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Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)

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Pls couuld anybody share "Smart Simple Profit System" indicator with me.... thanks a lot







Adakah yg punya indikator Smart Simple Profit System

yg dijual di valasssp.com ??


Share please ?


katanya sih berani berikan garansi uankembali 250% apabila loss, tetapi banyak yg jadi korban ! setelah minta uang kembali !!! NO WAYYYY.......he...he......be carefull


Thank you


valassp.com indikator here !

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Re: [req] Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)




Pls couuld anybody share "Smart Simple Profit System" indicator with me.... thanks a lot







Adakah yg punya indikator Smart Simple Profit System

yg dijual di valasssp.com ??


Share please ?


katanya sih berani berikan garansi uankembali 250% apabila loss, tetapi banyak yg jadi korban ! setelah minta uang kembali !!! NO WAYYYY.......he...he......be carefull


Thank you


valassp.com indikator here !




Hi interesing indicator..share pleas somebody...thanks :peace:

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Re: [req] Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)


pak winpips, apa benar setelah banyak yang pakai tapi gagal uang nya tidak bisa balik ? Apa anda sudah pernah pakai dan beli ? Tolong share ya, thanks :?: :?: :?: :? :? :huh:


sabar aja, nanti juga klo yang punya pada bosen makenya, moga2 di share. :D

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Re: [req] Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)


pak winpips, apa benar setelah banyak yang pakai tapi gagal uang nya tidak bisa balik ? Apa anda sudah pernah pakai dan beli ? Tolong share ya, thanks :?: :?: :?: :? :? :huh:


sabar aja, nanti juga klo yang punya pada bosen makenya, moga2 di share. :D


OKAY, Kalau ada yang udah make tolong share dong, bagus apa enggak ?? :cd: :cd: :roll: :roll:

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Re: [req] Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)


Tuh udah ada ulasannya di

Forum link not allowed, mod


valasssp benar2 jeblok, loss semua, ati2 friend



[b]PAK, apa sudah anda buktikan sendiri kalau ini jelek ? Kan bisa claim balik kalau tidak laporkan polisi aja kan merupakan kebohongan publik ..[/b] :o :o :o

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Re: [req] Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)


Can someone please tell me, is this a scam???



From the replies above: yes, it is scam.



Ore no Shinka Hikari yo Hayai. Zen Uchi o Nani no Mono Ore no Shinka Chuito Kore Nai.

Ten no Michi yo Iki. Subete o Sukosadoru Otoko.

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Re: [req] Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)


Ada yang punya nggak ya..? kalau bisa mq4 atau mq4 hasil decompile.. ntar kita bongkar rame2 algoritma programnya dan lihat metode apa sehingga indi itu bisa kasih suggest buy/sell .. siapa tau bisa di modif dikit, malah jadi bagus dan bisa dipakai rame2 disini...



SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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Re: [req] Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)


Mau tau garansi 250% nya itu syarat2 nya apa saja ???

Nih hasilnya


Syarat-syarat pengajuan GARANSI 250%


Kami memberikan garansi 250% setelah anda menggunakan software valasssp dan dalam 30 hari balance anda menjadi NOL atau habis..


( wahhhhhh gilaaaa, kalo udah nol, artinya kita udah MATI dong duit kita ludes, jadi si valasssp nunggu kita mati duluan )

Kami memberikan garansi bila member trading menggunakan aturan yang sudah kami tetapkan. (nahhh iniiii.... kata "ATURAN" ---> berbahaya)


Member harus melampirkan scan KTP berikut bukti transaksi ( detail statment anda ) ke email [email protected].

(mempersulit aha nihhhh, kenapa ga saat pertama beli valasssp aja di minta scan ktp, kok nunggu claim balik)


Transaksi yang memberikan Stop Lose di dalam transaksinya maka tidak akan dilayani bila mengajukan GARANSI


( hahhhh ga boleh pake stop loss ???? kalo pake SL maka garansi batal, gileeeee benerrrrrrr si valasssp )

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)


Thank you for posting this indicator!! :)


Do you have the EA too?


