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Someone requested me to add time variables for this EA. well, I know nothing about this EA and making modifications like that without knowing the logic of the EA could bring disaster.


However, when I see the inside of the EA, it seems the author already put variables inside the EA. S/he just doesn't put it outside. So I just then, make the variables outside and make no modifications whatsoever, so it won't disturb the logic.


Here you go.



//|                                               XtremeEURCHFv2.mq4 |
//|                                                 [url]http://fxgtc.com[/url] |
#import  "Scalper.dll"
int CalcArr(double& z11[], double& z12[], double& z21[], double& z22[], double& t1[], double& t2[], double& y2[], double rates[][6], int typ, int first, int last, int cnt );
#define OP_CLOSEBY   96
#define OP_MODIFY    97
#define OP_CLOSE     98
#define OP_NONE      99

//extern string OrderOptions=    "--------   Orders options  --------";
extern bool Acc5Digits = false;
extern double Lots = 0; 
extern int    LotsPercent = 10; 
extern int    GMT = 1; 
extern int    MaxDrawDown = 30; 
extern int StartSession1 = 0;
extern int EndSession1 = 6;
extern int StartSession2 = 19;
extern int EndSession2 = 24;
////////////////////////////// Check DayOfWeek
extern int NoTradeDays1[] = {0, 1, 5};
extern int NoTradeDays2[] = {0, 5};
////////////////////////////// Check DayOfWeek
extern double  DeltaStopLoss = 29; 
extern double  DeltaTakeProfit = -7; 
extern double  DeltaOpenPosition = 2; 
extern bool    FixSLTPDirection  = true;
extern int BarsMin = 45;
extern int BarsMax = 248;

extern double Min_Dev = 0.0004; 
extern int    TakeProfit = 5;
extern bool   TryTakeProfit = false;
extern int    StopLoss = 100;
extern bool   CheckFreezLevel = true;
extern int    TrailingStop = 50;
extern int    MinProfitValue = 2;

extern int    TradeTimeChoise = 1;
extern int    TradeDayOfWeek = 0;

extern int    ChannelBars = 18;
extern int    SellCorrection = 0;
extern int    BuyCorrection = 0;
extern bool   CheckTimeBar = false;
extern bool   EqualBars = true;

extern bool   CheckDeleteFile = false;
extern int    TimeOutDeleteFile = 10;
extern bool   CheckSetOrder = true;
extern int    TimeOutSetOrder = 10;
extern bool   DeleteFileAfterChecking = false;
extern int    NumberRepeatCloseOrder = 0;

extern int    PersonalMagicNumber = 2509208;
extern bool   ShowComment = true;
extern bool   ShowSettings = true;
extern int    TimeOutComment = 3;
extern bool   ShowPrint = true;
extern bool   ShowTime = true;
extern bool   ShowNameID = false;
extern bool   ShowMagicNumber = false;

int    BarSlippage = 2;
int    BBPeriod = 20;
int    BBShift = 0;
double BBDeviations = 2.5;
int    BBChannelValue = 50;
bool   ReversTrades = false;
bool   LackTrades = false;
bool   OneTradesToDirection = true;
bool   HideIndicators = false;

int    Slippage;
int    MagicNumber = 250908;
string NameID = "Scalper", InitString;
double LotsForTrade;
//double aaaa
double HighestBarsValue, LowestBarsValue;
color  ReversOrderColor = Black;
color  BuyOrderColor = Blue;
color  SellOrderColor = Red;
int    LastOrderBar, LastOrderTicket, CurrentOrderTicket, CurrentOrderProfitPoint, CurrentOrderTrailingStop;
bool   TradeLimit;
int    opposite_id = 1;
double LastOrderTime = 0;
double CurrentOrderProfit;
double BuyOrderPrice;
bool   GoSell = false, GoBuy = false;
double MaxProfit = 0, MaxLoss = 0;
double UPmaxProfit = 0, UPmaxLoss = 0;
double UPminProfit = 50, UPminLoss=50;
double DOWNmaxProfit = 0,DOWNmaxLoss = 0;
double DOWNminProfit = 50, DOWNminLoss = 50;
int    ReadOperationCounter, SaveOperationCounter;
int    CurrentDirection = OP_NONE, LastDirection = OP_NONE, CurrentMode = 1,FileCounterMaxValue = 10, CounterRepeatClose;
int    RB_Counter = 0, RB_TimeBar = 0, RB_Operation = 1, RB_Ticket = 2, RB_Price = 3, RB_StopLoss = 4, RB_TakeProfit = 5; 
int    CB_Counter = 0, CB_TimeBar = 0, CB_Operation = 1, CB_RecTicket = 2, CB_OurTicket = 3, CB_OpenPrice = 4, CB_ClosePrice = 5, CB_StopLoss = 6, CB_TakeProfit = 7; 
bool   fTime = true, StopTradesByMargin, LastisOrderSell, LastisOrderBuy, TryRepeatCloseOrder;
int    LastStartSession1, LastEndSession1, LastStartSession2, LastEndSession2;
bool   RepeatCloseOrder, FirstComment = false;
string ErrorArray[4207];

///////////////////////// Channel indicator //////////////////////////
#define Dimension 6
#define TREND_HI "TrandHi"
#define TREND_LO "TrandLo"
#define TREND_COL Green
#define LINE_HI1 "LineHi1"
#define LINE_HI2 "LineHi2"
#define LINE_HI3 "LineHi3"
#define LINE_LO1 "LineLo1"
#define LINE_LO2 "LineLo2"
#define LINE_LO3 "LineLo3"
#define LINE_COL1 Green
#define LINE_COL2 Yellow
#define LINE_COL3 Red

