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FXCM Broker Review


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Re: FXCM with MT4 Platform


You can use FXCM UK if you are a US resident; however, I would think twice about doing that, as their spreads are horrendous. Approximately 0.7 pip wider than Gain Capital/Forex.com UK, and 1.5+ wider than true ECN. They claim that the Boston Technologies MT4 is true ECN, but that couldn't be further from the truth. If you do open an account, I'd stay with systems that are not spread sensitive.

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Don't ever open with them, slippage is big, spread also big. Advertised as low as 1 pip on eurusd, wait until earth turn upside down, never trust them.


If you use normal platform, your profit will be ripped off with big slippage, metatrader even worse (what they said they are using boston technology and this technology is medium bla bla bla, same excuses) and with mt4 your account will be wiped off real soon, will never close your trade unless it's gone into negative. Open trades with mt4, wait till few minutes only shown into your account. All the excuses.


Multibank liquidity just another excuse their price moving fast, thank goodness your profit will be ripped off to the minimal, at the end you won't get any profit. Already pay so high for majors still many ways to ripped you off, mostly 2.6 spread on eurusd, others still can offer less than 2 or even 2. BEWARE

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Re: FXCM with Boston Technology


  mrchocolateyogo said:
Wow, that is really scary! :-O


Can they really do that?


You try their boston mt4 and come back to me if it's the most profitable mt4 in the market. Not to mention delay by almost 5 minutes and wiped out your profit untill i have to call them whether i have any open trades.


If it's proven that you are profitable and success with them i will give you ONE US DOLLAR FOR CELEBRATION LOL

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Re: FXCM with Boston Technology


CollectiveFX lowest monthyl pricing slot are unavailable, besides it says on their web fund held at institutional place so called few names they mention, guess it's not right.


On top of that not much info available such as withdrawal methods etc.


Anyone have experience with them can share along.

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Re: FXCM with MT4 Platform


Hi there,


I found that they play fast and loose with the definition of typical spreads. They claim a "typical" spread of 2.4 on the EG but in reality the average is 3.3 pips, or 37.5% more than typical! Of course they cover themselves by saying that spreads may widen under certain market conditions.

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Re: FXCM with Boston Technology


i confirm FXCM on Boston technology have very high spreads, the night (in GMT+1) and the spread are very rarely "typic". I have seen few time a spread of 12 to 20 pips on GBPCHF, and one time 35 pips !

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Re: FXCM with Boston Technology


With FXCM on Boston technology, only two days with requotes (2009.06.10 & 2009.06.11). In fact, the reason was


"Your trade request has encountered a problem due to: Bank did not respond in time"....

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Re: All About FXCM


alansforexblog dot com/2008/04/20/proof-that-forex-brokers-cheat-you/


Why you guys still consider f x c m ?


They used virtual plug in, can delay your trade by how many seconds they want, what i experienced, 3-5 minutes. You can't close your trades, when you open trades it will took long time to appear, by time it appears you are in losing position.


Besides that, if your account profitable, those plugin will squeeze and leave no room for you, your money will gone by blink of eyes with virtual plug in. They will do anything to makes sure you have no profit or lesser, big slippage.


Consider their trade station? It's their platform, still have those virtual plug in features, delay.


Well i used VPS, so my connection is excellent, they have nothing to say.

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Re: All About FXCM


  noplan88 said:
alansforexblog dot com/2008/04/20/proof-that-forex-brokers-cheat-you/


Why you guys still consider f x c m ?


They used virtual plug in, can delay your trade by how many seconds they want, what i experienced, 3-5 minutes. You can't close your trades, when you open trades it will took long time to appear, by time it appears you are in losing position.


Besides that, if your account profitable, those plugin will squeeze and leave no room for you, your money will gone by blink of eyes with virtual plug in. They will do anything to makes sure you have no profit or lesser, big slippage.


Consider their trade station? It's their platform, still have those virtual plug in features, delay.


Well i used VPS, so my connection is excellent, they have nothing to say.


Wow, these are pretty strong words I would say @-) X-(


I am not surprised, seems that most of the brokers just search for way to get your money, does not matter what EA you are using X-( X-(


Great job noplan88, thank you for your hones opinion! =D>

Kudus is what gives me power....
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  trader584 said:
do they allow scalping? tks.



If you are seeking scalping with FXCM, then you should use FXCM UK only. They let you do whatever you want. However, I don't recommend opening any real account with FXCM because you won't be able to make any money unless you have unbeatable strategy. I have an account with them, and I wish I can take the money soon out of them and open with another broker. If you need any recommendation, Fxpro is the best as I see because they allow everything and their spread as low as 0.8 for E/U. The only problem is that they don't have any micro account.


If there is anything you want to ask me about, please let me know.


Best wishes,

a New Year 2011 has come, and the challenge has just started 8-)
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