By the way: Yesterday I attached this indicator to my chart and it gave some signals. But today all fields are grey and ther are no signals :( Does someone have the same problem?

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Re: Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)


from the site, the author claims that he uses 11 indicators and also gets feeds from forex factory for entries and exits. But, from what I see, this indicator uses less than five indicators with no feeds from forex factory. Dats really deceitful :D :D ..... Am stunned by this guys marketing strategy

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Re: Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)


Pls could someone explain how to use this indicator? It doesn't come with an alert either..Do I use the exact takeprofit given by this indicator??

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Re: Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)


from the site, the author claims that he uses 11 indicators and also gets feeds from forex factory for entries and exits. But, from what I see, this indicator uses less than five indicators with no feeds from forex factory. Dats really deceitful :D :D ..... Am stunned by this guys marketing strategy


The code uses Ma, Rsi, Macd and Stoch.. Thats it.. and no feeds from anywhere... But he does make 16 different calculations from those 4 indicators so I guess maybe thats his claim of 11 indicators.. And if you count the calculations on actual High and low price info you get a total of 19 different calculations.. But he never uses the Stoch calculation at all.. So thats really only 3 indicators; MA, RSI, MACD... All calculations are made on the M30, H1, H4, and D1 Time frames.. Doesnt matter what chart time frame you put it on...


I tried this on brokers with 4 and 5 digit quotes and get entirely different results.. The code doesnt take in account 5 digit brokers at all.. From the trend of brokers I would say that most brokers are heading toward 5 digit quotes very soon... When that happens this code along with many others out there will no longer function right...

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Re: Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)


Saya ada buat reprogramnya.. tapi hanya MAnya saja saya buat multiple, dan RSi aja.. nah disitu nggak tertulis buy dimana TP dimana tapi hanya menunjukkan apakah kondisi bullish atau bearis aja.. :mrgreen:


kalau mau lihat ada di Thread SEFC UIF halaman 20...


untuk indi valsssp itu setelah lihat programnya .. maka tanggapan saya.. hanya biasa-biasa saja.. titik TP nya juga pakai dikit perhitungan dari iHigh dan iLownya aja.. dia juga pakai MACD tapi nilainya juga standard aja.. :D mendingan punya Black Dog (MACD)nya..


Komentar saya.. : Nggak terlalu bagus - bagus amat dan kalau mau dipakai jadi barang dagangan..mendingan nggak usah beli.. soalnya standard banget koq.. :D ... jadi waspada aja.. jangan sampai tertipu.. :peace: :peace: :peace:



SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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Re: Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)


I placed an alert in thee codes.....so yu won't need to be on your computer everytime





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Re: Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)


cari valas ssp.

nih ada


#property copyright "Copyright ? 2008, ValasSSP"

#property link "email:[email protected]"


#property indicator_separate_window


int init() {

IndicatorShortName("Valas SSP");

return (0);



int deinit() {

ObjectsDeleteAll(1, OBJ_LABEL);

return (0);



int start() {

int li_0 = 2010;

int li_4 = 4;

int li_8 = 30;

string ls_12 = "[email protected]";

string ls_20 = "Valas SSP";

if (TimeYear(Time[0]) > li_0) {

Alert(ls_20 + " has expired. ", "Please contact" + ls_12);

return (0);


if (TimeYear(Time[0]) == li_0 && TimeMonth(Time[0]) > li_4) {

Alert(ls_20 + " has expired. ", "Please contact" + ls_12);

return (0);


if (TimeYear(Time[0]) == li_0 && TimeMonth(Time[0]) == li_4 && TimeDay(Time[0]) > li_8) {