bool UseChannelIndicator = true; 
bool UseProtection = false; 
//int BarsMin = 40;
//int BarsMax = 4000;
int PriceType = PRICE_CLOSE;
bool CalcLast = true;
int firstBar, lastBar, ChannelCounter;
double a_CH, b_CH, STDMin = 100000000.0;
double Z11[], Z12[], Z21[], Z22[], T1[], T2[], Y2[];
double ChanSelection[10][Dimension], RateArray[][Dimension];
double CurrentSellStopLoss, CurrentSellTakeProfit, CurrentBuyStopLoss, CurrentBuyTakeProfit;
int CurrentBarsCount = 0;
//|                                                                  |
double CalcSTD(int first, int last, double Apar, double Bpar)
  double res;
  res = Y2[first - last + 1] - 2 * Apar * T1[first - last + 1] -
  2 * Bpar * T2 [first - last + 1] +
  Apar * Apar * Z11[first - last + 1] +
  Bpar * Bpar * Z22[first - last + 1] + 
  2 * Apar * Bpar * Z12[first - last + 1];
double CalcSTDlast(int first, int last, double Apar, double Bpar)
  double res;
  res = Y2[first - lastBar + 1] - 2 * Apar * T1[first - lastBar + 1] -
  2 * Bpar * T2 [first - lastBar + 1] +
  Apar * Apar * Z11[first - lastBar + 1] +
  Bpar * Bpar * Z22[first - lastBar + 1] + 
  2 * Apar * Bpar * Z12[first - lastBar + 1];
//|                                                                  |
void SetLine(string LineName, double Price)
  if(ObjectFind(LineName) != -1) 
      if (ObjectType(LineName) != OBJ_HLINE) ObjectDelete(LineName);
      else ObjectSet(LineName, OBJPROP_PRICE1, Price);
       ObjectCreate(LineName, OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, Price);
       if(LineName == LINE_HI1 || LineName == LINE_LO1)
       ObjectSet(LineName, OBJPROP_COLOR, LINE_COL1); else
       if(LineName == LINE_HI2 || LineName == LINE_LO2)
       ObjectSet(LineName, OBJPROP_COLOR, LINE_COL2); else
       if(LineName == LINE_HI3 || LineName == LINE_LO3)
       ObjectSet(LineName, OBJPROP_COLOR, LINE_COL3);
//|                                                                  |
void CreateTrend(string Name, int Type, datetime Tim1, double Price1, datetime Tim2, double Price2)
  ObjectCreate(Name, Type, 0, Tim1, Price1, Tim2, Price2);
  ObjectSet(Name, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);

//|                                                                  |
void ChangeTrend(string Name, datetime Tim1, double Price1, datetime Tim2, double Price2)
  if(ObjectFind(Name) != -1) 
     ObjectSet(Name, OBJPROP_TIME1, Tim1);
     ObjectSet(Name, OBJPROP_PRICE1, Price1);
     ObjectSet(Name, OBJPROP_TIME2, Tim2);
     ObjectSet(Name, OBJPROP_PRICE2, Price2);
//|                                                                  |
bool TrendExists(int Type, string Name)
  bool res = false;
  if(ObjectFind(Name) != -1) 
     if (ObjectType(Name) != Type) ObjectDelete(Name);
     else res = true;
//|                                                                  |
void InitChannel()
  datetime tim;
  tim = TimeOnDropped();
  if(UseProtection) PriceType = AccountNumber();
  if (tim == 0) lastBar = 1; else lastBar = iBarShift(Symbol(), Period(), tim); 

  ArrayResize(RateArray, BarsMax);
  ArrayResize(Z11, BarsMax + 1);
  ArrayResize(Z12, BarsMax + 1);
  ArrayResize(Z21, BarsMax + 1);
  ArrayResize(Z22, BarsMax + 1);
  ArrayResize(T1, BarsMax + 1);
  ArrayResize(T2, BarsMax + 1); 
  ArrayResize(Y2, BarsMax + 1);
//|                                                                  |
void DeInitChannel()
  int k = 0;
  if (ObjectFind(LINE_HI1) != -1) ObjectDelete(LINE_HI1);
  if (ObjectFind(LINE_LO1) != -1) ObjectDelete(LINE_LO1);
  if (ObjectFind(LINE_HI2) != -1) ObjectDelete(LINE_HI2);
  if (ObjectFind(LINE_LO2) != -1) ObjectDelete(LINE_LO2);
  if (ObjectFind(LINE_HI3) != -1) ObjectDelete(LINE_HI3);
  if (ObjectFind(LINE_LO3) != -1) ObjectDelete(LINE_LO3);
  if (TrendExists(OBJ_TREND, TREND_HI+k)) ObjectDelete(TREND_HI+k);
  if (TrendExists(OBJ_TREND, TREND_LO+k)) ObjectDelete(TREND_LO+k);
//|                                                                  |
bool CalcChannel(bool DrawTrend)
  int i, j, ChannelIndex, lastBar2, sign;
  double STD1, STD2, val1, val2;
  datetime firstTime, lastTime;
  double rates[][6];

  if(Bars > 0)
     lastBar = 1;
     firstBar = 1 + BarsMax;
     i = CalcArr(Z11, Z12, Z21, Z22, T1, T2, Y2, rates, PriceType, firstBar, lastBar, Bars);
     ArrayInitialize(RateArray, 0.0);
     ArrayInitialize(ChanSelection, 0.0);
     ChannelCounter = 0;
     ChannelIndex = 0;
     for (i = lastBar + BarsMin; i <= lastBar + BarsMax - 1; i++)
       val1 = (Z12[i - lastBar + 1] * Z21[i - lastBar + 1] -
               Z22[i - lastBar + 1] * Z11[i - lastBar + 1]);
       if(val1 != 0)
       b_CH = (T1[i - lastBar + 1] * Z21[i - lastBar + 1] -
       T2[i - lastBar + 1] * Z11[i - lastBar + 1]) / val1;
       if(Z21[i - lastBar + 1] != 0 )
       a_CH = (T2[i - lastBar + 1] - b_CH * Z22[i - lastBar + 1]) / Z21[i - lastBar + 1];
       STD1 = 0.0;
       STD2 = 0.0;
       if(CalcLast == true)
         if (i - lastBar + 1 != 0)
         STD1 = MathSqrt(CalcSTDlast(i, lastBar, a_CH, b_CH) / (i - lastBar + 1));
         lastBar2 = MathRound(i - (i - lastBar) * 2.0 / 3.0);
         if (i - lastBar2 + 1 != 0)
           if (lastBar2 > lastBar)
           STD2 = MathSqrt((CalcSTDlast(i, lastBar2, a_CH, b_CH) - CalcSTDlast(lastBar2 - 1, lastBar2, a_CH, b_CH)) / (i - lastBar2 + 1));
           else STD2 = MathSqrt(CalcSTDlast(i, lastBar2, a_CH, b_CH) / (i - lastBar2 + 1));
         if (i - lastBar + 1 != 0)
         STD1 = MathSqrt(CalcSTD(i, lastBar, a_CH, b_CH) / (i - lastBar + 1));
         lastBar2 = MathRound(i - (i - lastBar) * 2.0 / 3.0);
         if (i - lastBar2 + 1 != 0)
           if (lastBar2 > lastBar)
           STD2 = MathSqrt((CalcSTD(i, lastBar2, a_CH, b_CH) - CalcSTD(lastBar2 - 1, lastBar2, a_CH, b_CH)) / (i - lastBar2 + 1));
           else STD2 = MathSqrt(CalcSTD(i, lastBar2, a_CH, b_CH) / (i - lastBar2 + 1));
       RateArray[i][0] = i;
       RateArray[i][1] = lastBar;
       RateArray[i][2] = a_CH;
       RateArray[i][3] = b_CH;
       RateArray[i][4] = lastBar2;
       RateArray[i][5] = STD1;
       RateArray[i][6] = STD2;
       if (sign == 0 && STD2 - STD1 > 0 ) sign = 1;
       if (sign == 0 && STD2 - STD1 < 0) sign = -1;

