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FAPTURBO Evolution

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Re: FAPTURBO Evolution


I am going to have holiday from tomorrow, boat to poland, one week without connection to internet. today, I am washing and packing now.

It is better to get the FAPconvertor, it will make life much easier to copy the order to dukascopy.



Happy holiday finimej..... :-bd :-bd

I'm my own enemy.....
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Re: FAPTURBO Evolution


I am going to have holiday from tomorrow, boat to poland, one week without connection to internet. today, I am washing and packing now.

It is better to get the FAPconvertor, it will make life much easier to copy the order to dukascopy.



Didn't you mentioned FAP swiss is selling the Free trade copier from Jforex?

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Re: FAPTURBO Evolution


It's now working. Class not accepted problem maybe it's not fap.


I'm still getting the same error message. Can you confirm if it is working and how you did?


I read in somewhere that fapt guys put faptswiss sold out early cos broker did not handle right with faptswiss and people went for refund. So they want to solve this problem before. Let's see if it works in some days. :huh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: FAPTURBO Evolution


Any news about cracked fapt evo?


This is the email I received some minutes before they put it in sold out.


"Hi Guys..


Got a call from dukascopy.. they have difficulties getting each and every user signed up and are going to hold a meeting to see what theycan do to assure liquidity and full support for everyone.


Until the issue is resolved we decided to put upt he sold out sign.. really sorry for the hussles but its better this way isntead of getting refunds because people can not open accounts


Tthank you for understanding. Unfortunateley this is beyond our control and we are as sad as you are ( probably much more since its our baby)


Il keep you up to date on the proceedings.




marketing dude"

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Re: FAPTURBO Evolution


Any news about cracked fapt evo?


This is the email I received some minutes before they put it in sold out.


"Hi Guys..


Got a call from dukascopy.. they have difficulties getting each and every user signed up and are going to hold a meeting to see what theycan do to assure liquidity and full support for everyone.


Until the issue is resolved we decided to put upt he sold out sign.. really sorry for the hussles but its better this way isntead of getting refunds because people can not open accounts


Tthank you for understanding. Unfortunateley this is beyond our control and we are as sad as you are ( probably much more since its our baby)


Il keep you up to date on the proceedings.




marketing dude"






do you belive this!!!



BTW: somone told here that there is a a way to convert MT4 to run on Duko. Wheere can I find this converter??



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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: FAPTURBO Evolution


Fapturbo v4.7 Build 223,224 and 225




h**p://www.easy-share.com/1907503235/Fapturbo 47 Pro Licensed till 2037.07.08.zip






Update Fapturbo v4.8 Build 225



Please Let there be some kudos.... :shand: :shand:



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