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How many pips you gain per day?

How many pips you gain per day?  

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  1. 1. How many pips you gain per day?

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Re: How many pips you gain per day?


Hehehe :D


Well, the title is

"How many pips you gain per day?"


"How many pips you lost per day?"




Strange though that there are only 11 people who votes. I'm sure there are many more in this forum who could put their votes up and encourage people.



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Re: How many pips you gain per day?


I voted 10-50 but it actually depends on market condition.

I have system that one day earns 0 and one day I actually earned about 225pips \m/


btw. great topic

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Re: How many pips you gain per day?


I voted 10-50 but it actually depends on market condition.

I have system that one day earns 0 and one day I actually earned about 225pips \m/


btw. great topic

Nice result Doms, what system do you use ?

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Re: How many pips you gain per day?


I never aim for a specific number of pips per day however I will very rarely close a position for less than 20 pips. Although I have no set aim, it is usually governed by the nearest major swing high or low which should be a minimum of 70-100 points away for me to initiate a trade. Once I hit an area of S/R I keep my position open unless the market turns, letting my profits run for maximum possible time. I aim for a Risk : Reward of 1:6-12+, occasionally more. good day is a couple of hundred pips, bad day is 20-50 which would generally be because I messed up, broke even then took a quit profit to try to restore some sanity =)

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