Alert(ls_20 + " has expired. ", "Please contact" + ls_12);

return (0);


alerts("EURUSD", "label-01", "arrow-01", "ttp-01", "tp-01", "act-01", 2, 38);

alerts("GBPUSD", "label-02", "arrow-02", "ttp-02", "tp-02", "act-02", 2, 56);

alerts("AUDUSD", "label-03", "arrow-03", "ttp-03", "tp-03", "act-03", 2, 74);

alerts("NZDUSD", "label-04", "arrow-04", "ttp-04", "tp-04", "act-04", 2, 92);

alerts("EURGBP", "label-05", "arrow-05", "ttp-05", "tp-05", "act-05", 2, 128);

alerts("USDJPY", "label-06", "arrow-06", "ttp-06", "tp-06", "act-06", 225, 38);

alerts("EURJPY", "label-07", "arrow-07", "ttp-07", "tp-07", "act-07", 225, 56);

alerts("CHFJPY", "label-08", "arrow-08", "ttp-08", "tp-08", "act-08", 225, 74);

alerts("AUDJPY", "label-09", "arrow-09", "ttp-09", "tp-09", "act-09", 225, 92);

alerts("CADJPY", "label-10", "arrow-10", "ttp-10", "tp-10", "act-10", 225, 110);

alerts("GBPJPY", "label-11", "arrow-11", "ttp-11", "tp-11", "act-11", 225, 128);

alerts("EURCHF", "label-12", "arrow-12", "ttp-12", "tp-12", "act-12", 480, 38);

alerts("USDCHF", "label-13", "arrow-13", "ttp-13", "tp-13", "act-13", 480, 56);

alerts("GBPCHF", "label-14", "arrow-14", "ttp-14", "tp-14", "act-14", 480, 74);

alerts("CADCHF", "label-15", "arrow-15", "ttp-15", "tp-15", "act-15", 480, 92);

alerts("NZDCHF", "label-16", "arrow-16", "ttp-16", "tp-16", "act-16", 480, 110);

alerts("AUDCHF", "label-17", "arrow-17", "ttp-17", "tp-17", "act-17", 480, 128);

alerts("USDCAD", "label-18", "arrow-18", "ttp-18", "tp-18", "act-18", 700, 38);

alerts("AUDCAD", "label-19", "arrow-19", "ttp-19", "tp-19", "act-19", 700, 56);

alerts("EURCAD", "label-20", "arrow-20", "ttp-20", "tp-20", "act-20", 700, 74);

alerts("NZDCAD", "label-21", "arrow-21", "ttp-21", "tp-21", "act-21", 700, 92);

alerts("CHFCAD", "label-22", "arrow-22", "ttp-22", "tp-22", "act-22", 700, 110);

alerts("GBPCAD", "label-23", "arrow-23", "ttp-23", "tp-23", "act-23", 700, 128);

return (0);



void alerts(string a_symbol_0, string a_name_8, string a_name_16, string a_name_24, string a_name_32, string a_name_40, int a_x_48, int a_y_52) {

string ls_unused_176;

double l_ima_184;

double l_ima_192;

double l_ima_200;

double l_ima_208;

color l_color_220;

string l_text_224;

color l_color_232;

string l_text_236;

color l_color_244;

string l_text_248;

color l_color_256;

string ls_unused_284;

string ls_unused_292;

string ls_unused_300;

string ls_unused_308;

int li_332;

string ls_56 = "Valas SSP";

double l_point_64 = MarketInfo(a_symbol_0, MODE_POINT);

int l_period_72 = 24;

int l_period_76 = 72;

double l_ima_80 = iMA(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_M30, l_period_72, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);

double l_ima_88 = iMA(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_M30, l_period_76, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);

double l_ima_96 = iMA(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_H1, l_period_72, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);

double l_ima_104 = iMA(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_H1, l_period_76, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);

double l_ima_112 = iMA(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_H4, l_period_72, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);

double l_ima_120 = iMA(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_H4, l_period_76, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);

double l_ima_128 = iMA(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_D1, l_period_72, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);

double l_ima_136 = iMA(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_D1, l_period_76, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);

int l_bool_144 = l_ima_80 > l_ima_88 && l_ima_96 > l_ima_104 && l_ima_112 > l_ima_120 && l_ima_128 > l_ima_136;