       if ( STD2 - STD1 > 0 && sign < 0) sign = 1;
       else if ( STD2 - STD1 < 0 && sign > 0) sign = -1;

       if (sign == 1)
         if (STD1 < STDMin)
           STDMin = STD1;
           ChannelIndex = i;
       else if (sign == -1)
         if (STDMin != 100000000.0)
           if (STD1 < STDMin) 
             STDMin = STD1;
             ChannelIndex = i;
           if (ChannelIndex == BarsMax) ChannelIndex--;   
           if (ChannelCounter < 10)
           for (j = 0; j < Dimension; j++)
           ChanSelection[ChannelCounter][j] = RateArray[ChannelIndex][j];
           ChannelIndex = 0;
         STDMin = 100000000.0;
     if (ChannelCounter>10) ChannelCounter=10;      
     if (ChannelCounter == 0)
       if (ChannelIndex == BarsMax) ChannelIndex--;   
       for (i = 0; i < Dimension; i++)
       ChannelCounter = 1;
     if (ChannelIndex != 0 && sign == 1) 
       for (i = 0; i < Dimension; i++)

     if (MathAbs(firstBar - lastBar) < BarsMin)
       return (false);
     lastBar = ChanSelection[0][1];
     firstBar = ChanSelection[0][0];
     STD1 = ChanSelection[0][5];
     a_CH = ChanSelection[0][2];
     b_CH = ChanSelection[0][3];

     firstTime = Time[firstBar];
     lastTime = Time[lastBar];
     val1 = a_CH * firstBar + b_CH;
     val2 = a_CH * lastBar + b_CH;
       if (TrendExists(OBJ_TREND, TREND_HI))
       ChangeTrend(TREND_HI, firstTime, val1 + STD1, lastTime, val2 + STD1);
       else CreateTrend(TREND_HI, OBJ_TREND, firstTime, val1 + STD1, lastTime, val2 + STD1);
       if (TrendExists(OBJ_TREND,TREND_LO))
       ChangeTrend(TREND_LO, firstTime, val1 - STD1, lastTime, val2 - STD1);
       else CreateTrend(TREND_LO, OBJ_TREND, firstTime, val1 - STD1, lastTime, val2 - STD1);
       SetLine(LINE_HI1, val2 + STD1);
       SetLine(LINE_LO1, val2 - STD1);
       SetLine(LINE_HI2, val2 + (2 * STD1));
       SetLine(LINE_LO2, val2 - (2 * STD1));
       SetLine(LINE_HI3, val2 + (3 * STD1));
       SetLine(LINE_LO3, val2 - (3 * STD1));

     HighestBarsValue = val2 + (2 * STD1)+DeltaOpenPosition*Point;
     LowestBarsValue = val2 - (2 * STD1)-DeltaOpenPosition*Point;
     double SellStopLoss = val2 + (3 * STD1) + DeltaStopLoss*Point;
     double SellTakeProfit = val2 - (3 * STD1) + DeltaTakeProfit*Point;
     double BuyStopLoss = val2 - (3 * STD1) - DeltaStopLoss*Point;
     double BuyTakeProfit = val2 + (3 * STD1) - DeltaTakeProfit*Point;

     if(SellStopLoss - Bid < Min_Dev) SellStopLoss = Bid + Min_Dev;
     if(Bid - SellTakeProfit < Min_Dev) SellTakeProfit = Bid - Min_Dev;
     if(Ask - BuyStopLoss < Min_Dev) BuyStopLoss = Ask - Min_Dev;
     if(BuyTakeProfit - Ask < Min_Dev) BuyTakeProfit = Ask + Min_Dev;
//      CurrentSellStopLoss = NormalizeDouble(Ask + StopLoss * Point, MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS));
     CurrentSellStopLoss = NormalizeDouble(SellStopLoss, MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS));
//      CurrentSellTakeProfit = NormalizeDouble(Bid - TakeProfit * Point, MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS));
     CurrentSellTakeProfit = NormalizeDouble(SellTakeProfit, MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS));
//      CurrentBuyStopLoss = NormalizeDouble(Bid - StopLoss * Point, MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS));
     CurrentBuyStopLoss = NormalizeDouble(BuyStopLoss, MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS));
//      CurrentBuyTakeProfit = NormalizeDouble(Ask + TakeProfit * Point, MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS));
     CurrentBuyTakeProfit = NormalizeDouble(BuyTakeProfit, MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS));

     if(HighestBarsValue <= 0 || LowestBarsValue <= 0) return(false);
     else return (true);
  }else return (false);
//|                                                                  |

void ModifyOrdersParams()
 int i, ticket, total;
 double  stl, tpf;
 bool bmod;
 for (i = 0; i < total; i++){
   OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
   if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol()){
     if (OrderMagicNumber()!=MagicNumber) continue;
     stl = OrderStopLoss();
     tpf = OrderTakeProfit();
     bmod = false;
        if(stl != CurrentSellStopLoss || tpf != CurrentSellTakeProfit){
          if(!FixSLTPDirection || CurrentSellStopLoss < stl){
            stl = CurrentSellStopLoss;
            bmod = true;
          if(!FixSLTPDirection || CurrentSellTakeProfit < tpf){
            tpf = CurrentSellTakeProfit;
            bmod = true;
            OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), stl, tpf, 0);
//             Print("**********StorLoss/CurrentSellStopLoss=",stl,"/",CurrentSellStopLoss," TakeProfit/CurrentSellTakeProfit=",tpf,"/",CurrentSellTakeProfit);
     }else if(OrderType()==OP_BUY){
        if(stl != CurrentBuyStopLoss || tpf != CurrentBuyTakeProfit){
          if(!FixSLTPDirection || CurrentBuyStopLoss > stl){
            stl = CurrentBuyStopLoss;
            bmod = true;
          if(!FixSLTPDirection || CurrentBuyTakeProfit > tpf){
            tpf = CurrentBuyTakeProfit;
            bmod = true;
            OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), stl, tpf, 0);
//             Print("**********StorLoss/CurrentBuyStopLoss=",stl,"/",CurrentBuyStopLoss," TakeProfit/CurrentBuyTakeProfit=",tpf,"/",CurrentBuyTakeProfit);
///////////////////////// Channel indicator //////////////////////////
//|                                                                  |
int init()
 if (Acc5Digits)
   TakeProfit *= 10;
   StopLoss *= 10;
   TrailingStop *= 10;
   DeltaStopLoss *= 10;
   DeltaTakeProfit *= 10;
   DeltaOpenPosition *= 10;
   SellCorrection *= 10;
   BuyCorrection *= 10;
   MinProfitValue *= 10;

  if(UseChannelIndicator) InitChannel(); // Init Channel indicator

  MinProfitValue = Slippage;
  if(MinProfitValue > 10) Min_Dev = Min_Dev * 10;
  if (HideIndicators) HideTestIndicators(true);
  LastStartSession1=StartSession1; LastEndSession1=EndSession1; LastStartSession2=StartSession2; LastEndSession2=EndSession2;

