * Point, Digits) && MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID) - OrderOpenPrice() >= prchoose * Point) { l_price_8 = Bid - ld_16 * Point; li_24 = TRUE; } break; case OP_SELL: if (NormalizeDouble(l_price_8, Digits) > NormalizeDouble(Ask + ld_16 * Point, Digits) || NormalizeDouble(l_price_8, Digits) == 0.0 && OrderOpenPrice() - MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK) >= prchoose * Point) { l_price_8 = Ask + ld_16 * Point; li_24 = TRUE; } } if (li_24 == FALSE) break; l_ord_open_price_32 = OrderOpenPrice(); l_ticket_40 = OrderTicket(); l_bool_44 = OrderModify(l_ticket_40, l_ord_open_price_32, l_price_8, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Green); if (l_bool_44 != TRUE) continue; break; } } } } int SetOrder(string a_symbol_0, int a_cmd_8, double a_lots_12, double a_price_20, double a_price_28 = 0.0, double a_price_36 = 0.0, int a_magic_44 = 0, int a_datetime_48 = 0, string a_comment_52 = "") { color l_color_60; int l_datetime_64; double l_ask_68; double l_bid_76; double l_point_84; int l_error_92; int l_ticket_100; if (a_symbol_0 == "" || a_symbol_0 == "0") a_symbol_0 = Symbol(); int l_stoplevel_104 = MarketInfo(a_symbol_0, MODE_STOPLEVEL); if (a_datetime_48 > 0 && a_datetime_48 < TimeCurrent()) a_datetime_48 = 0; for (int li_96 = 1; li_96 <= 1; li_96++) { if (!IsTesting() && !IsExpertEnabled() || IsStopped()) { Print("SetOrder(): ???à?îâêà ?à?î?û ô??ê?èè"); break; } while (!IsTradeAllowed()) Sleep(5000); RefreshRates(); l_datetime_64 = TimeCurrent(); l_ticket_100 = OrderSend(a_symbol_0, a_cmd_8, a_lots_12, a_price_20, Slippage, a_price_28, a_price_36, a_comment_52, a_magic_44, a_datetime_48, l_color_60); if (l_ticket_100 > 0) return (l_ticket_100); l_error_92 = GetLastError(); if (l_error_92 == 128/* TRADE_TIMEOUT */ || l_error_92 == 142 || l_error_92 == 143) { Sleep(66000); if (ExistOrders(a_symbol_0, a_cmd_8, a_magic_44, l_datetime_64)) break; } else { l_point_84 = MarketInfo(a_symbol_0, MODE_POINT); l_ask_68 = MarketInfo(a_symbol_0, MODE_ASK); l_bid_76 = MarketInfo(a_symbol_0, MODE_BID); if (l_ask_68 == 0.0 && l_bid_76 == 0.0) Comment("SetOrder(): ??îâ??ü?? â î?çî?? ?û?êà ?àëè÷è? ?è?âîëà " + a_symbol_0); if (l_error_92 == 130/* INVALID_STOPS */) { switch (a_cmd_8) { case OP_BUYLIMIT: if (a_price_20 > l_ask_68 - l_stoplevel_104 * l_point_84) a_price_20 = l_ask_68 - l_stoplevel_104 * l_point_84; if (a_price_28 > a_price_20 - (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84) a_price_28 = a_price_20 - (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84; if (a_price_36 > 0.0 && a_price_36 < a_price_20 + (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84) a_price_36 = a_price_20 + (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84; break; case OP_BUYSTOP: if (a_price_20 < l_ask_68 + (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84) a_price_20 = l_ask_68 + (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84; if (a_price_28 > a_price_20 - (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84) a_price_28 = a_price_20 - (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84; if (a_price_36 > 0.0 && a_price_36 < a_price_20 + (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84) a_price_36 = a_price_20 + (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84; break; case OP_SELLLIMIT: if (a_price_20 < l_bid_76 + l_stoplevel_104 * l_point_84) a_price_20 = l_bid_76 + l_stoplevel_104 * l_point_84; if (a_price_28 > 0.0 && a_price_28 < a_price_20 + (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84) a_price_28 = a_price_20 + (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84; if (a_price_36 > a_price_20 - (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84) a_price_36 = a_price_20 - (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84; break; case OP_SELLSTOP: if (a_price_20 > l_bid_76 - l_stoplevel_104 * l_point_84) a_price_20 = l_bid_76 - l_stoplevel_104 * l_point_84; if (a_price_28 > 0.0 && a_price_28 < a_price_20 + (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84) a_price_28 = a_price_20 + (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84; if (a_price_36 > a_price_20 - (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84) a_price_36 = a_price_20 - (l_stoplevel_104 + 1) * l_point_84; } Print("SetOrder(): ?