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(Req) Precision Type A and Calamari

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Re: (Req) Precision Type A and Calamari


official website:



Precision Type A: hxxp://private.thefxcode.com/LiveStatementJul08June09.htm


Calamari: hxxp://private.thefxcode.com/CalamariStatement.htm

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Re: (Req) Precision Type A and Calamari


We suspect that the author of these EAs lurks on this forum.

Then again, the "author" tag is a little inappropriate. He's borrowing trading systems for the logic in his EA.... such as MegadroidPro


What I DO know is that despite the effort that went into dll protecting his EAs... they are breakable and educatable. ;)) ... but I don't think anyone will be posting them here.

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Re: (Req) Precision Type A and Calamari


Do you know which ea's he "borrowed" for Precision Type A? I would like to run those 8 robots together as a basket and see how they do.


Calamari - I would love to know which ea this one is, as I've never seen another one like it. I looked over the statements and I can't recall ever seeing another ea with similar trades. Would love to give this one a test.


Accura - This, of course, could just be borrowed FT code.

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Re: (Req) Precision Type A and Calamari


MT4stats isn't working good so this person reposted with an MT4Live link:



This Calamari account is up 21.6% dollarwise (+3,339 pips). This is not my account, just someone else running Calamari. I would still love to try this one out if someone can share it.

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Re: (Req) Precision Type A and Calamari


It's not like Robominer at all, except that it is a grid type of strategy. They call it a hedged grid because it opens buys and sells. It starts with just one buy or sell, then builds the grid out until the Take Profit gets hit. Here's approximately how the grid gets setup:


1: buy .12 lots 100pips above opening trade

2. buy .06 lots 50pips above opening trade

3: initial buy .01 lot

4: buy .01 lots 30pips below opening trade

5: buy .01 lots 60pips below opening trade

6: sell .03 lots 110pips below opening trade

7. sell .06 lots 160 pips below opening trade

8. sell .12 lots 210 pips below opening trade


By default it takes a maximum of 8 trades although take profit is usually hit long before that and the grid is closed. The danger is if price were ever to bounce around in such a way so that the TP is never hit. You would be forced to close out the grid and take a loss. I would really like to backtest and/or forward test this EA to see how it does over a long period of time. It looks great based on that mt4live link, but that's only two months of forward test.

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Re: (Req) Precision Type A and Calamari


mopips, have you been able to figure out what the drawdown stuck grid would be when all orders are opened with the default settings on a 3K account? does the EA close the trade automatically then or do you have to manually close the grid?

From what I understand, when you have a stuck grid, you either have to allow more trades or close the grid manually. I think in that situation I would close the grid manually since I tend to be very conservative and do not like to take risks with my money. Of course, on a demo account I would try it both ways just to visualize the results.


As far as the drawdown, it would depend on what lot sizes and risk you started out with. You can see it uses a martingale strategy, but with limited number of trades, so as long as you use very small lot sizes and don't increase the number of allowed trades it should be quite safe. I need to get a copy of this ea so I can test it as I would like to test manually closing a stuck grid.


The owner of this account:


says he's had very little drawdown. It appears the most it's had is 3 trades open at one time so far in two months trading.

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Re: (Req) Precision Type A and Calamari


sound a lot like the socalled "collapsed" grid in prospector ea?


is it the same idea more or less?


It's not like Robominer at all, except that it is a grid type of strategy. They call it a hedged grid because it opens buys and sells. It starts with just one buy or sell, then builds the grid out until the Take Profit gets hit. Here's approximately how the grid gets setup:


1: buy .12 lots 100pips above opening trade

2. buy .06 lots 50pips above opening trade

3: initial buy .01 lot

4: buy .01 lots 30pips below opening trade

5: buy .01 lots 60pips below opening trade

6: sell .03 lots 110pips below opening trade

7. sell .06 lots 160 pips below opening trade

8. sell .12 lots 210 pips below opening trade


By default it takes a maximum of 8 trades although take profit is usually hit long before that and the grid is closed. The danger is if price were ever to bounce around in such a way so that the TP is never hit. You would be forced to close out the grid and take a loss. I would really like to backtest and/or forward test this EA to see how it does over a long period of time. It looks great based on that mt4live link, but that's only two months of forward test.

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Re: (Req) Precision Type A and Calamari


sound a lot like the socalled "collapsed" grid in prospector ea?

is it the same idea more or less?

Not really. Prospector only takes 1 trade at a time and uses a mathematical grid strategy. Prospector can loose a lot of trades if the pair is close to center when you start it and it takes off on a trend. Calamari is a very different animal, it uses hedged trades and a small martingale strategy if the original trade isn't successful. It's actually not like prospector at all.

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Re: (Req) Precision Type A and Calamari


Not really. Prospector only takes 1 trade at a time and uses a mathematical grid strategy. Prospector can loose a lot of trades if the pair is close to center when you start it and it takes off on a trend. Calamari is a very different animal, it uses hedged trades and a small martingale strategy if the original trade isn't successful. It's actually not like prospector at all.


okay thanks for info ;)

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