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MegaDroid 1.1

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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked


Hi All,


What is the difference between version 1.11a multipair and 1.11 multipair?


What is the best version ?


Where find the link for 1.11a multipair ?


Thank you!


1) the difference is that the multipair version has been edited to allow it to be attached and used on any currency pair unlike the original,


2 ) best one is which ever one performs best with your broker


3) you can find the links to all the versions within this thread just go back through the pages a bit.



I have had no losses this week and a few pretty good trades, word from the wise though if you're going to use more than 10% for the love of god turn recovery mode off. In backtesting it can clear an account in a few days if the market takes a hard swing or a news event hits hard.



just my 2c

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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked


You are welcome envisage. If you want, you can also modify the comment as follow:


Comment(gs_664, gs_672, gs_616, gs_648, gs_672, PrintResponse(gi_612), gs_648, gs_672, gs_624, gs_648, gs_672, "ServerTime: ", TimeToStr(gi_548), gs_680 + "UtcTime: ", TimeToStr(gi_552), gs_680 +

"GmtOffset: ", ls_24, gs_648, gs_672, "Digits: ", Digits, gs_680 + "Spread: ", DoubleToStr(g_spread_568 / gd_580, 1), " (", g_spread_568, " pips)", gs_680 + "Max Spread: ", g_spread_572, gs_648, gs_672, ls_32, gs_648, gs_672, ls_8, CPrint(g_ticket_1008 >= 0 ||

g_ticket_1012 >= 0 || g_ticket_1032 >= 0 || g_ticket_1012 >= 0, gs_656), CPrint(g_ticket_1008 >= 0, gs_680 + "Strategy1: Long position open"), CPrint(g_ticket_1012 >= 0, gs_680 + "Strategy1: Short position open"), CPrint(g_ticket_1032 >= 0, gs_680 + "Strategy2: Long position open"), CPrint(g_ticket_1036 >= 0, gs_680 + "Strategy2: Short position open"));


So that Max Spread can shows on screen.

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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked


If you want to see the values of the internal variables, just have to add a comment to the code to print all the variables.


Add after Start() the following code below, may just have to check variables depending on which version you are using. The variables seem to be called by function s1_Init & s2_Init. Just use those variables & the comment code will show them on screen.


Should see then all the inputs, ie start / stop times, periods etc.


Chrs, Dave

extern bool ShowInternalVariables = False; // Put this at start of code


// Put this at start of Start() section

if (ShowInternalVariables) {

Comment(""+ "\n"

+ " Strategy 1 Variables" + "\n"

+ "\n"

+ "gi_236: " + gi_236 + "\n"

+ "gi_244: " + gi_244 + "\n"

+ "gi_248: " + gi_248 + "\n"

+ "gi_252: " + gi_252 + "\n"

+ "g_period_264: " + g_period_264 + "\n"

+ "g_period_268: " + g_period_268 + "\n"

+ "g_period_272: " + g_period_272 + "\n"

+ "gd_276: " + gd_276 + "\n"

+ "gd_284: " + gd_284 + "\n"

+ "gd_292: " + gd_292 + "\n"

+ "gd_300: " + gd_300 + "\n"

+ "gd_340: " + gd_340 + "\n"

+ "gd_348: " + gd_348 + "\n"

+ "gd_360: " + gd_360 + "\n"

+ "gd_368: " + gd_368 + "\n"

+ "gi_380: " + gi_380 + "\n"

+ "gi_396: " + gi_396 + "\n"

+ "gi_400: " + gi_400 + "\n"

+ "gi_404: " + gi_404 + "\n"

+ "gi_408: " + gi_408 + "\n"

+ "g_timeframe_232: " +g_timeframe_232+ "\n"

+ "\n"

+ " Strategy 2 Variables" + "\n"

+ "\n"

+ "gi_416: " + gi_416 + "\n"

+ "gi_424: " + gi_424 + "\n"

+ "gi_428: " + gi_428 + "\n"

+ "gd_432: " + gd_432 + "\n"

+ "gi_440: " + gi_440 + "\n"

+ "gi_452: " + gi_452 + "\n"

+ "g_period_456: " + g_period_456 + "\n"

+ "g_period_460: " + g_period_460 + "\n"

+ "gd_476: " + gd_476 + "\n"

+ "gd_484: " + gd_484 + "\n"

+ "gd_492: " + gd_492 + "\n"

+ "gi_508: " + gi_508 + "\n"

+ "gi_524: " + gi_524 + "\n"

+ "gi_528: " + gi_528 + "\n"

+ "gi_532: " + gi_532 + "\n"

+ "gi_536: " + gi_536 + "\n"

+ "g_timeframe_412: " +g_timeframe_412+ "\n"


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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked


1.11 Multipair and 1.11a Multipair must have some difference, but not what you explained.


1.11 Multipair can be used on more than one currency as well as 1.11a. So, I cannot seem to find what the difference is, I have gone all the way to post #1 and I was not able to find the explanation.