êî???ê?è?îâà?û ???îâû? ??îâ?è"); } if (l_error_92 == 2/* COMMON_ERROR */ || l_error_92 == 64/* ACCOUNT_DISABLED */ || l_error_92 == 65/* INVALID_ACCOUNT */ || l_error_92 == 133/* TRADE_DISABLED */) break; if (l_error_92 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || l_error_92 == 131/* INVALID_TRADE_VOLUME */ || l_error_92 == 132/* MARKET_CLOSED */) { Sleep(300000); break; } if (l_error_92 == 8/* TOO_FREQUENT_REQUESTS */ || l_error_92 == 141/* TOO_MANY_REQUESTS */) Sleep(100000); if (l_error_92 == 139/* ORDER_LOCKED */ || l_error_92 == 140/* LONG_POSITIONS_ONLY_ALLOWED */ || l_error_92 == 148/* ERR_TRADE_TOO_MANY_ORDERS */) break; if (l_error_92 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */) while (IsTradeContextBusy()) Sleep(11000); if (l_error_92 == 147/* ERR_TRADE_EXPIRATION_DENIED */) a_datetime_48 = 0; else if (l_error_92 != 135/* PRICE_CHANGED */ && l_error_92 != 138/* REQUOTE */) Sleep(7700.0); } } return (0); } bool ExistOrders(string as_0 = "", int a_cmd_8 = -1, int a_magic_12 = -1, int ai_16 = 0, double ad_20 = 0.0) { int l_cmd_36; int l_ord_total_32 = OrdersTotal(); if (as_0 == "0") as_0 = Symbol(); for (int l_pos_28 = 0; l_pos_28 < l_ord_total_32; l_pos_28++) { if (OrderSelect(l_pos_28, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) { l_cmd_36 = OrderType(); if (l_cmd_36 > OP_SELL && l_cmd_36 < 6) { if (OrderSymbol() == as_0 || as_0 == "" && a_cmd_8 < OP_BUY || l_cmd_36 == a_cmd_8) { if (a_magic_12 < 0 || OrderMagicNumber() == a_magic_12) { if (ai_16 <= OrderOpenTime()) { if (ad_20 != 0.0) if (NormalizeDouble(ad_20, Digits) == NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice(), Digits)) return (TRUE); } } } } } } return (FALSE); } void Filewrite(double ad_0 = 0.0) { int l_file_8 = FileOpen(File_Name, FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE, ";"); if (l_file_8 == -1) { Print("??è?êà ï?è î?ê?û?èè ôàéëà. ", "?îç?î??î, ôàéë çà??? ????è? ï?èëî???è??"); return; } int li_12 = FileWrite(l_file_8, ad_0); if (li_12 < 0) { Print("??è?êà çàïè?è â ôàéë ", GetLastError()); FileClose(l_file_8); return; } FileClose(l_file_8); } double Fileread() { int l_file_0 = FileOpen(File_Name, FILE_CSV|FILE_READ, ";"); if (l_file_0 == -1) { Print("?àéë ëè?î çà???,ëè?î ??î ?? ??ù???â???, . ", "?îç?à?? ôàéë ?àé???à"); Filewrite(Ask); return (Ask); } double ld_ret_4 = FileReadDouble(l_file_0); if (ld_ret_4 < 0.0) { Print("??è?êà ÷???è? èç ôàéëà ", GetLastError()); return ((l_file_0)); } FileClose(l_file_0); return (ld_ret_4); } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scarface Posted December 3, 2009 Report Share Posted December 3, 2009 Re: time filter Hi deadsoul, Good day, It seems that the time filter didn't work. It is O.K then :) . I changed the time filter on your previous thread so now you can check it whether it works or not. Best wishes, Quote a New Year 2011 has come, and the challenge has just started 8-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
⭐ deadsoul Posted December 3, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 3, 2009 Re: time filter @scarface yes sir it works ...i will do some tests to see whats the best time to use this ea and let you know the results here ...thank you..have anice day.. ;) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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