int l_bool_148 = l_ima_80 < l_ima_88 && l_ima_96 < l_ima_104 && l_ima_112 < l_ima_120 && l_ima_128 < l_ima_136;

int l_bool_152 = l_ima_80 > l_ima_88 && l_ima_96 > l_ima_104 && l_ima_112 > l_ima_120 && l_ima_128 < l_ima_136;

int l_bool_156 = l_ima_80 < l_ima_88 && l_ima_96 < l_ima_104 && l_ima_112 < l_ima_120 && l_ima_128 > l_ima_136;

int l_count_160 = 0;

int li_164 = 49;

int l_count_168 = 0;

for (l_count_160 = 1; l_count_160 < li_164; l_count_160++) {

l_ima_184 = iMA(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_M30, 24, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, l_count_160 - 1);

l_ima_192 = iMA(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_M30, 72, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, l_count_160 - 1);

l_ima_200 = iMA(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_M30, 24, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, l_count_160 + 1);

l_ima_208 = iMA(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_M30, 72, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, l_count_160 + 1);

if ((l_ima_184 > l_ima_192 && l_ima_200 < l_ima_208) || (l_ima_184 < l_ima_192 && l_ima_200 > l_ima_208)) l_count_168++;


int li_216 = l_count_168 < 1;

double l_spread_316 = MarketInfo(a_symbol_0, MODE_SPREAD);

string l_dbl2str_276 = DoubleToStr(l_spread_316, 0);

double l_ask_324 = MarketInfo(a_symbol_0, MODE_ASK);

if (l_ask_324 > 10.0) li_332 = 2;

else li_332 = 4;

double l_ihigh_336 = iHigh(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_D1, 1);

double l_ilow_344 = iLow(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_D1, 1);

double l_iclose_352 = iClose(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_D1, 1);

double ld_360 = (l_ihigh_336 + l_ilow_344 + l_iclose_352) / 3.0;

ld_360 = NormalizeDouble(ld_360, li_332);

double ld_368 = 2.0 * ld_360 - l_ihigh_336;

ld_368 = NormalizeDouble(ld_368, li_332);

double ld_376 = 2.0 * ld_360 - l_ilow_344;

ld_376 = NormalizeDouble(ld_376, li_332);

double l_irsi_384 = iRSI(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_M30, 14, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);

double l_imacd_392 = iMACD(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_M30, 5, 13, 1, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MAIN, 0);

double l_imacd_400 = iMACD(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_M30, 12, 26, 9, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MAIN, 0);

double l_istochastic_408 = iStochastic(a_symbol_0, PERIOD_M30, 5, 3, 3, MODE_SMA, 0, MODE_MAIN, 0);

if (l_bool_144 && li_216 && l_irsi_384 > 50.0 && l_imacd_392 > 0.0 && l_imacd_400 > 0.0) {

l_text_224 = "Buy";

l_color_220 = Lime;

l_color_256 = Lime;

l_text_236 = l_ihigh_336;

l_color_232 = Lime;

l_text_248 = "TP";

l_color_244 = Lime;

} else {

if (l_bool_148 && li_216 && l_irsi_384 < 50.0 && l_imacd_392 < 0.0 && l_imacd_400 < 0.0) {

l_text_224 = "Sell";

l_color_220 = Red;

l_color_256 = Red;

l_text_236 = l_ilow_344;

l_color_232 = Red;

l_text_248 = "TP";

l_color_244 = Red;

} else {

if (l_bool_152 && li_216) {

l_text_224 = "Buy";

l_color_220 = Lime;

l_color_256 = Lime;

l_text_236 = ld_376;

l_color_232 = Lime;

l_text_248 = "TP";

l_color_244 = Lime;

} else {

if (l_bool_156 && li_216) {

l_text_224 = "Sell";

l_color_220 = Red;

l_color_256 = Red;

l_text_236 = ld_368;

l_color_232 = Red;

l_text_248 = "TP";

l_color_244 = Red;