  InitString = " Trade time " + StartSession1 + ".00  " + EndSession1 + "..00 and " + StartSession2 + ".00 " + EndSession2 + ".00" + "\n";


// êîíåö.
int deinit()
  if(UseChannelIndicator) DeInitChannel(); // DeInit Channel indicator


//|                                                                  |
int start()
  if (!StartRulls()) return(0);

  if(CurrentBarsCount != Bars)
    if(!UseChannelIndicator || (UseChannelIndicator && !CalcChannel(true))) // Calculate Channel 
//       PrepareIndicators(); 
    else ModifyOrdersParams(); 
    CurrentBarsCount = Bars;
   }else if(HighestBarsValue <= 0 || LowestBarsValue <= 0) return(0);
//   if (StopByMaxDrawDown()) return(0);
//   Comments("Start()");

  if (isOrderSell() && !TimeCurrentBar())
     if (isGroDtoBuy() || isMinProfittoClose() || TryToCloseAgain())
        if (CurrentOrderProfitPoint<0 && TryTakeProfit) return(0);

  if (isOrderBuy() && !TimeCurrentBar())
     if (isGroDtoSell() || isMinProfittoClose() || TryToCloseAgain())
        if (CurrentOrderProfitPoint<0 && TryTakeProfit) return(0);

  if (isGroDtoSell() && !TimeCurrentBar() && (isTimetoTrade(StartSession1, EndSession1) || isTimetoTrade(StartSession2, EndSession2)))
//         SendSellOrder(StopLoss,TakeProfit);
////////////////////////////////negr comment
//        Print("************************SellOrder    Low___High=     ",LowestBarsValue,"   ",HighestBarsValue);
//         Print("************************StopLoss  TakeProfit",CurrentBuyStopLoss, CurrentBuyTakeProfit);
//         Print("**********Bid=",Bid," Ask=",Ask," HighestBarsValue=",HighestBarsValue," LowestBarsValue=",LowestBarsValue," CurrentSellStopLoss=",CurrentSellStopLoss," CurrentSellTakeProfit=",CurrentSellTakeProfit);
  if (isGroDtoBuy() && !TimeCurrentBar() && (isTimetoTrade(StartSession1, EndSession1) || isTimetoTrade(StartSession2, EndSession2)))
//         SendBuyOrder(StopLoss, TakeProfit);
        SendBuyOrder(CurrentBuyStopLoss, CurrentBuyTakeProfit);
////////////////////////////////negr comment
//         Print("************************BuyOrder    Low___High=     ",LowestBarsValue,"   ",HighestBarsValue);
//         Print("************************StopLoss  TakeProfit",CurrentBuyStopLoss, CurrentBuyTakeProfit);
//         Print("**********Bid=",Bid," Ask=",Ask," HighestBarsValue=",HighestBarsValue," LowestBarsValue=",LowestBarsValue," CurrentBuyStopLoss=",CurrentBuyStopLoss," CurrentBuyTakeProfit=",CurrentBuyTakeProfit);
// êîíåö.


bool StopByMaxDrawDown(){
  bool result=false;
  double CurrentMaxDrawDown;
  if (MaxDrawDown==0 || (StartSession1==0 && EndSession1==12 && StartSession2==12 && EndSession2==24)) return(result);
  if (!isTimetoTrade(StartSession1, EndSession1) && !isTimetoTrade(StartSession2, EndSession2))
     Comments("StopByMaxDrawDown(): Trade allow");
  if (StopTradesByMargin)
  if (GlobalVariableGet("MaxAccountValue")-AccountBalance()<0) GlobalVariableSet("MaxAccountValue",AccountBalance());
/*   Comment(
           "CurrentMaxDrawDown= ",CurrentMaxDrawDown,"\n",
           "MaxAccountValue= ",GlobalVariableGet("MaxAccountValue"),"\n",
           "AccountBalance()= ",AccountBalance(),"\n",
           "AccountEquity()= ",AccountEquity(),"\n"
  if (CurrentMaxDrawDown-AccountEquity()>0)
     while (isOrderBuy()) CloseBuyOrder();
     while (isOrderSell()) CloseSellOrder();
     Comments("StopByMaxDrawDown(): Trade is permitted");


bool TimeCurrentBar(){
  bool result=false;
  if (CheckTimeBar && Time[0]==LastOrderTime) result=true;

bool isOrderSell(){
  bool result=false;
  int cnt=0, ticket, total;
  for (cnt=0;cnt<total;cnt++)
     OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
     if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderType()==OP_SELL)
        if (OrderMagicNumber()!=MagicNumber) continue;
        CurrentOrderProfit = OrderProfit();
        CurrentOrderProfitPoint = (OrderOpenPrice()-Ask)/Point;
  if (LastisOrderSell && !result)
     if (OrderStopLoss()!=0 || OrderTakeProfit()!=0) LastOrderTime=Time[0];


bool isOrderBuy(){
  bool result=false;
  int cnt=0, ticket, total;
  for (cnt=0;cnt<total;cnt++)
     OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
     if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderType()==OP_BUY)
        if (OrderMagicNumber()!=MagicNumber) continue;
        CurrentOrderProfit = OrderProfit();
        CurrentOrderProfitPoint = (Bid-OrderOpenPrice())/Point;
  if (LastisOrderBuy && !result)
     if (OrderStopLoss()!=0 || OrderTakeProfit()!=0) LastOrderTime=Time[0];


bool CloseBuyOrder(){
  bool result=false;
  int cnt=0, ticket, total;
  for (cnt=0;cnt<total;cnt++)
     ticket = OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
     if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderType()==OP_BUY)
        if (isFreezLevel()) continue;
        if (OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber)
           if (OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,Slippage,BuyOrderColor))
//               Comments("Buy order closed : "+OrderClosePrice());
              Comments("Error close Buy order: "+PrintError(GetLastError()));


bool CloseSellOrder(){
  bool result=false;
  int cnt=0, ticket, total;
  for (cnt=0;cnt<total;cnt++)
     ticket = OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
     if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderType()==OP_SELL)
        if (isFreezLevel()) continue;
        if (OrderMagicNumber()==MagicNumber)
           if (OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,Slippage,SellOrderColor))
//               Comments("Sell order closed : "+OrderClosePrice());
              Comments("Error close Sell order: "+PrintError(GetLastError()));


bool TryToCloseAgain(){
  bool result=false;
  if (!RepeatCloseOrder)
     if (CounterRepeatClose>0)
  //      Comments("TryToCloseAgain(): Error after repeat Close order");


