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Globalism the death of Forex trading?

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So i watch the news and i see that in the near future all countries will use the same currency etc.Will that bring the end to forex trading since there will be only one currency.That will suck but then again we might get in contact with aliens and start trading with their currency.Forex trading will not die! 8-)
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Re: Globalism the death of Forex trading?


That news announcement is more political then anything. This is akin to senators grandstanding over the bonuses at AIG. Basically they want to remind everyone how insane it is that the united states caused the world financial crisis but in the end the US is still the safest place for your money.

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Re: Globalism the death of Forex trading?


One world currency is not something that may happen one day. It is something that is inevitable. The way EURO was inevitable and the doom of GBP, SFR and other still remaining currencies is inevitable. It is not because world needs one but it is being orchestered for about half a century. We can still trade forex some some years, maybe 20 years at the most but one world electronic currency is the only thing that can be seen as certain.

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Re: Globalism the death of Forex trading?


Its possible but I can guarantee you it will take a long while. The whole world using one currency will be very diffclt for now. Their levels of development r not the same. It is only possible when all their levels of development becomes the same.



:)>- :)>-

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Re: Globalism the death of Forex trading?


Its possible but I can guarantee you it will take a long while. The whole world using one currency will be very diffclt for now. Their levels of development r not the same. It is only possible when all their levels of development becomes the same.



:)>- :)>-


Agree totally

Just another pippin master :):)
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Re: Globalism the death of Forex trading?


heh, I agree. By the time a common currency comes around, I'll be 6 feet under.


I think it'll take ALOT for a common currency to be in place. One of the obvious issues is who is to be in charge of printing money? All the governments? Recall hyperinflation in Germany in 1923.

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Re: Globalism the death of Forex trading?


Don't forget there are still many countries in Europe that haven't adopted the euro, and that's in nearly 10 years of existence. I think there are still 11 of the EU countries left to adopt it.


A global currency would take *far* longer in terms of planning and agreement, then finally adoption. Plus there just aren't the drivers to make it happen right now.


The euro was created for a group of continental countries with shared culture and history, although still many differences. Can you imagine a worldwide currency being adopted in the next 50 to 100 years? It will be a great day when it happens, and perhaps part of the road to a world government and more peaceful life for all the inhabitants of this planet.


Hey, I can dream.

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