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CycleIdentifier2 Indicator


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Butterfly Indicator


How about Butterfly Indicators, it is REPAINT or NOT ?


I Mixed too with Bollinger Bands Periode 21 Deviation 2 & CycleIdnetifier2;Seems can be nice Trading System at GBP/USD & USD/CHF m30 (if all both Indicators not REPAINT !)


Here's look up the screenshoot :









Please give a comment & let me know, are all of this indicators repaint ?



Many Thanks;




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Example of Repaint Indicator







JoeChalhoub_FXForecaster predicts the future movement of prices



I trade this indicator as follows:


For Sell:


I measure the lower band (violet) and compare it to the higher band (violet). if lower volume is bigger I am in sell so I wait till a peak is formed and I sell.


For Buy:


I measure the higher band (violet) and compare it to the lower band (violet). if higher volume is bigger I am in Buy so I wait till a Trough is formed and I Buy.




The way I see it :


1. I would trade only when the pink bar is visible.


2. The best time to get in would be when the pink bar shows up (or down) for the very first time. A good exit point would be when the Pink bar hides behind the black bar (again as soon as this happens, I would exit)


3. The Black bar more or less shows the trend - if it is above the zero line, the trend is up and vice versa.


4. If the Black bar points up, and if the Pink Bar has just shown UP for the first time, it would be a great time to enter a long trade. And as soon as this Pink Bar goes behind the black bar (hides), I would exit the trade. Same logic would apply on the opposite side for a short trade.






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Re: CycleIdentifier2 Indicator


Oh Sam_konna that indicators will make you crazy.... they repaint and move all over the place...


Very good reversal and not repainting indicator you have here




And if you need Trading simulator go to







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Re: CycleIdentifier2 Indicator


Barbara; Did you mean both of them ?


Anyway, thanks for your refrences (CST4X); I'll be check it out :-bd


Yes both of them and you welcome Sam :D




p.s. butterfly is like ZIGZAG so he is moving more then repainting... but is bad anyway :P

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Re: CycleIdentifier2 Indicator


Thanks a lot for the info, anyway how about the Cycleiddentifier2 ?


I already Download & put the TFX Reversal Bar at H1, can you give me an idea, which pair suit the best for this indicator ?



Cycleidentifier2 is moving and repainting so bad bad bad... well I don't use trend bar, only reversal and oscillator on H4 chart (is better then H1), I have it now on GBPUSD and looks very nice... I enter on revesal dot signal and take as much as I can :D BUT you need to look overall situation for how much you think you can get ... so look the news and some other good indis if you have... Good Luck Sam




p.s. you have a picture... it's bad X_X but you can see GBPUSD :D

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Re: CycleIdentifier2 Indicator


no need for broken links....here you go



//|                                              CycleIdentifier2.mq4 |
//  |  
#property copyright ""
#property link      ""

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 6
#property indicator_color1 DarkGray

#property indicator_color2 Lime
#property indicator_color3 Red
#property indicator_color4 DarkGreen
#property indicator_color5 Brown

#property indicator_minimum -1.2
#property indicator_maximum 1.2

extern int       PriceActionFilter=1;
extern int       Length=3;
extern int       MajorCycleStrength=4;
extern bool      UseCycleFilter=false;
extern int       UseFilterSMAorRSI=1;
extern int       FilterStrengthSMA=12;
extern int       FilterStrengthRSI=21;

double LineBuffer[];
double MajorCycleBuy[];
double MajorCycleSell[];
double MinorCycleBuy[];
double MinorCycleSell[];
double ZL1[];

double CyclePrice = 0.0, Strength =0.0, SweepA = 0.0, SweepB = 0.0;
int Switch = 0, Switch2 = 0,	SwitchA = 0, SwitchB = 0, SwitchC = 0, SwitchD = 0, SwitchE = 0, SwitchAA = 0, SwitchBB = 0;
double Price1BuyA = 0.0, Price2BuyA = 0.0;
int Price1BuyB = 1.0, Price2BuyB = 1.0;
double Price1SellA = 0.0, Price2SellA = 0.0;
int Price1SellB = 0.0, Price2SellB = 0.0;
bool ActiveSwitch = True, BuySwitchA = FALSE, BuySwitchB = FALSE, SellSwitchA = FALSE, SellSwitchB = FALSE;
int BuySellFac = 01;
bool Condition1, Condition2, Condition3, Condition6;

int init()  {

int deinit() {return(0);}

int start() {
  int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
  if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
 // if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
 // int position=Bars-1;
  int position=Bars-counted_bars;
  if (position<0) position=0;

  int rnglength = 250;
  double range = 0.0, srange = 0.0;
  for (int pos = position; pos >=0; pos--)
     srange = 0.0;
     int j = 0;
     for (int i=0;i<rnglength;i++)
        int posr = pos + i;
        if (posr >= Bars)
        srange = srange + (High[posr] - Low[posr]);
     range = srange / j * Length;
     int BarNumber = Bars-pos; //??????????
     if (BarNumber < 0)
           BarNumber = 0;

