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Help starting with Forex

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Re: Help starting with Forex


I am also thinking of quiting my sucky job to be a lone trader, how long does it take to trade psychologically

Don't quit your job if you are not a profitable trader yet, it doesn't make sense and it could be dangerous for your finances.

About developing a trader mindset, it could take a few minutes if someone induce it, but you need a lot of experience to really achieve that mindset at your will, I believe it takes from 2 to 5 years or more for most of the traders to get to the level of trading without any fear and with confidence in yourself and your system. But as human beings each of us experience everything in a different way so you cannot really predict how much time it will take for you to develop the right mindset for trading or even if you will develop it.

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Re: Help starting with Forex


Not to discourage you, but any real trader on this forum will tell you it takes time and effort to become a succesful trader. 1. So find a trading system that fits you.

2. Learn good money management in your trading without it you will be on the losing end eventullay

3. Remeber this is not a get rich quick over one night and retire the next although we would all like that. [-O<

And remeber never put 100% trust in an ea it seems to always bite you in the end


Some traders refer to there trading carrer as a initiation period that test you very mental sanity there will be ups and downs at first. And after words you are as cold as ice to winning or losing.


Just some fyi from a trader


Good luck

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Re: Help starting with Forex


And whatever you do, always remember that when you decide to move into live trading you will not perform as in demo trading. In demo mode there's different parts of the brain at work. In live trading you will always close profitable position sooner (than demo) and leave losing position hang in longer.

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Re: Help starting with Forex


A lot of time and effort is required to be a successful trader. So, it's better to learn with demo account and try out your strategies before going live. Also, try to start small so the losses are sustainable. Just my 2 cents worth.
Made a similar story, but was my drawdown was much bigger. Also started with much to big lotsizes (standard lot) and

after a few winning trades the big losses started.

Made the same mistakes - I think most beginner make: to big lotsize, to small SL settings and not enough discipline to take only the best setups.


What are you using for a " esignal free webinar" as your method?

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Re: Help starting with Forex


You must have capital to trade forex otherwise forget it. You must have the proper education otherwise forget it. You must be willing to learn and mold your life as a trader. There are plent of ebooks in this forum to start learning the basics and build from there. Depending on your time availability, capital availability, and personality you must choose a trading approach and style.

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