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"Hall of Shame" list - who should be here?

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Re: "Hall of Shame" list - who should be here?


After having the chance to backtest EA-Easyday from http://forex-expert-advisor.com I believe we have another condenter for the Hall of Shame.

This developer claims extremely profitable backtests on every one of the EAs that he developed but he never makes any reference to forward live trading. In backtesting the EAs I found them to take the deep-dive to unprofitability trade by trade. So why all the good results on his website? Because he optimizes the EAs and then runs the backtest. Then he posts the good backtest results and sells his poison for a fairly high price might add.

Mr. forex-expert-advisor.com whomever your name may be - shame on you for being deceitful and scamming people. I hope you read this, take your website down, apologize and refund your buyers and crawl in a hole underneath the earth like a worm where you belong!

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Re: "Hall of Shame" list - who should be here?


After having the chance to backtest EA-Easyday from http://forex-expert-advisor.com I believe we have another condenter for the Hall of Shame.

This developer claims extremely profitable backtests on every one of the EAs that he developed but he never makes any reference to forward live trading. In backtesting the EAs I found them to take the deep-dive to unprofitability trade by trade. So why all the good results on his website? Because he optimizes the EAs and then runs the backtest. Then he posts the good backtest results and sells his poison for a fairly high price might add.

Mr. forex-expert-advisor.com whomever your name may be - shame on you for being deceitful and scamming people. I hope you read this, take your website down, apologize and refund your buyers and crawl in a hole underneath the earth like a worm where you belong!



Well Said, fxknight... hahhahahh :)


I especially love the last paragraph that you mentioned,"Mr. forex-expert-advisor.com whomever your name may be - shame on you for being deceitful and scamming people. I hope you read this, take your website down, apologize and refund your buyers and crawl in a hole underneath the earth like a worm where you belong!"


Imply, nowadays, there are many creators of "EA" just copied (Almost 90%) the codes of the previous or other existing EAs, renamed and sold them to the market. They always claimed that their EAs are having a very high success rate of 90 over percent and they can make you "Rich" with no doubts!


I think we could create a "Thread" that relates to the topics of " EA Clone or Cloned EA", so that this will be useful to the community. :)

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Re: "Hall of Shame" list - who should be here?


Hi, fxknight, Starting, mods and any experienced traders.


I have a question here.


Is it possible to find an EAs which can be losing money CONSISTANTLY? Then we may just reverse the orders. Now we need to vote which EA can blow out the accounts as quick as possible.


I did try one scam EA today, and reversed the orders. The result is amazing just for one month only, and then lose money again.



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Re: "Hall of Shame" list - who should be here?


Hi, fxknight, Starting, mods and any experienced traders.


I have a question here.


Is it possible to find an EAs which can be losing money CONSISTANTLY? Then we may just reverse the orders. Now we need to vote which EA can blow out the accounts as quick as possible.


I did try one scam EA today, and reversed the orders. The result is amazing just for one month only, and then lose money again.





Hi mike99, i think there is a thread somewhere here about " EA that having a 99% of losing rate", perhaps you can search for the thread and there is some info there. But my opinion is that even the EA seems to be having a high losing rate at this time, it doesn't mean that it will perform that consistently in the future... Remember, market condition varys from time to time and it is just not advisable to make your trading decision solely based on it...:)

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  • 2 months later...

Re: "Hall of Shame" list - who should be here?


Number ONE in the Hall of Shame should be FreedomRocks


Dragonpips- works nicely for 2-3 weeks (if you're lucky), after that losing losing losing

Megadroid- opens 1-2 positions weekly, after some while those rare positions become negative, losing big amount at once

Manage my Forex- they lost 80% of account in one night

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Re: "Hall of Shame" list - who should be here?



There are many scam brokers, but the worse I met are:


Interbank Fx- they have contract with FreedomRocks (that says a lot :berbusa: )

MIG Investments- they are very well camouflaged, they are huge, in Switzerland, looks very professional (minimum deposit 5000 usd).. but: opened positions seem to vanish and to appear again after some while, blocking EAs, taking spread on entry and again on exit, big gaps appears on platform

NordMarkets- they are really funny. They obviousely steel your profit trades and after you call them few times (they don't react on emails), they usually return it

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  • 1 month later...

Re: "Hall of Shame" list - who should be here?


The worst broker I ever met is GCG (Global Clearing Group)! >:) >:)


- When enter trade you are immediately 15 pips in minus (official spread 1 pip).

- They hunt your SL as totally crazy!


The worst of all:

- When I withdraw my account money with 22% profit, they kept all my profit + charge 60$ for withdrawal.

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  • 10 months later...
I suddenly recalled something about "Day Trading Robot".


As stated on their website, "Dr. Robert Finn" involves in the development of this "masterpiece". But when I googled and discovered one of the blogs that mentioned about this "Dr. Robert Finn & Day Trading Robot" few months ago, one of the respondents actually contacted "Dr. Robert Finn" personally, what he has found out is that Dr Robert Finn denied any connection with the development of this "masterpiece" and even stated he knew nothing about it!!! Dr Robert Finn is not majoring in the research of "Artificial Neural Networks', instead he is a mathematician..:) If I am not mistaken...Doesn't it like a joke? I doubt the person claimed himself to be "Jason Kelly" from the "Day Trading Robot" website is the real "Jason Kelly" who is pioneer in stock investment.


There are sites which sell names and photos for as little as $1 each, specifically for use on scam sites.

The simplest procedure might be to search the web for these names and see if any of these sites appear, then you can safely forget about them.

When mind lingers in one place efficiency is lost
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