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forex-goldmine.com baru menelurkan seri terbaru dari GT SHADOW versi V3.09

ini complete dengan manual, settingan dan juga open codenya. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

jadi berhubung saya juga belum coba nggak bisa kasih penjelasan panjang lebar,yang tentu mudah mudahan nggak sepertinya saudara2-nya yang lain bisa bikin gembel :D :D




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forex-goldmine.com baru menelurkan seri terbaru dari GT SHADOW versi V3.09

ini complete dengan manual, settingan dan juga open codenya. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

jadi berhubung saya juga belum coba nggak bisa kasih penjelasan panjang lebar,yang tentu mudah mudahan nggak sepertinya saudara2-nya yang lain bisa bikin gembel :D :D





Mantab, Thanks Ya Boss.... :arrow:

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How to limit the number of trades in GT-Shadow? Everything else is to my liking except for the fact that I cannot limit it to a few trades, so it blows my account in backtests (margin call)


You need to read the documentation. It's a grid trading strategy, so multiple open trades are expected, possibly up to 30 open trades. Position size should be 0.01 lots per trade, unless your account size is large. If you read the documentation, (including the web site), the developer(s) have calculated, given a particular account size and other parameter values, that you should not get a margin call as long as price remains within some historical maximum and minimum levels. That means that if price does go far beyond those chosen boundary levels any time in the future (which is always a possibility), then you may be in trouble.

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i have read that, but my broker doesnt allow smaller than 0.1 lots. They are semiscamers anyway, im looking for a new one :)


i like the dynamic grid system, but was wondering what the effect would be if i was somehow able to limit the number of trades taken :) probaby a bad idea, but i cant help myself, love experimenting with it :)


I guess ill have to make a lot of profit to start using this baby on the real :-bd =))

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