} else {

l_text_224 = "";

l_color_220 = Black;

l_color_256 = Gray;

l_text_236 = "";

l_color_232 = Black;

l_text_248 = "";

l_color_244 = Black;





ObjectCreate(a_name_16, OBJ_LABEL, WindowFind(ls_56), 0, 0);

ObjectSetText(a_name_16, l_dbl2str_276, 7, "Arial Bold", Yellow);

ObjectSet(a_name_16, OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);

ObjectSet(a_name_16, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, a_x_48);

ObjectSet(a_name_16, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, a_y_52 + 2);

ObjectCreate(a_name_8, OBJ_LABEL, WindowFind(ls_56), 0, 0);

ObjectSetText(a_name_8, a_symbol_0, 9, "Arial Bold", l_color_256);

ObjectSet(a_name_8, OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);

ObjectSet(a_name_8, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, a_x_48 + 13);

ObjectSet(a_name_8, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, a_y_52);

ObjectCreate(a_name_40, OBJ_LABEL, WindowFind(ls_56), 0, 0);

ObjectSetText(a_name_40, l_text_224, 10, "Arial Bold", l_color_220);

ObjectSet(a_name_40, OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);

ObjectSet(a_name_40, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, a_x_48 + 65);

ObjectSet(a_name_40, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, a_y_52 + 0);

ObjectCreate(a_name_32, OBJ_LABEL, WindowFind(ls_56), 0, 0);

ObjectSetText(a_name_32, l_text_248, 10, "Arial Bold", l_color_244);

ObjectSet(a_name_32, OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);

ObjectSet(a_name_32, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, a_x_48 + 98);

ObjectSet(a_name_32, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, a_y_52 + 0);

ObjectCreate(a_name_24, OBJ_LABEL, WindowFind(ls_56), 0, 0);

ObjectSetText(a_name_24, l_text_236, 10, "Arial Bold", l_color_232);

ObjectSet(a_name_24, OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);

ObjectSet(a_name_24, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, a_x_48 + 120);

ObjectSet(a_name_24, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, a_y_52 + 0);


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Re: Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)


Menurut pengalamanku pribadi.

Kalo mau pakai indicator ini, supaya yakin, digabung aja ma

indicatornya ozfx signal 1.1.7. nah kalo 2 indikator itu menujukan arah yang sama,

baru kita ikutin,

waktu yang tepat yaitu pada waktu pagi jam 7, karena harga belum banyak berubah,

pasang di h1-daily chart.


lumayan hari ini masuk 4 pair. profit semua, baru 1 aku close manual karena dah profit 40 pips.

yang lain tunggu dulu.

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Re: Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)


Menurut pengalamanku pribadi.

Kalo mau pakai indicator ini, supaya yakin, digabung aja ma

indicatornya ozfx signal 1.1.7. nah kalo 2 indikator itu menujukan arah yang sama,

baru kita ikutin,

waktu yang tepat yaitu pada waktu pagi jam 7, karena harga belum banyak berubah,

pasang di h1-daily chart.


lumayan hari ini masuk 4 pair. profit semua, baru 1 aku close manual karena dah profit 40 pips.

yang lain tunggu dulu.


Bisa di upload ozfx signal nya mas untuk dicoba. Trims.

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Re: Indikator valasssp (Smart Simple Profit System)


ini ozfxnya



//| OzFX Signals.mq4 |

//| Copyright ? 2008, Daud |

//| http://www.ozfx.com.au |


#property copyright "Copyright ? 2008, Daud"

#property link "http://www.ozfx.com.au/"



== Updates ==

03/03/08:: by lac_raz. Separate indicator window and signal maximum 20 pairs

03/03/08:: v1.1 Modified by ydaudw. Add more signal maximum 24 pairs. Integrate with main chart.

03/04/08:: v1.2 Modified by ydaudw. Add more parameter for filtering Original Method and when

signal was generate.

03/07/08:: v1.3 Modified by ydaudw. Some update & bug fixed.