bool isFreezLevel()
  bool result=false;
  double Price, FreezLevelValue, CurrentSlippage;
  if (CheckFreezLevel)
     if (OrderStopLoss()!=0 || OrderTakeProfit()!=0)
        if (OrderType()==OP_BUY) Price=Bid;
        if (OrderType()==OP_SELL) Price=Ask;
        if (  OrderStopLoss()!=0 && FreezLevelValue>(MathAbs(Price-OrderStopLoss()  ))) result=true;
        if (OrderTakeProfit()!=0 && FreezLevelValue>(MathAbs(Price-OrderTakeProfit()))) result=true;


bool SendBuyOrder(double SBO_StopLoss, double SBO_TakeProfit)
 if (OrdersCountBar0(0) > 0) return (false);

int ticket=0;

     if(Ask - SBO_StopLoss < Min_Dev) SBO_StopLoss = NormalizeDouble(Ask - Min_Dev,MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS));
     if(SBO_TakeProfit - Ask < Min_Dev) SBO_TakeProfit = NormalizeDouble(Ask + Min_Dev,MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS));
     ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,LotsForTrade,Ask,Slippage,SBO_StopLoss,SBO_TakeProfit, NameID,MagicNumber,0,BuyOrderColor);
//            Comments("Buy order opened : "+OrderOpenPrice());
        Comments("Error open Buy order : "+PrintError(GetLastError()));



bool SendSellOrder(double SSO_StopLoss, double SSO_TakeProfit)

 if (OrdersCountBar0(0) > 0) return (false);

int ticket=0;

     if(SSO_StopLoss - Bid < Min_Dev) SSO_StopLoss = NormalizeDouble(Bid + Min_Dev,MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS));
     if(Bid - SSO_TakeProfit < Min_Dev) SSO_TakeProfit = NormalizeDouble(Bid - Min_Dev,MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS));
     ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,LotsForTrade,Bid,Slippage,SSO_StopLoss,SSO_TakeProfit, NameID,MagicNumber,0,SellOrderColor);
//            Comments("Sell order opened : "+OrderOpenPrice());
        Comments("Error open Sell order : "+PrintError(GetLastError()));



bool StartRulls()
  double LotsStep, LotsMin, LotsMax;
  int LotsDigit;

  if (!FirstComment)
     if (LastStartSession1!=StartSession1 || LastEndSession1!=EndSession1 || LastStartSession2!=StartSession2 || LastEndSession2!=EndSession2)
        LastStartSession1=StartSession1; LastEndSession1=EndSession1; LastStartSession2=StartSession2; LastEndSession2=EndSession2;
        Comments("Another trade time EA");
  if (IsOptimization())
     if (StartSession1>12) return(false);
     if (EndSession1>12) return(false);
     if (StartSession2<12) return(false);
     if (EndSession2<12) return(false);
     if (StartSession1>EndSession1 || StartSession2>EndSession2) return(false);
     Comments("StartRulls() Bars less than 100");
  LotsStep = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP),2);
  LotsMax=NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT),2);
  if (LotsStep==0.01) LotsDigit=2; else LotsDigit=1;
  // ðàñ÷åò ðàçìåðà ëîòà
  if (Lots==0) LotsForTrade=NormalizeDouble(AccountFreeMargin()*LotsPercent/100000,LotsDigit);
  else LotsForTrade=Lots;
  if (LotsForTrade>LotsMax) LotsForTrade=LotsMax;
  if (LotsForTrade<LotsMin) LotsForTrade=LotsMin;


bool isMinProfittoClose(){
  bool result=false;
  if (CurrentOrderProfitPoint>0 && CurrentOrderProfitPoint>=MinProfitValue && MinProfitValue!=0)


bool isGroDtoBuy(){
  bool result=false;
  if (!ReversTrades)
     if (Bid < (LowestBarsValue-Point*BuyCorrection) || (EqualBars && Bid <= (LowestBarsValue-Point*BuyCorrection))) result=true;
/*     if (Bid < (LowestBarsValue-Point*BuyCorrection) || (EqualBars && Bid <= (LowestBarsValue-Point*BuyCorrection)))
Print("Buy___Low___High=     ",LowestBarsValue,"   ",HighestBarsValue);*/
     if (Bid > HighestBarsValue || (EqualBars && Bid >= HighestBarsValue)) result=true;
/*      if (Bid > HighestBarsValue || (EqualBars && Bid >= HighestBarsValue)) Print(
     "Buy___HighestBarsValue=     ",HighestBarsValue);*/


bool isGroDtoSell(){
  bool result=false;
  if (!ReversTrades)
     if (Bid > (HighestBarsValue+Point*SellCorrection) || (EqualBars && Bid >= (HighestBarsValue+Point*SellCorrection))) result=true;
/*      if (Bid > (HighestBarsValue+Point*SellCorrection) || (EqualBars && Bid >= (HighestBarsValue+Point*SellCorrection)))Print(
        "Sell___HighestBarsValue=     ",HighestBarsValue);*/
     if (Bid < LowestBarsValue || (EqualBars && Bid <= LowestBarsValue)) result=true;
/*     if (Bid < LowestBarsValue || (EqualBars && Bid <= LowestBarsValue))Print(
     "Sell___LowestBarsValue=     ",LowestBarsValue); */


bool isTimetoTrade(int OpenHour, int CloseHour)
////////////////////////////// Check DayOfWeek
  int i, d_cnt, cur_d = DayOfWeek();
  if(OpenHour == StartSession1 && CloseHour == EndSession1) {
    d_cnt = ArraySize(NoTradeDays1);
    for(i = 0; i < d_cnt; i++) if(NoTradeDays1[i] == cur_d) return(false);
  } else if(OpenHour == StartSession2 && CloseHour == EndSession2) {
    d_cnt = ArraySize(NoTradeDays2);
    for(i = 0; i < d_cnt; i++) if(NoTradeDays2[i] == cur_d) return(false);
////////////////////////////// Check DayOfWeek
  bool result = false;
  int CurrentHour=Hour();
  if (OpenHour > 23 || OpenHour < 0 ) OpenHour = 0;
  if (CloseHour > 23 || CloseHour < 0 ) CloseHour = 0;
  if (OpenHour<CloseHour && (Hour()>=OpenHour && Hour()<CloseHour)) result=true;
  if (OpenHour>CloseHour && (Hour()>=OpenHour || Hour()<CloseHour)) result=true;
  if (DayOfWeek()!=TradeDayOfWeek && TradeDayOfWeek!=0) result = false;


