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Re: euronis_v4160


Thank you Bbrain,


But I tried to backtest, nothing come out.


Pls advice.


2009.10.18 12:50:15 euronis_v4160 inputs: Lots=0; LotsPercent=10; MaxLotsPercent=30; RestoreDepoMode=1; SettingsNumber=2; DDSettingsNumber=0; MinOrderLifeTime=0; FletFilterLevel=9; TrendFilterLevel=0; TimeZone=0; SWChangeMode=0; TimeRiskFactor=5; OpenHourAM=0; CloseHourAM=12; OpenHourPM=12; CloseHourPM=24; PersonalMagicNumber=0; InformationStringNumber=15; MailReportTimeHour=6; MaxSpreadValue=0;

2009.10.18 12:50:15 TestGenerator: unmatched data error (low value 0.9204 at 2009.10.07 23:30 is not reached from the least timeframe, low price 0.9204 mismatches)

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Re: euronis_v4160


It took me so long time to translate the setting instructions from Russian to English. Leave me some Kudo, and enjoy:



Sizing orders:


Lots - fixed lot size. Used to trade fixed lot. With the value of Lots,

different from 0, the value of LotPercent ignored. Fixed

lot size should be used when testing or optimization adviser.


LotsPercent - percentage of the deposit for the calculation of the lot, can have a value to MaxLotsPercent.


MaxLotsPercent - the maximum percentage of the deposit for the calculation of the lot limits the maximum

possible lot to trade, including the use of MM

(UseBalanceControl = true). The largest possible unit of a percentage of the deposit

depends on collateral requirements for the DC and the necessary drawdown, which

should maintain order, not falling at the same level in StopOut or MarginCall.

Also depends on the price points the currency pair. When you transfer adviser at the schedule

after downloading it gives information line, which specifies the maximum lot

trade in this mode. When MaxLotsPercent = 0, this value is automatically

assigned to MaxLotsPercent, otherwise set manually on

your discretion. If you trade two currency pairs within a

terminal, the value should be set MaxLotsPercent 40-45% of the estimated

value determined by an advisor for each currency pair in order to

advisers do not interfere with each other to trade.


ResetMaxBalance - enable / disable dialogue reset the global variable

maximum balance MaxBalance during initialization. Change the

This change is also possible via the menu "Tools> Globals"

(name of variable MaxBalance <trading account number>). Value MaxBalance --

is actually the maximum recorded size of the deposit adviser. When

use MM when RestoreLostProfit = true, adviser adds to this

value and size is lost due to slippage or subsidence of profit.

If you use more than one adviser within one terminal

recommended to set to true only in the setting of one adviser. When

withdrawing funds from the account should be borne in mind that the advisor understands it as

drawdown of the deposit.


Settings money management (MM):


UseBalanceControl - turns on / off control function balance (MM), and controls the switching

shopping time with "normal" on "after the drawdown, and switch settings

respectively, with SettingsNumber on DDSettingsNumber after subsidence of the deposit.


SaveLotsValueAfterDD - enables / disables the function of preserving the last maximum

lot for trade in the period of time "after the drawdown," works only when

enabled UseBalanceControl.


RestoreDepoMode - switching modes recovery after subsidence of the deposit, only works

when the UseBalanceControl. There are three modes: 0 - no recovery

1 - recovery in the period from 23 to 0 on the set, 2 - rehabilitation in the period

time "after the drawdown.


RestoreLostProfit - enables / disables the function recovery of lost profits due to subsidence or

slippage, only works when the UseBalanceControl. Fact

adds to the value of the variable maximum recorded balance

MaxBalance value of the lost profits from each transaction at the rate

AverageTradeProfit points on the transaction.


BlockTradesAfterDD - enables / disables the blocking of trade after the drawdown until the next trade

day, only works when the UseBalanceControl.


DDSensitivity - determines the percentage of drawdown of the deposit of the value of the maximum balance MaxBalanse,

at which time sales advisor will switch from "normal" on "after

Drawdown and settings, respectively, with SettingsNumber on DDSettingsNumber. When

zero, the sensitivity is defined as a quarter of the current value LotsPercent,

works only when the UseBalanceControl.


AverageTradeProfit - the average income of a warrant at the points used

RestoreLostProfit = true for the calculation of lost profits due to subsidence or

slippage, only works when the UseBalanceControl. When

value is 0, adviser substitutes preset value 3.

Trading Options:


SettingsNumber - number of predefined settings, programs in "normal" time interval,

may be a value from 1 to 20. Inside the program sets the value of a

than 140 different variables. For each currency pair configuration

selected automatically.


DDSettingsNumber - number of predefined settings, the program in the time interval "after

Drawdown "as the last parameter can be a value from 1 to 20. When

value of 0 is always equal SettingsNumber.