03/08/08:: v1.4 Modified by ydaudw. Give options to customize period and fix some bugs.

03/17/08:: v1.5 Modified by ydaudw. Show when the next bar emerge and fix AES duplication signal.

03/24/08:: v1.6 Modified by ydaudw. Add Squeeze-More signal.

03/25/08:: v1.7 Modified by ydaudw. Give options to customize period, filter and fix some bugs.



#property indicator_chart_window



extern string SymbolSuffix = "";//- If your broker names the currency pairs with a suffix for a mini account (like an "m", for example), enter the suffix here

extern bool ShowTimeTillNextBar = True;

extern bool ShowAESSignal = True;

extern bool Show4HoursSqueezeMore = True;

extern bool SMAFilterOriginal = False;//- Filter Original Method with SMA

extern bool SMAFilterAES = False;//- Filter AES Method with SMA

extern int SMAFilterPeriod = 200;

extern int StochKPeriod = 5;

extern int StochDPeriod = 3;

extern int StochSlowing = 3;

extern int ATRPeriod = 5;

extern int OriginalAndAESTF = 1440;//- Original & AES Signal Timeframe: 1, 15, 30, 60, 240 - Default is Daily (D1)

extern int SqueezeMoreTF = 240;//- Squeeze-More Timeframe: 1, 15, 30, 60, 240 - Default is H4


string Pair[24]; //Pairs array

int SymNo;

int k;


int init()


string short_name="OZFXPAIRS";




int i,j,k;

string Cur;


for (i=0, j=0, k=1; i<24 && k>0;)



if (k==0) Cur=StringSubstr(PairsList,j,0);

else Cur=StringSubstr(PairsList,j,k-j);






if (j==0) break;


SymNo = i;





int start() {

string aesPairs[24];

string ozfxRegPairs[24];

string sqzmorePairs[24];

int i,k,regindex,aesindex,sqzindex;




string currPair = Pair+SymbolSuffix;



/* Variable Begin */


double AC0 = iAC(currPair,OriginalAndAESTF,0);

double AC1 = iAC(currPair,OriginalAndAESTF,1);

double AO0 = iAO(currPair,OriginalAndAESTF,0);

double AO1 = iAO(currPair,OriginalAndAESTF,1);

string ATR = DoubleToStr(iATR(currPair,OriginalAndAESTF,ATRPeriod,0),5);

double STM = iStochastic(currPair,OriginalAndAESTF,StochKPeriod,StochDPeriod,StochSlowing,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_MAIN,0);

double STS = iStochastic(currPair,OriginalAndAESTF,StochKPeriod,StochDPeriod,StochSlowing,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_SIGNAL,0);

bool AboveMA = iClose(currPair,OriginalAndAESTF,0) > iMA(currPair,OriginalAndAESTF,SMAFilterPeriod,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0);

bool BelowMA = iClose(currPair,OriginalAndAESTF,0) < iMA(currPair,OriginalAndAESTF,SMAFilterPeriod,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0);

double AC04 = iAC(currPair,SqueezeMoreTF,0);

double AC14 = iAC(currPair,SqueezeMoreTF,1);

double AO04 = iAO(currPair,SqueezeMoreTF,0);

double AO14 = iAO(currPair,SqueezeMoreTF,1);

double STM4 = iStochastic(currPair,SqueezeMoreTF,5,3,4,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_MAIN,0);

double STS4 = iStochastic(currPair,SqueezeMoreTF,5,3,4,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_SIGNAL,0);

string ATR4 = DoubleToStr(iATR(currPair,SqueezeMoreTF,ATRPeriod,0),5);





if (SMAFilterOriginal)


if (AC0 > 0 && AC1 < 0 && AC0 > AC1 && STM > 50 && AboveMA)


ozfxRegPairs[regindex] = Pair + " (ATR - " + ATR + ")" + " - Long";



if (AC0 < 0 && AC1 > 0 && AC0 < AC1 && STM < 50 && BelowMA)


ozfxRegPairs[regindex] = Pair + " (ATR - " + ATR + ")" + " - Short" ;