bool Comments(string CommentString){
  bool result=false;
  int i,j;
  if (ShowPrint)
     string str="";
     if (ShowTime) str=str+TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(),TIME_SECONDS)+" : ";
     if (ShowNameID) str=str+NameID;
     if (ShowMagicNumber) str=str+"("+MagicNumber+")";
     if (ShowNameID || ShowMagicNumber) str=str+": ";
  if (ShowSettings)
     if (ShowComment) Comment(InitString+str+CommentString);
     if (ShowComment) Comment(str+CommentString);


string PrintError(int ErrorCode)

void InitErrorArray()
  ErrorArray[0] = "No errors";
  ErrorArray[1] = "No errors, but no resulting";
  ErrorArray[2] = "General fault";
  ErrorArray[3] = "Fault parameters"; 
  ErrorArray[4] = "Trade busy"; 
  ErrorArray[5] = "Old version of terminal"; 
  ErrorArray[6] = "Not connect"; 
  ErrorArray[7] = "Rules not good for you"; 
  ErrorArray[8] = "Very many orders"; 
  ErrorArray [9] = "Invalid operation disrupt the server"; 
   ErrorArray [64] = "blocked account"; 
   ErrorArray [65] = "Invalid account number"; 
   ErrorArray [128] = "Expired expectations of the transaction"; 
   ErrorArray [129] = "Invalid price"; 
   ErrorArray [130] = "Wrong foot"; 
   ErrorArray [131] = "Invalid volume"; 
   ErrorArray [132] = "The market is closed"; 
   ErrorArray [133] = "Trade is prohibited"; 
   ErrorArray [134] = "Not enough money for the transaction"; 
   ErrorArray [135] = "Price has changed"; 
   ErrorArray [136] = "No price"; 
   ErrorArray [137] = "Broker busy"; 
   ErrorArray [138] = "New prices"; 
   ErrorArray [139] = "Order has been blocked and processed"; 
   ErrorArray [140] = "Allow only buy"; 
   ErrorArray [141] = "Too many bugs"; 
   ErrorArray [145] = "Modification is prohibited, as the warrant is too close to the market"; 
   ErrorArray [146] = "subsystem busy trade"; 
   ErrorArray [147] = "Using the date of expiry of the warrant is prohibited broker"; 
   ErrorArray [148] = "The number of open orders and deferred reached the limit set by the broker"; 
   ErrorArray [4000] = "No errors"; 
   ErrorArray [4001] = "Invalid Index function"; 
   ErrorArray [4002] = "Index array - out of range"; 
   ErrorArray [4003] = "No memory to stack functions"; 
   ErrorArray [4004] = "stack overflow after recursive call"; 
   ErrorArray [4005] = "At no memory of the stack to pass options"; 
   ErrorArray [4006] = "No memory for a string parameter"; 
   ErrorArray [4007] = "No memory for a temporary line"; 
   ErrorArray [4008] = "Neinitsializirovannaya line"; 
   ErrorArray [4009] = "Neinitsializirovannaya line in the array"; 
   ErrorArray [4010] = "No memory for an array string"; 
   ErrorArray [4011] = "Too long line"; 
   ErrorArray [4012] = "Balance of dividing by zero"; 
   ErrorArray [4013] = "The division by zero"; 
   ErrorArray [4014] = "Unknown command"; 
   ErrorArray [4015] = "Invalid conversion"; 
   ErrorArray [4016] = "Neinitsializirovanny array"; 
   ErrorArray [4017] = "Challenge DLL not allowed "; 
   ErrorArray [4018] = "Can not load library"; 
   ErrorArray [4019] = "Can not call"; 
   ErrorArray [4020] = "Challenge external library functions are not allowed "; 
   ErrorArray [4021] = "Not enough memory to the line, recovery of the function"; 
   ErrorArray [4022] = "system busy"; 
   ErrorArray [4050] = "Wrong number of parameters function"; 
   ErrorArray [4051] = "Invalid value functions"; 
   ErrorArray [4052] = "Internal error string functions"; 
   ErrorArray [4053] = "Error array"; 
   ErrorArray [4054] = "Misuse of solid-taymserii"; 
   ErrorArray [4055] = "user error indicator"; 
   ErrorArray [4056] = "Arrays incompatible"; 
   ErrorArray [4057] = "Error processing globalnyeh variables"; 
   ErrorArray [4058] = "global variable is not detected"; 
   ErrorArray [4059] = "function is not allowed in test mode"; 
   ErrorArray [4060] = "function is not allowed"; 
   ErrorArray [4061] = "Error sending"; 
   ErrorArray [4062] = "expected parameter type string"; 
   ErrorArray [4063] = "expected parameter type integer"; 
   ErrorArray [4064] = "expected parameter type double"; 
   ErrorArray [4065] = "As expected array parameter"; 
   ErrorArray [4066] = "The requested historical data in a state of renewal"; 
   ErrorArray [4067] = "Error executing trading operations"; 
   ErrorArray [4099] = "End file"; 
   ErrorArray [4100] = "error when working with the file"; 
   ErrorArray [4101] = "Invalid file name"; 
   ErrorArray [4102] = "Too many open files"; 
   ErrorArray [4103] = "Can not open file"; 
   ErrorArray [4104] = "Incompatible regime access to the file"; 
   ErrorArray [4105] = "No warrant is not selected"; 
   ErrorArray [4106] = "Unknown symbol"; 
   ErrorArray [4107] = "Invalid setting prices for commercial functions"; 
   ErrorArray [4108] = "Wrong number tiketa"; 
   ErrorArray [4109] = "Trade is not allowed. You need to include the option Allow an adviser to trade in the properties of expert"; 
   ErrorArray [4110] = "Long positions are not allowed. You should check the properties of expert"; 
   ErrorArray [4111] = "Short positions are not allowed. You should check the properties of expert"; 
   ErrorArray [4200] = "Object already exists"; 
   ErrorArray [4201] = "Requested an unknown object property"; 
   ErrorArray [4202] = "The object does not exist"; 
   ErrorArray [4203] = "Unknown type of object"; 
   ErrorArray [4204] = "No, the object name "; 
   ErrorArray [4205] = "Error coordinates object"; 
   ErrorArray [4206] = "said subwindow Not Found"; 
   ErrorArray [4207] = "error when working with the object";


//ïîäãîòîâêà èíäèêàòîðîâ
void PrepareIndicators()

     HighestBarsValue   =High[iHighest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, ChannelBars, 1)];
     LowestBarsValue    =Low [iLowest (NULL, 0, MODE_LOW , ChannelBars, 1)];


int OrdersCountBar0(int TF)
 int orders = 0;

 int cnt = OrdersTotal();
 for (int i=0; i<cnt; i++) 
   if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) continue;
   if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue;
   if (OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber) continue;

   if (OrderOpenTime() >= iTime(NULL, TF, 0)) orders++;

 cnt = OrdersHistoryTotal();
 for (i=0; i<cnt; i++) 
   if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) continue;
   if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue;
   if (OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber) continue;

   if (OrderOpenTime() >= iTime(NULL, TF, 0)) orders++;

 return (orders);
int CorrectGMTime(int tim)
 int res = tim + GMT;
 if(res > 24) res = res - 24;
 else if(res < 0) res = 24 + res;
 else if(res == 24) res = 0;

void CorrectSessionTimes()
 int tim1 = CorrectGMTime(EndSession1);
 int tim2 = CorrectGMTime(StartSession2);
 if(tim1 != 0 && tim2 != 0){
   if(tim2 > tim1){
     EndSession1 = tim1;
     StartSession2 = tim2;
     EndSession1 = tim2;
     StartSession2 = tim1;
   if(tim1 != 0) EndSession1 = tim1;
   else EndSession1 = tim2;
   StartSession2 = 24;

Ore no Shinka Hikari yo Hayai. Zen Uchi o Nani no Mono Ore no Shinka Chuito Kore Nai.