     CyclePrice = iMA(NULL, 0, PriceActionFilter, 0, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_CLOSE, pos);
     if (UseFilterSMAorRSI == 1)
           ZL1[pos] = ZeroLag(CyclePrice,FilterStrengthSMA, pos);
     if (UseFilterSMAorRSI == 2)
           ZL1[pos] = ZeroLag( iRSI(NULL, 0, 14, CyclePrice, FilterStrengthRSI ), FilterStrengthRSI, pos);

     if (ZL1[pos] > ZL1[pos+1]) 
         SwitchC = 1;
     if (ZL1[pos] < ZL1[pos+1]) 
         SwitchC = 2;
     if (BarNumber <= 1)
        if (Strength == 0)
    		  SweepA  = range;
    		  SweepA = Strength;
        Price1BuyA  = CyclePrice;
        Price1SellA  = CyclePrice;
     /* ***************************************************************** */
     if (BarNumber > 1)
        if (Switch > -1)
           if (CyclePrice < Price1BuyA)
                 if (UseCycleFilter && (SwitchC == 2) && BuySwitchA )
		           MinorCycleBuy[pos + BarNumber - Price1BuyB] = 0; //MinorBuySell
		           LineBuffer[pos + BarNumber - Price1BuyB ] = 0; //line
	            if (!UseCycleFilter && BuySwitchA)
		           MinorCycleBuy[pos +BarNumber - Price1BuyB] = 0;
		           LineBuffer[pos +BarNumber - Price1BuyB] = 0;
	            Price1BuyA = CyclePrice;
                 Price1BuyB = BarNumber;
                 BuySwitchA = TRUE;
           else if (CyclePrice > Price1BuyA)
  			      SwitchA = BarNumber - Price1BuyB;
	            if (!UseCycleFilter)
		           MinorCycleBuy[pos +SwitchA] = -1;//MinorBuySell - DarkGreen
		           LineBuffer[pos +SwitchA] = -1;//line
	            if (UseCycleFilter && SwitchC  == 1)
		           MinorCycleBuy[pos +SwitchA] = -1;  //MinorBuySell
		           LineBuffer[pos +SwitchA] = -1; //line
		           SwitchD = 1; 
		           SwitchD = 0;
                 BuySwitchA = TRUE;
	            double cyclePrice1 = iMA(NULL, 0, PriceActionFilter, 0, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_CLOSE, pos + SwitchA);
                 if (ActiveSwitch)
                       Condition1 = CyclePrice - cyclePrice1 >= SweepA; 
                       Condition1 = CyclePrice >= cyclePrice1 * (1 + SweepA / 1000);
                 if (Condition1 && SwitchA >= BuySellFac) 
                       Switch =  - 1;
                       Price1SellA = CyclePrice;
                       Price1SellB = BarNumber;
                       SellSwitchA = FALSE;
                       BuySwitchA = FALSE;
        if(Switch < 1)
           if (CyclePrice > Price1SellA)
              if (UseCycleFilter && SwitchC == 1 && SellSwitchA )
			     MinorCycleSell[pos +BarNumber - Price1SellB] = 0; //MinorBuySell
			     LineBuffer[pos +BarNumber - Price1SellB ] = 0; //line
		      if (!UseCycleFilter && SellSwitchA )
                  MinorCycleSell[pos +BarNumber - Price1SellB] = 0;//MinorBuySell
                  LineBuffer[pos +BarNumber - Price1SellB] = 0;//line
              Price1SellA = CyclePrice;
              Price1SellB = BarNumber;
              SellSwitchA = TRUE;   
	       else if (CyclePrice < Price1SellA)
		      SwitchA = BarNumber - Price1SellB;
              if (!UseCycleFilter)
                 MinorCycleSell[pos +SwitchA] = 1; // MinorBuySell darkRed
                 LineBuffer[pos +SwitchA] = 1; //"CycleLine"
     			if (UseCycleFilter && (SwitchC == 2))
			     MinorCycleSell[pos +SwitchA] = 1;//MinorBuySell darkRed
			     LineBuffer[pos +SwitchA] = 1;//CycleLine
			     SwitchD  = 2;
		         SwitchD  = 0;

