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Moondash - moondash.co.in


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What is Moon Dash?
Moon Dash is a dash faucet with a difference...YOU decide how often to claim!

Whereas most faucets only allow you to claim once per hour or once per day, we allow you to claim as often or as little as you like*
The faucet will gradually fill up - quite quickly initially but it will slow down over time - until you make a claim. So the longer you leave it the more you will be able to claim.

You may prefer to claim a smaller amount every 5 minutes, or visit once per day and claim the large amount that has built up while you were away!


You can increase your claim amounts by up to 300% by taking advantage of the  Daily Loyalty Bonus Daily Loyalty Bonus,  Referral Bonus Referral Bonus and Mystery Bonus Mystery Bonus schemes!

25% lifetime commission + up to 100% claim bonus!

Moon Dash uses CoinPot for instant payment of your earnings.

Faucet from MoonBit, MoonLite, freedoge, moondoge owner!
MOONDASH - Claim your free dash now 


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