Ten no Michi yo Iki. Subete o Sukosadoru Otoko.

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thanks william,for your help,you woke me up with the code details ;) , here is the modified versions, wich ends when the london session starts,you don't want to trade with a scalper during the london session, do you? ;)


xtreme euro/chf an extreme euro/gbp both modified




http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=639d6d300f06d1110de4fc1039a01674e04e75f6e8ebb871 ^:)^


btw ,i'm using both eas + stomper on my live account (tadawulfx) with good results, very low risk .1% for each of them, i was using fap47 before ,the others trade more often with an equal success rate 90% win ,i'm gonna see if it last long that way,no eas win all the time..

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thanks william,for your help,you woke me up with the code details ;) , here is the modified versions, wich ends when the london session starts,you don't want to trade with a scalper during the london session, do you? ;)


xtreme euro/chf an extreme euro/gbp both modified




http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=639d6d300f06d1110de4fc1039a01674e04e75f6e8ebb871 ^:)^


btw ,i'm using both eas + stomper on my live account (tadawulfx) with good results, very low risk .1% for each of them, i was using fap47 before ,the others trade more often with an equal success rate 90% win ,i'm gonna see if it last long that way,no eas win all the time..



how often do the two EAs trade? I added them on wednesday but there were no trades so far. :-??

Thank you for your help!

Best regards!


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yesterday on my tadawul dem acc, 3 trades, all winners ,but 0 live ,apparently there is a good difference between live and demo some days ,maybe the broker has a way to restrain some eas ,i know that one way they recognize the ea is by the magic # so i modified the magic # inside the code,but i don't know if they have other ways to slow down a sussessfull ea? on backtest it places around 75 trades monthly ,but eu/chf pair is more picky sometime

;)) good luck

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Hi, do you know where to modify to make it work with ECN based MT4 brokers? i.e GallentFx, FXCM.


I notice the wrong foot problem is with opening orders with ECN accounts.

i had it at fxcm before and it was working ,spread was widening between 21 and 23 gmt ,so the ea is not working fine with large spread.concerning the wrong foot are you talking about xtreme eurogbp or euro chf or both ? on way to fix the problem quickly is to use stomper for euro/gbp intead , ;) thi is the same code than xtreme euro/gbp ,i think stomper came first :)

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yesterday on my tadawul dem acc, 3 trades, all winners ,but 0 live ,apparently there is a good difference between live and demo some days ,maybe the broker has a way to restrain some eas ,i know that one way they recognize the ea is by the magic # so i modified the magic # inside the code,but i don't know if they have other ways to slow down a sussessfull ea? on backtest it places around 75 trades monthly ,but eu/chf pair is more picky sometime

;)) good luck


Thank you for your reply! :) I had the two EAs on my demoaccount but there were no trades. :-?? Or do you need an indicator or another data file? So far I have only the two Expert Files in my folder. That´s correct, or not?

Best regards!

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thanks william,for your help,you woke me up with the code details ;) , here is the modified versions, wich ends when the london session starts,you don't want to trade with a scalper during the london session, do you? ;)


xtreme euro/chf an extreme euro/gbp both modified




http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=639d6d300f06d1110de4fc1039a01674e04e75f6e8ebb871 ^:)^


btw ,i'm using both eas + stomper on my live account (tadawulfx) with good results, very low risk .1% for each of them, i was using fap47 before ,the others trade more often with an equal success rate 90% win ,i'm gonna see if it last long that way,no eas win all the time..




does this 2 versions needs .dll ? If yes, can you share?



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yesterday on my tadawul dem acc, 3 trades, all winners ,but 0 live ,apparently there is a good difference between live and demo some days ,maybe the broker has a way to restrain some eas ,i know that one way they recognize the ea is by the magic # so i modified the magic # inside the code,but i don't know if they have other ways to slow down a sussessfull ea? on backtest it places around 75 trades monthly ,but eu/chf pair is more picky sometime

;)) good luck


Thank you for your reply! :) I had the two EAs on my demoaccount but there were no trades. :-?? Or do you need an indicator or another data file? So far I have only the two Expert Files in my folder. That´s correct, or not?

Best regards![/quote


i had some trades at wallsreet brokers (demo) but only 1 at tadawulfx (live ) i thinkk that the ea is not trading becaUSE IT DETECTED A high volatility market last week ,this must be the reason,if you make some backtests you you gonna see tht there is some months with more than 100 trades but there is some with 60 trades too, .gonna wait this week what will be the result ,but don't expect good success,because of the 4TH of july in usa ,no good for trading for at least 7 to 9 days X_X

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thanks william,for your help,you woke me up with the code details ;) , here is the modified versions, wich ends when the london session starts,you don't want to trade with a scalper during the london session, do you? ;)


xtreme euro/chf an extreme euro/gbp both modified




http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=639d6d300f06d1110de4fc1039a01674e04e75f6e8ebb871 ^:)^


btw ,i'm using both eas + stomper on my live account (tadawulfx) with good results, very low risk .1% for each of them, i was using fap47 before ,the others trade more often with an equal success rate 90% win ,i'm gonna see if it last long that way,no eas win all the time..




does this 2 versions needs .dll ? If yes, can you share?



yes it needs dll file ,they are on my first post ,

here again ;) http://www.mediafire.com/?t2gxjhymnit



btw i had 2 trades yesterday with euro/chf ,2 wins ;) ,but i noticed that one other trade could not open because of a requote :o

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Thank roberto59 for your sharing...


Can you give us live/demo performance link ?


I want to see your forward test with these EA


Thank you



thanks william,for your help,you woke me up with the code details ;) , here is the modified versions, wich ends when the london session starts,you don't want to trade with a scalper during the london session, do you? ;)


xtreme euro/chf an extreme euro/gbp both modified




http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=639d6d300f06d1110de4fc1039a01674e04e75f6e8ebb871 ^:)^


btw ,i'm using both eas + stomper on my live account (tadawulfx) with good results, very low risk .1% for each of them, i was using fap47 before ,the others trade more often with an equal success rate 90% win ,i'm gonna see if it last long that way,no eas win all the time..

