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ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)

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Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


Do you think this thing would trade OIL?? Over at FxPro I do a lot of OIL trading (Symbol #CLN9) and right now the spread is running .8 to 1.5 pip.. I did a couple of short trades a while ago and made over $300 in about 30 minutes trading 0.6 lot..


Just your thoughts about trading OIL.. You guys do know that OIL is the biggest money mover on the planet right???

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Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


Anyone know why this is closing trades at like 0.5 pip profit ? eg


sell 1.52026 closed at 1.52020 0.6 pip dif :S


this is even worse, sell 1.52027 closed at 1.52025 0.2 pips :o


thats rediculous


are you using the 4 decimal EA on a 5 decimal broker? With the extra decimal, it either needs to be accounted for in the EA, or external inputs (not here in this case) must have SL and TP multiplied by 10 (to make 29 be 290, but that's 290 1/10th pips, which equals 29 pips).



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Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)




The original author made a misstake, he forget to make the takeprofits 10 times for the 5 digits. here I corrected.

original has takeprofits at 0.2 pips and stoploss at 29 pips, no wonder you get bad results.


now corrected to takeprofits at 2 pips and stoploss at 29 pips.

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Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)




5 digits educated and cleaned, no added any coding.


I'm new to this forum, and just wanted clarification. (Please pardon the newbie question.) Does that link point to the authentic version of the actual $1,000 EA? Or is this a version that someone has re-coded, based on the perceived and deduced rules of the original EA?

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Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)




The original author made a misstake, he forget to make the takeprofits 10 times for the 5 digits. here I corrected.


finimej, I haven't had a chance to look at the EA innards, but I'm wondering why I'm only trading 0.26 risk instead of around 2.6? I can only see using that small of a number if it was needed to be able to keep positions open, but is it?


BTW eight trades have been done up to now, and all winners. If I was trading 2.6 percent risk instead of 0.26, just thinking with some quick math in my head, instead of $73 gained on the account in this amount of time, I wouldn't have gained only 0.14% on the account, I would have gained 10 times that, which would be approx. $730, which would be 1.46% gain automated in less than a few hours. Also, if using 2.6%, that would align with the risk percent of the posted results of 50,000 account to over 10 million in 4 trading days.


Now, some may say "That's not much", but let me say this: $730 gain on 50,000 in a few hours may not sound like much to them, but it does to me. if it keeps going, that could be the same as a $7,300 gain on a $500,000 account in the same amount of time. "It's not the number of pips you get, it's how much they're worth"



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Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)




5 digits educated and cleaned, no added any coding.


I'm new to this forum, and just wanted clarification. (Please pardon the newbie question.) Does that link point to the authentic version of the actual $1,000 EA? Or is this a version that someone has re-coded, based on the perceived and deduced rules of the original EA?


Original 1000$ one.

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Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)




5 digits educated and cleaned, no added any coding.


I'm new to this forum, and just wanted clarification. (Please pardon the newbie question.) Does that link point to the authentic version of the actual $1,000 EA? Or is this a version that someone has re-coded, based on the perceived and deduced rules of the original EA?


With all the respective to the original EA for 1000USD, this is it. he focus on 4 digits and copy it to the 5 digits, and modified, and forget a little place to modifed, that's takeprofits places. anyway, he is brillant. Feel sorry for what we are doing.

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Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


Feel sorry for what we are doing.


I will gladly give money when I have it, to anyone that helps me get to where I'm going. I'll also gladly pay the $1000 to the original creator if/when I know this EA can be trusted over the long haul. I consider this demo testing.


If you like testing EAs, go here: http://www.beatsforex.com./html/free_robot_fx.html (although I'm really not trying to get anybody to stop working with this right now of course)


If I had the $1000 right now, I would gladly lay it down. If you have a lot of money though, it becomes much less of an issue to buy untested/unproven EAs. There are plenty of them.



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Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


Now, some may say "That's not much", but let me say this: $730 gain on 50,000 in a few hours may not sound like much to them, but it does to me. if it keeps going, that could be the same as a $7,300 gain on a $500,000 account in the same amount of time. "It's not the number of pips you get, it's how much they're worth"



Hi Don,


Which broker and what sort of account are you trading on? Cheers! 8-)

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Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


I normally just stick this equation I created into init(), although if broker is not using LotSize of 100000 and TickValue of 0.0001 (or 0.01 for JPY pairs), this would need to get modified to work with other brokers. Feel free to use this to choose number of lots and give extern input in "fixed" EA so that someone can choose their own risk percent:


if(UseRealAccountBalance == True) {

TestingAccountBalance = AccountBalance();

} else if(UseRealAccountBalance == False) {

TestingAccountBalance = TestingAccountBalance;



double Minlots = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT);

double Maxlots = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT);



if (UseDonsMM == False) {

Lots = Lots ;

} else if (UseDonsMM == True) {

Lots = NormalizeDouble(((TestingAccountBalance*(RISK_PERCENT*0.01))/(StopLoss*(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE)))),2) ;


if(Lots < Minlots) {

Lots = Minlots;


if(Lots > Maxlots) {

Lots = Maxlots;




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Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


Now, some may say "That's not much", but let me say this: $730 gain on 50,000 in a few hours may not sound like much to them, but it does to me. if it keeps going, that could be the same as a $7,300 gain on a $500,000 account in the same amount of time. "It's not the number of pips you get, it's how much they're worth"



Hi Don,


Which broker and what sort of account are you trading on? Cheers! 8-)


This is a FXDD demo. I am using the original, which is for brokers that have LotSize of 100,000 (standard lot) and tickvalue of 0.0001 (4 decimals, not 5). So the original works on FXDD like it does Sigma.


