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Steinitz Fractal Breakout Custom Indicator


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  Rio said:
Here's the EA I tried to make from this system.

DO NOT USE IT... it doesn't work, and will most likely destroy accounts after while.


You do not need any indicators to use it. The logic has been implemented in the EA already.




Good luck to anyone who can try and make it profitable.



Hello, please can you help with fractal breakout password?

Thank you

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First of all, read my post again. It states clearly how to get the password.


Second, you did not give me kudos, you gave craiburn kudos for asking the same question you did.

Thanks for the kudos...much appreciated!
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Hi guys.Can anyone help!!

I downloaded the Stenitz files and unzipped ok into a folder.

So far so good.I put the templates and indicators into the relevant folders in the program files of my MT4 platform.

I then restart MT4 and again no problems starting up.

Now I then select a new 5 min or 15 min chart or whatever for lets say GJ and put one of the templates from Steinitz into it.It doesnt matter which template as i have tried them all.

I get the display for the Steinitz background but with no indicators ie arrows or any MA's.

So I then go to my custom indicators and put in the Steinitz 1.5 manually.This loads ok and shows the arrows etc and seems to be functional.

However this is where I have a problem...if I right click the screen to bring up my indicator list then everything locks up and freezes the platform.I have to go into task manager and stop it from there as I cant get into it any other way.Im running Vista.

Has anybody else had this problem and if so can they help me around it.

Or can anyone suggest anything that I may be overlooking etc to get me out of the problem.

I have tried loading it on 2 different MT4s with different brokers and still the same result.

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  pauli79 said:
Hi guys.Can anyone help!!

I downloaded the Stenitz files and unzipped ok into a folder.

So far so good.I put the templates and indicators into the relevant folders in the program files of my MT4 platform.

I then restart MT4 and again no problems starting up.

Now I then select a new 5 min or 15 min chart or whatever for lets say GJ and put one of the templates from Steinitz into it.It doesnt matter which template as i have tried them all.

I get the display for the Steinitz background but with no indicators ie arrows or any MA's.

So I then go to my custom indicators and put in the Steinitz 1.5 manually.This loads ok and shows the arrows etc and seems to be functional.

However this is where I have a problem...if I right click the screen to bring up my indicator list then everything locks up and freezes the platform.I have to go into task manager and stop it from there as I cant get into it any other way.Im running Vista.

Has anybody else had this problem and if so can they help me around it.

Or can anyone suggest anything that I may be overlooking etc to get me out of the problem.

I have tried loading it on 2 different MT4s with different brokers and still the same result.


That happens because the template calls to load the original files, which were still "protected".


Now solved, see post above, try that.

Thanks for the kudos...much appreciated!
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Hi again

I put the educated version in to my prog files after deleting all the older versions.I then put my MT4 on and a new chart and loaded the template etc but i dont get any arrows etc and the screen still locks up when i try to right click.

Have i still got the uneducated stuff...but these were all from the last downlaod link.

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  Steveg said:
Indicator shows message "Account number entered is incorrect. You entered 12345.

Only happens on live-account.


Delete the indicator.ex4 and copy the indicator.mq4 from the download into the indicator-folder.

Then close and restart your platform.

Attach the templates to a chart and it works.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Steinitz Fractal Breakout Custom Indicator


  Yarman said:
For those that are interested in this system, I can assure you that it doesn't work. I was one of the first ones that got my hands on it from the developer himself and I can assure you that it's development is sloppy. Steinitz then opened up a trading room dedicated to this system and needless to say, the room members left the room and it closed down within two months with a lot of disgruntled members that were disappointed in the system and Steinitz.


Yarman thanks for the honest view on this system and I will take this on board.

What I have been doing(as I managed to get Steinitz working) is using the indicators alongside charts with Black Dog installed.

So for instance a GU 15 min chart with BD and another GU 15 min with Steinitz.This was done for comparison to see entry and exit points as the indicators are similar using ma's.

This was purely an exercise because I quite like using BD(if used correctly) and was intrigued with Steinitz using a similar approach.

I didnt come to any conclusions and I am still monitoring both for the time being.

Normally I use my own methods with fibs and retracements(with pivot points) coupled with trends,bull flags,bear flags and cci bounce etc etc

BD and Steinitz seem to offer an easy way to get into a trend with alarms and then from there you can make a decision based on other criteria whether to enter a trade or not and not purely relying on the systems alone.So its ongoing for me.

I think what i am trying to find is the ultimate system based around my criteria with the minimum of effort involved....aren't we all looking for that?

What I also like is your Big Dog breakout (i think its that)or the Never Lose system recently marketed by some guy based around London and New York openings.

This gives plenty of scope for catching a trend or scalping a few pips in a volatile session.Used sensibly this can make a good long term profit.

Thanks Yarman for your input into all of this,much appreciated.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
I can´t understand why steinitz is selling indicators and forex robots, if he can double his account month after month, sometimes in less than 30 days. I have tried this indicator but unsuccessfully. I saw the vídeos read and reread the manual.
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  • 3 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Hi guys,


Is this the same indicator as shown here:




Those performance results are pretty impressive, though it looks as if there's some "cherry picking" going on there ;)


Has anyone tried trading with this indi ?

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