I took a big loss with GBP/USD and GBP/CHF last night, as the GBP fell. I'm not sure whether to remove these pairs or not from the EA?




Hi All,


What is the difference between version 1.11a multipair and 1.11 multipair?


What is the best version ?


Where find the link for 1.11a multipair ?


Thank you!


1) the difference is that the multipair version has been edited to allow it to be attached and used on any currency pair unlike the original,


2 ) best one is which ever one performs best with your broker


3) you can find the links to all the versions within this thread just go back through the pages a bit.



I have had no losses this week and a few pretty good trades, word from the wise though if you're going to use more than 10% for the love of god turn recovery mode off. In backtesting it can clear an account in a few days if the market takes a hard swing or a news event hits hard.



just my 2c

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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked


Remove them. I tried and GBPUSD hit SL three times this week, so I remove it yesterday.



:o @-)

we should xpect such due to the monopolized logic for trading all pairs from EUR/USD as the core logic source, thus MD pro :-bd . still waiting to see outcome though [-O< . Cheers all. Luv u guyz.

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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked


That's what I eventually did. It did 2 trades a few seconds apart, both in the same direction, the wrong direction, during some sort of market correction (drop). I have received mixed reviews from people using the new Pro Edition. Their new DLL file is spelled different than the old DLL file. So I am interested in seening if both versions can run on the same account, each using its own dll file. The new Pro edition will stop trading if your available margin drops below $400 beause it monitors how many charts you have it attached to, then divides your available margin by that number. :-? So, if you are just trading 2 currency pairs, then it divides available margin by 2, and the result needs to be above $100 or else none of the currency pairs will trade. If you trade 4 currency pairs, which is what it is made for, then $400 diveded by 4 means your actual free margin to trade is only $100 and not $400. The multipair 1.11 does not seem to have this restriction. But, I can see why the developers might have put it there for new traders who have problems with money management.



Remove them. I tried and GBPUSD hit SL three times this week, so I remove it yesterday.
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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked



Here for the record here is what needs to be set up:

EURUSD M15 chart (better than H1)

UseDLLTradeTimes = false;

S1_Start_Hour1 = 21;

S1_End_Hour1 = 3;

S1_Start_Hour2 = 21;

S1_End_Hour2 = 21;

S2_Start_Hour1 = 21;

S2_End_Hour1 = 4;

S2_Start_Hour2 = 22;

S2_End_Hour2 = 22;

GmtOffset = 1; (in case for IBFX, Alpari, Broco Trader - all other set up for your own broker)

AutoGmtOffset = false; (useless setting.. it does not figure out the GMT adjustment correctly)



What happens if I were to selet UseDLLTradeTimes = "true" instead of 'false"? Would that make the EA much safer?


What exactly is the MD's intended trading time, anyway?

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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked




Did anyone receive trade from the original "Paid For" megadroid EA for Eur_usd for the past 8 days? How about those who use the modified version?


I did not receive any trades since then..:(


When I referred to the MT4 stats published at here: http://donnaforexmd.mt4stats.com/


It seems that this lady was getting lots of trades for Eur_Usd and according to her, she used the EA in Many Time frames... Anyone got the idea?



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Re: MegaDroid 1.1 craaacked




Did anyone receive trade from the original "Paid For" megadroid EA for Eur_usd for the past 8 days? How about those who use the modified version?


I did not receive any trades since then..:(


When I referred to the MT4 stats published at here: http://donnaforexmd.mt4stats.com/


It seems that this lady was getting lots of trades for Eur_Usd and according to her, she used the EA in Many Time frames... Anyone got the idea?




apple1937, i have not get any trade on EUR/USD last week.(GoMarket is broker currently using) @-) :o


Not sure exactly what dona mean in her forum.

Kudus is what gives me power....
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