Now, you might as well add comments to screen and math-checking in those Comments so that each user can know easily if they are risking the correct amount they think they are per trade:


string value23=DoubleToStr(Lots, 1);


string value26 = DoubleToStr(TestingAccountBalance,2);

string value27 = DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE),2);

string value42 = DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE)*10,2);

string value28 = DoubleToStr((MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE)*Lots),2);


string value36 = DoubleToStr(RISK_PERCENT,2);

string value38 = DoubleToStr((MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE)*StopLoss*Lots),2);

string value39 = DoubleToStr((((MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE)*StopLoss*Lots)/TestingAccountBalance)*100),2);

//string value37 = /*if(AccountFreeMarginCheck(Symbol(),OP_SELL,Lots)<=0 || */GetLastError()==134;//)



"Don Money Management: (Account Balance x (Risk Percent Per Trade x 0.01)) / (Stop Loss x MT4 Tick Value)" + "\n" +

"Account Balance = " + AccountCurrency() + " " + value26 + "\n" +

"Risk Percent Per Trade = " + value36 + " %" + "\n" +

"Stop Loss = " + StopLoss + " Pips" + "\n" +

"MT4 Tick Value (which needs to be a pip and not 1/10th of a pip) = " + AccountCurrency() + " " + value27 + " per Pip" + "\n" +

"Number of Lots = " + value23 + "\n" +

"Real Pip Value counting Number of Lots to trade = " + AccountCurrency() + " " + value28 + "\n" +

"------" + "\n" +


"Real USD Risked = Tick Value * Stop Loss * Number of Lots = " + value38 + "\n" +

"Real Percent Risked = " + value39 + " %" + "\n" +

"------" + "\n" +

"Min Lots = " + MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT) + "\n" +

"Max Lots = " + MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT) + "\n" +

"------" + "\n" +

"AccountMargin() = " + DoubleToStr(AccountMargin(),2) + "\n" +

"AccountFreeMargin = " + AccountFreeMargin() + "\n" +

"If we put on above trade, how much margin will be left? = " + AccountFreeMarginCheck(Symbol(),OP_SELL,Lots) + "\n" +

"GetLastError() = " + GetLastError() + "\n" +

"AccountStopoutMode() = " + AccountStopoutMode() + "\n" +

"AccountStopoutLevel() = " + AccountStopoutLevel()




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Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


"Finimej" is there a way to have MM in external string to choose % of free margin available for your fixed versions (4digits and 5 digits)?

I have always different orders with diff. brokers even if initial capital is the same.



Thanks a lot


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Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


"Finimej" is there a way to have MM in external string to choose % of free margin available for your fixed versions (4digits and 5 digits)?

I have always different orders with diff. brokers even if initial capital is the same.



Thanks a lot



the tradevolume is the riskprocent. just change it to 10, then you are using 10% of account equity. Do not want to change his beautiful code. Simple shall be kept simple, simple yet brillant.

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Re: [Req] ISEA (Investiva Super Expert Advisor)


Whoever is making the changes, can, if they will, make a universal EA that takes th different decimal values at different brokers into account so that we only need one version:


//Figure out what a pip is on this broker

if(Symbol() == "AUDJPY" || Symbol() == "CADJPY" || Symbol() == "CHFJPY" || Symbol() == "EURJPY" || Symbol() == "GBPJPY" || Symbol() == "NZDJPY" || Symbol() == "USDJPY") { //Add all JPY pairs here that will possibly be available to trade on a broker

JPYPair = True;

if(TickSize == 0.01) {

ThisBrokersPip = TickSize;

ThisBrokersPipValue = TickValue;

DecimalPlaces = 2;

} else if(TickSize == 0.001) {

ThisBrokersPip = TickSize*10;

ThisBrokersPipValue = TickValue*10;

DecimalPlaces = 3;

StopLoss = StopLoss*10;

BuyTakeProfit = BuyTakeProfit*10;

SellTakeProfit = SellTakeProfit*10;


} else {

JPYPair = False;

if(TickSize == 0.0001) {

ThisBrokersPip = TickSize;

ThisBrokersPipValue = TickValue;

DecimalPlaces = 4;

StopLoss = StopLoss;

} else if(TickSize == 0.00001) {

ThisBrokersPip = TickSize*10;

ThisBrokersPipValue = TickValue*10;

DecimalPlaces = 5;

StopLoss = StopLoss*10;

BuyTakeProfit = BuyTakeProfit*10;

SellTakeProfit = SellTakeProfit*10;




Note: The above only takes care of a portion of the money management. If the LotSize at different brokers is different, and not 100,000 standard lots, that needs to be taken care of and I haven't made code to do that yet. What the above does, if placed below where StopLoss is specified in EA, and above money management equation and everything else (hence why I put it in init()), then StopLoss will be specified as 29, and the above code will make the StopLoss 290 (still 29 pips) on 5 digit brokers, so that this is taken care of in the EA automatically without needing more than one version.



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