InvisibleStopLoss - enable / disable the "invisible" (software) StopLoss level. If true

program controls the preset maximum level of landing (for

each pair is different) and at this level, closing the warrant. If false at this level

exposed normal StopLoss. "Invisible? StopLoss needed to prevent

"Churning" his broker - this is the easiest way to limit the growth of your

deposit for dishonest broker, but it should be borne in mind that it will work

only when the terminal. Level StopLoss set at 120

points for EURGBP and EURCHF.



Options trading time:


UseAutoTimeSttings - enable / disable automatically determine a time difference of the terminal

with the GMT, as well as the date of transition to daylight saving time. Councilors

ability to automatically identify and verify the existing configuration

time, this requires that before October 15, 2008 was loaded history

Quotes GBPUSD H1. Also in the file gmtstdXX.csv for some brokers already

lists these parameters. Algorithm validation is as follows: at the start with

UseAutoTimeSettings = true, adviser to first try to define himself settings

time, then checks the list of settings for different DC in the file gmtstdXX.csv,

if it is present on this agent, then the downloaded configuration will be

priority. In any case, the adviser checks the calculated data and

loaded and displays the result in the information line. Internal operating

an adviser is a Central European, which is always (go to

summer / winter time coincide with our time) for two hours before

Moscow. This time is always displayed in the line "Trade time SETE (MSK-2)"

and always in all the terminals must be the same and equal to Moscow minus 2

hours that the load should be checked.


TimeZone - the difference of the terminal time to time in GMT Daylight Time, recorded with

off UseAutoTimeSettings = false or UseAutoTimeSettings = true, in the case

If an adviser is not able to identify either or downloaded from the configuration file differences



SWChangeMode - mode transition time of the terminal for winter / summer time. 0 - go along with

Europe (the last Sunday in October), 1 and 3 - go along with the U.S. (the first

Sunday in November) 2 - there is no transition to the winter / summer time. If the adviser does not

unable to determine TimeZone and SWChangeMode, you can prooptimizirovat these

two parameters (from -4 to 4 and from 0 to 3, respectively) and the result with maximum

profit and minimum drawdown would be consistent with true values.

The correctness of determining the parameters can also be set by time,

which displays the Adviser in line comments.


TimeRiskFactor – switch time setting, if "-1" takes them out of the predefined settings

(for EURGBP and EURCHF default 5):

When "-2" commercial time is set manually variable OpenHourAM, CloseHourAM and

OpenHourPM, CloseHourPM. For example, for commercial time from 22 to 3 (SETE), you

set the variables as follows:








BlockWeekBegin - enable / disable the lock trade on Monday to 12.00 AM.


BlockWeekEnd - on / off lock trade on Friday after 12.00 AM.



TradeHourOptimization – on / off hourly optimization adviser. Used in optimization or testing. To do this, set the variable


TimeRiskFactor =- 2 and the variable OpenHourAM varies from 0 to 23 with step 1.


OpenHourAM - used for manual installation of commercial time, as well as for hourly optimization. Defines an hour early trading AM.


CloseHourAM - used for manual installation of commercial time, defines the end of trading hours AM.


OpenHourPM - used for manual installation of commercial time per hour determines the start of trade PM.


CloseHourPM - used for manual installation of commercial time, defines the end of trading hours PM.




Other options:


PersonalMaginNumber - setting personal values, unique identifier orders. When

Trade more than one counselor on one currency pair within a

terminal is necessary for each advisor to put a different meaning of

variable (eg 0 and 1).



ShowTimes - enable / disable output to the chart window table trading time adviser CET.


ShowInformation - on / off output window graphic comments adviser.


ShowSpreadInfo - enable / disable output to the chart window comments on Change Adviser value spread.


InformationStringNumber - the maximum number of lines of comments.


UseMailReport - set the phone to send a report on trafficking in e-mail/SMS. Using

more than one adviser within one terminal, it is recommended to install

to true only in the setting of one adviser.


MailReportHourGMT - while sending a report to GMT (in summer time).


Language - language of comments the program can take values ?rus? or ?eng?.



Advanced settings:


CheckFreeMargin - on / off check available funds, if true, the calculation of the lot

Counselor builds on available funds in the account, and limits

value of the lot based on the value MaxLotsPercent relatively free

funds. If false, the adviser instead of free funds for the estimated

takes the value of the size of deposit accounts (balance). It should be a trade advisor

two currency pairs in the mode hedzhirovaniya. When trading in one currency

pair together with other advisers are not advised to switch off this option,

because drawdown "not their" orders euronis can not check and will not be able to

result correctly calculate the unit of trading.


