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[REQ] NinjaTrader 7 beta


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The first 100 or so qualified users who request to participate to be a beta tester for version 7 will get a free copy of the beta. Has anyone registered?


I'd like to get a copy to have a look.


I've read that the memory management will be far superior than previously.


Here's the latest message from NinjaTrader:

September 28, 2009: We had anticipated releasing the 1st beta to our development partners early this week however, based on where we are at this morning, I feel there are still some outstanding bugs I would like to address prior to this release. We will therefore release our 1st beta no later than this coming Sunday. The 2nd beta release to our 1st round of users will come the week of October 12th and be open to the first 100 or so qualified users who request to participate. Historically we have always released our beta in several waves. This optimizes our ability to focus on issue resolution which ultimately results in a more stable product for our users faster.


To be considered for the 2nd beta release please send an email to support [at) ninjatrader -dot- com and in the subject please include "NT7 Beta Request". Preference will be given to:


- Paying users over free users

- Tenure as a NinjaTrader user

- Past experience beta testing our products


Please include in your email:


- Full name and country of residence

- If you are a paying user, your license key (Help > License Key)

- How long you have been using NinjaTrader for

- Any past experience beta testing NinjaTrader

- Any comments you would like to add


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  • 2 months later...

Re: [REQ] NinjaTrader 7 beta


HI:) apopova ;)


:D can u mirror it at 4 shared or media fire please :) ?


Thanks & HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 !!! Everybody





[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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Re: [REQ] NinjaTrader 7 beta


what is ninja trader? i just download it and it asked for a license key... how to use it? [newbie question] ;))


Registration is free. You can register for free on this page



The key begins with the letters @SIM. Use the key you receive in your email after registering on beta 7 builds.


Ninja Trader is an advanced charting and trading platform like amibroker or tradestation. More details on the NinjaTrader Website.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes you would be able to get it to work on live like 6.5 but if some nice person could re upload the files it would be good.

Because I almost got it working myself just I dont know what files it needs and where.

For example 7 looks for the files /tools/NtLicense.php and tools/NtLicense.aspx.

Which I just renamed the 6.5 @REG.xml to NtLicense.php and put it in tools, which allows the key @REG.

But then it says your license cant be verified reverting to sim.

So it needs something else in the local server.

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  • 7 months later...

NinjaTrader 7 is going the way of MT4 - meaning, they are trying to get wider audience adoption, and I suppose trying to maintain or increase their revenue by having more people using it. NT's revenue stream would be buried in your trading costs, the way it is for the freebie MT4.


Like CiDER mentioned, you need a license, which is probably ongoingly verified.


If a minimum $500 account is within reach, you can open one up with the likes of Ampfutures, who now offer it with CQG data. You shouldn't really trade with all of $500, because even with a $400 margin, you could quickly be toast.


Ampfutures only provides futures data, which can be a similar or even more advance view of what will happen in the spot fx market. If someone really insists on spot fx pairs, it should be possible to integrate another feed into NT, and you should then be able to chart that. Not completely sure about that though.

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