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ZORRO by FxIgor

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Ini ada trading system baru dari FxIgor, hasil nemu di forum tetangga lagi :P


Pake chart M5 - seperti kebanyakan systemnya si Igorad.


Yg utama dari system ini adalah ZigZag-nya. Aku liat system zigzag ini termasuk yg paling ok loh.


Sori ga ada screenshot. Dia ada kasih Mp3, tapi ukurannya gede ga bisa di attach. Yah rasanya kl liat zigzag harusnya langsung bisa cara pakenya seh. :P





Ore no Shinka Hikari yo Hayai. Zen Uchi o Nani no Mono Ore no Shinka Chuito Kore Nai.

Ten no Michi yo Iki. Subete o Sukosadoru Otoko.

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Re: ZORRO by FxIgor


Ini MP3 nya:




Harap dibuatkan mirrornya. sebab biasanya sendspace cuman kasih waktu sebulan.



Ore no Shinka Hikari yo Hayai. Zen Uchi o Nani no Mono Ore no Shinka Chuito Kore Nai.

Ten no Michi yo Iki. Subete o Sukosadoru Otoko.

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Re: ZORRO by FxIgor


"Om William" tolong ajarin cara masuk posisinya pake Zoro ini& bagaimana cara menetukan Stoploss & Takeprofitnya , di Timeframe berapa digunakannya ?

Waduh sekarang dipanggil om, padahal lg pengen cari pacar neh. :P


Aku seh blom denger MP3-nya. Tp waktu aku liat2, zigzag-nya termasuk ok juga.


TF yg disarankan igor: M5 (scalping)


Tapi aku liat di time frame gede sampai D1 juga ok, cuman yah musti sabar nunggunya kl D1. Mungkin bagusnya liat multiple time frame bagusnya.


Prinzip zigzag: Kalau sudah ada garis turun, maka harga akan naik, sebab untuk melengkapi zig-zag. Sebaliknya kalau sudah ada garis naik, maka harga akan turun, untuk melengkapi zig-zag. Jadi modelnya "V" atau "V-terbalik" terus-menerus.


Nah di system ini ada 3 buah zig-zag. Kalau ada 2 atau bahkan 3 buah zigzag confirm bilang akan naik/turun yah tinggal pasang posisi.


Apalagi kalau misalkan di semua time frame 3 buah zigzag confirm bilang arahnya sama. Maka itu adalah saat2 "holy grail" system ini.


Perlu hati2 kl saat kondisi zigzag menempel di candle running. Kita musti tunggu setidaknya 3 candle baru masuk posisi. Misal zigzag nempel di 3 candle terakhir dan ada zigzag turun (3 candle terakhir adalah candle turun), trus 2 candle terakhir candlenya naik, maka di candle running ini baru boleh buy on dip. Sebab zigzag bisa re-paint kl ada exteme baru, tp kl ga ada extreme baru, ga repaint.


Trus, ada DT-ZZ (bulat2an) yg mirip fractal. Itu seperti meng-konfirm aja pergerakan zig-zagnya.


Igor bilang, indicator utama adalah 3 buah zig-zag itu. Dia teringat bahwa zorro suka buat lambang zigzag "Z" dengan pedangnya, maka trading system ini dia beri nama zorro.



Ore no Shinka Hikari yo Hayai. Zen Uchi o Nani no Mono Ore no Shinka Chuito Kore Nai.

Ten no Michi yo Iki. Subete o Sukosadoru Otoko.

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  • 1 year later...

Re: ZORRO by FxIgor


Hi wailliam,


Thanks a lot for this thread.


Today I accidentally ran into this system in other forum and found it kind of interesting to know about.


Thanks for the folder in the first post, however, what is the second link "sendspace" for?? It is not working anyways, but I just wanted to know if it is different from the first one or not.


Please let me know whenever you have time.


Best wishes,

a New Year 2011 has come, and the challenge has just started 8-)
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Re: ZORRO by FxIgor


The sendspace link is for the MP3 manual. However, I don't think I still have it on my HD though. Maybe someone else could share the MP3?


It's counter trend system, so with the zig-zag I think it's quite predictable even without the manual.



Ore no Shinka Hikari yo Hayai. Zen Uchi o Nani no Mono Ore no Shinka Chuito Kore Nai.

Ten no Michi yo Iki. Subete o Sukosadoru Otoko.

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Re: ZORRO by FxIgor


There was an ea made for this system. h**p://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=2efac4be4b6857881f8e0fff488e27e06b6993d1c8db637be91dc00c2f906379




Hi stingrayzz,


Thanks a lot for your post. You saved me some time. I was trying to create EA for zorro system, but you came on time.


You deserve the kudo. I highly admire your kindness.


Best wishes,

a New Year 2011 has come, and the challenge has just started 8-)
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Re: ZORRO by FxIgor


The sendspace link is for the MP3 manual. However, I don't think I still have it on my HD though. Maybe someone else could share the MP3?


It's counter trend system, so with the zig-zag I think it's quite predictable even without the manual.




Hi William,


Thanks a lot for your reply. I'm sorry I forgot to say Thanks that you gave some explanation about the other link.


I don't know how helpful that MP3 is, but as you said it explains itself by itself.


Thanks again.


Best wishes

a New Year 2011 has come, and the challenge has just started 8-)
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