CheckStopOutLevel - turning on / off checking the level StopLevel (minimum level of free

means to maintain order) when calculating the lot, if true,

Advisor restricts the value of the lot on the basis of collateral requirements for

opening and maintaining order, as well as on the basis of maximum drawdown

which has to withstand the deposit is not hitting at the same level in the zone StopLevel. For

Every broker has different levels StopLevel values (from 0% to 100%) than it

less, the larger lot can be put warrants.


IncreaseFreezeLevel - if true account and adds value FreezeLevel (minimum distance from

current price is less than that can not modify or terminate the order) to

value StopLevel (minimum distance from the price for installation of stop levels)

when calculating the level TakeProfit. News for DC with high values

FreezeLevel, especially when it is comparable with StopLevel.


CheckRateBeforeOpen - if true compares the current quote directly to the team

discovery orders which came from the quotation to the processing of its program, has

place with frequent sharp changes in prices or poor computer performance.

If the price has changed for the worse, the team opening orders

not be sent.


CheckRateBeforeClose - if true compares the current quote directly to the team

closure order which came with a quotation to the processing of its program, has

place with frequent sharp changes in prices or poor computer performance.

If the price has changed for the worse, the team closing orders

not be sent.


OrderOpenSlippage - the maximum allowable deviation of prices from the declared at the opening of a warrant.


OrderCloseSlippage - the maximum allowable deviation of prices from the declared at the opening of a warrant.


CheckRepeateClosePrice - if true checks the price when re-closing of the warrant, that it was not

worse than the first closing price, if false, in the case of an unsuccessful attempt to close the warrant

Adviser with each subsequent admission prices will attempt to close the warrant.

Note that the error closing the warrant may be greater than

less than the maximum allowable deviation from the stated price for closing

order determined by the value of variable OrderCloseSlippage. If the

true, then the faults closure orders can lead to additional



UseSlippageCorrection - if true, includes correction of the optimum value of profit in the settlements in the

Depending on the slip at the opening of the warrant, ie more

slip the worse the earlier the warrant close adviser and vice versa

that happens much less frequently. Also take into account the difference in price again

opening of a warrant if the opening price was better than the first. Using

correction slip actually at low volatility and not play

special role in the strong market volatility, which is observed in this



UseSpreadCorrection - if true, includes correction of the optimum value of profit in the settlements in the

Depending on the current spread, ie more spread so with less profit

close advisor to the order (only for orders sell), while at strong

increasing spread of possible closure with the loss. On the one hand it is good

when unexpectedly strong increase spread, but it happens and bad on floating



BlockAfterHandClose - if true, adviser to block trade until the next trading day after the closing orders "by hand".



MaxSpreadValue - value ceiling spread, above which the Adviser will not be displayed

warrant, with "0" adviser takes the value of the predefined settings (for

EURGBP and EURCHF is 5).

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Re: euronis_v4160


sorry bbrain...

but the EA isn't educated.


it's necesary change the key file.


change the funtion 60 it's NOT enough:


bool li_ret_0 = FALSE;

// if (gi_1316 != g_str2int_1440) li_ret_0 = TRUE; //bbr

// if (gi_1320 != g_str2int_1444) li_ret_0 = TRUE; //bbr

// if (gi_1324 != g_str2int_1448) li_ret_0 = TRUE; //bbr

return (li_ret_0);


more things need to change.


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Re: euronis_v4160


  jcarne said:
sorry bbrain...

but the EA isn't educated.


it's necesary change the key file.


change the funtion 60 it's NOT enough:


bool li_ret_0 = FALSE;

// if (gi_1316 != g_str2int_1440) li_ret_0 = TRUE; //bbr

// if (gi_1320 != g_str2int_1444) li_ret_0 = TRUE; //bbr

// if (gi_1324 != g_str2int_1448) li_ret_0 = TRUE; //bbr

return (li_ret_0);


more things need to change.




I will check code again.

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Re: euronis_v4160


  save2009 said:
This version working please check your install manual.

Mr. "save2009",

Where is the install manual?

Please , upload "install manual" file.

I can't do any backtest because I do not make any operation.

I put "euronis3052_cracked_by_qzar.key" in this folder:


Does need to change the file name?

My account number is 2002.

best regards

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Re: euronis_v4160


Installation manual


1. Copy "euronis_v3052_Fixed.mq4" to C:\MetaTrader \experts or your installation of meta trader4

2.Copy folder "files" to C:\MetaTrader \experts or your installation of meta trader4

3. Copy folder "files" to C:\MetaTrader \tester or your installation of meta trader4

4.Copy file inside file "3052settings.zip" to C:\MetaTrader \tester or your installation of meta trader4 and C:\MetaTrader \experts\presets

5.Done you can setting the parameter with setting file







Back Test


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