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the results so far this week live at tadawulfx without my acc# and the acc name.

euro/gbp stomper and xtreme euro/chf with a bit more trades this week ;)

Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit

727214 2009.06.29 02:16 buy 0.10 eurgbp 0.8517 0.8484 0.8547 2009.06.29 02:32 0.8520 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.95

727295 2009.06.29 02:41 buy 0.10 eurgbp 0.8516 0.8483 0.8546 2009.06.29 04:06 0.8518 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.29

731154 2009.06.29 21:01 buy 0.30 eurgbp 0.8501 0.8468 0.8531 2009.06.29 21:25 0.8504 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.91

731364 2009.06.29 21:38 buy 0.30 eurgbp 0.8503 0.8468 0.8531 2009.06.29 23:02 0.8502 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4.96

731808 2009.06.29 23:03 sell 0.30 eurgbp 0.8503 0.8536 0.8473 2009.06.29 23:51 0.8501 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.93

732495 2009.06.29 23:55 buy 0.30 eurgbp 0.8501 0.8468 0.8531 2009.06.30 00:27 0.8504 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.89

732706 2009.06.30 00:27 sell 0.30 eurgbp 0.8504 0.8537 0.8474 2009.06.30 00:32 0.8502 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.94

732824 2009.06.30 00:34 buy 0.30 eurgbp 0.8501 0.8468 0.8531 2009.06.30 01:18 0.8504 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.92

733303 2009.06.30 01:18 sell 0.20 eurchf 1.5255 1.5284 1.5233 2009.06.30 01:20 1.5252 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.55

734532 2009.06.30 06:51 buy 0.20 eurchf 1.5251 1.5220 1.5268 2009.06.30 06:59 1.5254 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.55

738140 2009.06.30 21:01 buy 0.20 eurgbp 0.8528 0.8495 0.8558 2009.06.30 22:23 0.8530 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.57

738791 2009.06.30 22:23 sell 0.20 eurgbp 0.8529 0.8565 0.8502 2009.06.30 22:47 0.8526 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.87

739212 2009.06.30 23:06 buy 0.20 eurgbp 0.8524 0.8491 0.8554 2009.07.01 00:20 0.8525 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.30

739660 2009.07.01 00:23 sell 0.20 eurgbp 0.8525 0.8558 0.8495 2009.07.01 01:30 0.8524 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.30

740409 2009.07.01 03:00 sell 0.20 eurchf 1.5245 1.5273 1.5230 2009.07.01 03:03 1.5241 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.36

740528 2009.07.01 03:11 sell 0.20 eurchf 1.5245 1.5273 1.5230 2009.07.01 03:49 1.5241 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.35

740749 2009.07.01 03:58 sell 0.20 eurchf 1.5246 1.5274 1.5230 2009.07.01 04:15 1.5242 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.36

0.00 0.00 0.00 124.08

Closed P/L: 124.08

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i use stomper euro gbp,here is stomper



the setting for stomper is, look at the setting on the backtest result http://www.mediafire.com/?r2lmqok2jbj

,important to use autosetting = true


change only the sl at 27 instead of 30, autosetting at true and the trading time must be the 4 last hres before the asian market starts means 19 to 23 gmt and on the 5 min chart

that setting gives a 94 % win with a sl hit every 60 trades ,and you risk 1.5% of your total acc on each trade wit a 5% risk


i set mine at 3% so i get about .8 real risk on each trades with a 20 % monthy profit




the other one i use is xtreme euro/chf with 2% risk and i removed 1 hour trading on an anterior post, i shared the link with the modified ea,it changes the the result in a positive way by removing 1 hre of trading total time ,use it on a 5 min chrt as well much better performance

;) if you have any question just let me know ;))

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SL: 27

Autosetting = true

Trading time for Tadawulfx => OpenHour1=0; CloseHour1=1; OpenHour2=21; CloseHour2=24



and what means this ? Lots=0; LotsPercent=5


lots = for put manual lots? and lotspercent = for automatic lots - MM? Do you use LotsPercent = 5 or other number?



sorry for my poor english and so many questions... xD

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SL: 27

Autosetting = true

Trading time for Tadawulfx => OpenHour1=0; CloseHour1=1; OpenHour2=21; CloseHour2=24



and what means this ? Lots=0; LotsPercent=5


lots = for put manual lots? and lotspercent = for automatic lots - MM? Do you use LotsPercent = 5 or other number?



sorry for my poor english and so many questions... xD


perfect ,

lot=0 lotpercent=3 autosetting= true sl 27 ,you don't change anything else :-bd

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Roberto59 do you think E-Stomper will works OK with IBFX? and Alpari-UK?


I see the TP = 30, not is very high for a scalper?




and you risk 1.5% of your total acc on each trade wit a 5% risk


i set mine at 3% so i get about .8 real risk on each trades with a 20 % monthy profit


how is this? I dont see any option for change max number of operations, how you calcule risk? 1.5% of your total acc on each trade => total 5% risk?


thanks a lot and sorry for my continuos questions but I want to trade the best possible

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this is a fake tp ,the real one is betweem 3 and 5, if you want to change that, set the autosetting at off and pick up the tp you want, i think it is better that way ,leave it on so the broker can not see if it is a scalper or not ,and i recommend to chang the magic # within the code ,this a way brokers ues to recognise your ea :P some brokers are clever ,don't take any chances \m/ anyway if you backtest it you gonna see what results it gives you :">


about ibfx ,wacth the spread out between 15 and 19 east time ,must be 3 or lower if it is the case it is gonna work fine but if it is not ,either you gonna loose $ or the ea is not gonna work ,this is why i'm at tadawulfx and wsbrokers.com i got 2 live acc with a fixed 3 pips spread on euri/chf and euro/gbp,this is the most important thing,

if i could i would have picked up alpari uk ,us resident ,can not ;)

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Roberto59 do you think E-Stomper will works OK with IBFX? and Alpari-UK?


I see the TP = 30, not is very high for a scalper?




and you risk 1.5% of your total acc on each trade wit a 5% risk


i set mine at 3% so i get about .8 real risk on each trades with a 20 % monthy profit


how is this? I dont see any option for change max number of operations, how you calcule risk? 1.5% of your total acc on each trade => total 5% risk?


thanks a lot and sorry for my continuos questions but I want to trade the best possible

the 5% risk is what % of lot you invest in 1 trade,

the real risk is calculated by the sl hit ,you can culcuate when it hit the sl on backtest and evaluate the real % of risk your taking ,this is the true risk simple but the only way i know to rightfully figure out the risk you're taking on each trade :P , if you want to stay in the game for a long time you must have a sound mm

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