              SellSwitchA = TRUE;
		      double cyclePrice2 = iMA(NULL, 0, PriceActionFilter, 0, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_CLOSE, pos + SwitchA);
		      if (ActiveSwitch)
			     Condition1 = (cyclePrice2 - CyclePrice) >= SweepA;
			     Condition1 = CyclePrice <= (cyclePrice2 * (1 - SweepA / 1000));

		      if (Condition1 && SwitchA >= BuySellFac)
			      Switch = 1;
                 Price1BuyA = CyclePrice;
                 Price1BuyB = BarNumber;
                 SellSwitchA = FALSE;
                 BuySwitchA = FALSE;
     LineBuffer[pos] = 0;
     MinorCycleBuy[pos] = 0;
     MinorCycleSell[pos] = 0;

     if (BarNumber == 1)
        if (Strength == 0)
           SweepB  = range *  MajorCycleStrength;
           SweepB = Strength * MajorCycleStrength;
        Price2BuyA = CyclePrice;
        Price2SellA = CyclePrice;
     if (BarNumber > 1)
        if (Switch2  >  - 1)
           if (CyclePrice < Price2BuyA)
              if (UseCycleFilter && SwitchC == 2 && BuySwitchB )
			      MajorCycleBuy [pos +BarNumber - Price2BuyB] = 0; //MajorBuySell,green
	//		      LineBuffer[pos + BarNumber - Price2BuyB ] = 0; //line -----
              if (!UseCycleFilter && BuySwitchB )
                 MajorCycleBuy [pos +BarNumber - Price2BuyB] = 0;//MajorBuySell,green
 	//			      LineBuffer[pos + BarNumber - Price2BuyB ] = 0; //line-----------
		      Price2BuyA = CyclePrice;
              Price2BuyB = BarNumber;
              BuySwitchB = TRUE;
           else if (CyclePrice > Price2BuyA)
		      SwitchB = BarNumber - Price2BuyB;

              if (!UseCycleFilter)
                    MajorCycleBuy [pos +SwitchB] = -1; //MajorBuySell green
     //               LineBuffer[pos + SwitchB] = -1; //line--------------
              if (UseCycleFilter && SwitchC  == 1)
                 MajorCycleBuy [pos +SwitchB] = -1; //MajorBuySell green
    //             LineBuffer[pos + SwitchB] = -1; //line-----------------
                 SwitchE  = 1;
			     SwitchE  = 0;

              BuySwitchB = TRUE;
		      double cyclePrice3 = iMA(NULL, 0, PriceActionFilter, 0, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_CLOSE, pos + SwitchB);
              if (ActiveSwitch) 
                 Condition6 = CyclePrice - cyclePrice3 >= SweepB;
                 Condition6 = CyclePrice >= cyclePrice3 * (1 + SweepB / 1000);

		      if (Condition6 && SwitchB >= BuySellFac)
                    Switch2 =  - 1;
                    Price2SellA = CyclePrice;
                    Price2SellB = BarNumber;
                    SellSwitchB = FALSE;
                    BuySwitchB = FALSE;

        if (Switch2  < 1)
           if (CyclePrice  > Price2SellA )
		      if (UseCycleFilter && SwitchC  == 1 && SellSwitchB )
			         MajorCycleSell [pos +BarNumber - Price2SellB] = 0; //"MajorBuySell",red 
	//			      LineBuffer[pos + BarNumber - Price2SellB ] = 0; //line -----
		      if (!UseCycleFilter && SellSwitchB )
			       MajorCycleSell [pos +BarNumber - Price2SellB] = 0;//"MajorBuySell",red 
    //              LineBuffer[pos + BarNumber - Price2SellB ] = 0; //line -----
		      Price2SellA = CyclePrice;
              Price2SellB = BarNumber;
              SellSwitchB = TRUE;
	       else if (CyclePrice < Price2SellA)
              SwitchB = BarNumber - Price2SellB ;

     			if (!UseCycleFilter) 
     			   MajorCycleSell[pos + SwitchB] = 1; //"MajorBuySell",red 
    // 		      LineBuffer[pos + SwitchB ] = 1; //line -----
	         if (UseCycleFilter && SwitchC  == 2)
     				MajorCycleSell [pos + SwitchB] = 1; //"MajorBuySell",red 
     //		      LineBuffer[pos + SwitchB ] = 1; //line -----
	       		SwitchE  = 2;
			     SwitchE  = 0;

              SellSwitchB = TRUE;
            double cyclePrice4 = iMA(NULL, 0, PriceActionFilter, 0, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_CLOSE, pos + SwitchB);
		      if (ActiveSwitch)
                 Condition6 = cyclePrice4 - CyclePrice >= SweepB;
                 Condition6 = CyclePrice <= cyclePrice4 * (1.0 - SweepB / 1000.0);

		      if (Condition6 && SwitchB >= BuySellFac)
			        Switch2 = 1;
                    Price2BuyA = CyclePrice;
                    Price2BuyB = BarNumber;
                    SellSwitchB = FALSE;
                    BuySwitchB = FALSE;
     LineBuffer[pos] = 0;
     MajorCycleSell[pos] = 0;
     MajorCycleBuy[pos] = 0;

double ZeroLag(double price, int length, int pos)
  if (length < 3)
  double aa = MathExp(-1.414*3.14159 / length);
  double bb = 2*aa*MathCos(1.414*180 / length);
  double CB = bb;
  double CC = -aa*aa;
  double CA = 1 - CB - CC;
  double CD = CA*price + CB*ZL1[pos+1] + CC*ZL1[pos+2];

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