} else {

if (AC0 > 0 && AC1 < 0 && AC0 > AC1 && STM > 50)


ozfxRegPairs[regindex] = Pair + " (ATR - " + ATR + ")" + " - Long";



if (AC0 < 0 && AC1 > 0 && AC0 < AC1 && STM < 50)


ozfxRegPairs[regindex] = Pair + " (ATR - " + ATR + ")" + " - Short" ;








//if ((AC0 > AC1 && AboveMA && STM > STS) || (AC0 > 0 && AO0 > AO1 && AC0 > AC1 && AboveMA && STM > STS))

if (SMAFilterAES)


if (AC0 > AC1 && AboveMA && STM > STS && AO0 > AO1)


aesPairs[aesindex] = Pair + " (ATR - " + ATR + ")" + " - Long";




if (AC0 < AC1 && BelowMA && STM < STS && AO0 < AO1)


aesPairs[aesindex] = Pair + " (ATR - " + ATR + ")" + " - Short";



} else {

if (AC0 > AC1 && STM > STS && AO0 > AO1)


aesPairs[aesindex] = Pair + " (ATR - " + ATR + ")" + " - Long";




if (AC0 < AC1 && STM < STS && AO0 < AO1)


aesPairs[aesindex] = Pair + " (ATR - " + ATR + ")" + " - Short";








if (AC04 > AC14 && AO04 > AO14 && STM4 > STS4 && STM4 > 20 && STM4 < 80)


sqzmorePairs[sqzindex] = Pair + " (ATR - " + ATR4 + ")" + " - Long";



if (AC04 < AC14 && AO04 < AO14 && STM4 < STS4 && STM4 < 80 && STM4 > 20)


sqzmorePairs[sqzindex] = Pair + " (ATR - " + ATR4 + ")" + " - Short";









if (ShowTimeTillNextBar) BarEnd();


int count = regindex; //ArraySize(ozfxRegPairs);



ObjectCreate("OZFXREG"+k, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSetText("OZFXREG"+k,ozfxRegPairs[k] ,8, "Arial", Yellow);



ObjectSet("OZFXREG"+k, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 42+k*15);



if (ShowAESSignal)


count = aesindex; //ArraySize(aesPairs);



ObjectCreate("OZFXAES"+k, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSetText("OZFXAES"+k, aesPairs[k] ,8, "Arial", Yellow);



ObjectSet("OZFXAES"+k, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 42+k*15);




if (Show4HoursSqueezeMore)


count = sqzindex; //ArraySize(sqzmorePairs);



ObjectCreate("OZFXSM"+k, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSetText("OZFXSM"+k,sqzmorePairs[k] ,8, "Arial", Yellow);



ObjectSet("OZFXSM"+k, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 42+k*15);







void createTitle()


ObjectCreate("OZFXREG", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSetText("OZFXREG","Original Ozfx signal ("+TF(OriginalAndAESTF)+")",9, "Arial Bold", DodgerBlue);




if (ShowAESSignal)


ObjectCreate("OZFXAES", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSetText("OZFXAES","AES Signal ("+TF(OriginalAndAESTF)+")" ,9, "Arial Bold", DodgerBlue);





if (Show4HoursSqueezeMore)


ObjectCreate("OZFXSM", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSetText("OZFXSM","Squeeze-More Signal ("+TF(SqueezeMoreTF)+")" ,9, "Arial Bold", DodgerBlue);







int deinit()






void BarEnd()


double i;

int m,s,k;






ObjectCreate("TIME", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

ObjectSetText("TIME",m + " minutes " + s + " seconds left to bar end",8,"Arial Bold",Lime);






string TF(int iTF)


if (iTF == 1) return("M1");

else if (iTF == 15) return("M15");

else if (iTF == 30) return("M30");

else if (iTF == 60) return("H1");

else if (iTF == 240) return("H4");

else if (iTF == 1440) return("D1");

else if (iTF == 10080) return("W1");


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