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Hedging is out

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Due to explosion in number of traders involved in forex trading, lot of brokers started offering feature of hedging in their trading platform.


Hedging is nothing but a feature in which you can have two trades opened on same currency pair in opposite direction. So, you can have a short trade on GBP/USD as well as long trade on GBP/USD open at the same time. A lot of traders wonder what is the advantage of doing this because the profits of one trade will be cancelled by the loss in the other.


This is true! But this is advantageous for certain set of traders as they use the hedging technique to identify trend in the market. Imagine you have two trades open using hedging. You can keep them open as long as you want since you know that lose from one trade will be componsated by the profit in other. Once you find the direction of the trend, you can close the losing trade and keep the winning going.


==> So, the NFA (National Futures Association) decided that they need to stop this practice! And they campe with a rule which will disallow hedging practice effective 15-May-09.


So, all the traders who were using the hedging technique will now have to look for some other forex trading system to make money from forex market.

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Re: Hedging is out


This is true! But this is advantageous for certain set of traders as they use the hedging technique to identify trend in the market. Imagine you have two trades open using hedging. You can keep them open as long as you want since you know that lose from one trade will be componsated by the profit in other. Once you find the direction of the trend, you can close the losing trade and keep the winning going.


:-? to identify an existing trend I don't need to hedge - just my opinion.

I can't figure out any advantages of hedging on the same pair. can someone give me an example?

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