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When is the asian trading session for forex trading?

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The best trading hours are the times when volume and volatility levels are highest. High trading volume means that more lots of a particular currency pair are being bought and sold and high volatility means that the currency pair is moving fast and trending quickly. High volume and strong volatile cause large pip movements during the best trading hours. Moreover, the spreads become narrower during high volume trading hours, and narrow spreads means lower transaction costs. i use Tickmill platform as primary use brokerage service. and appears become one of my best deal as they also provide provide flexibility in trading conditions, they’ve discounted me 10 cents per side on their commission account (so now I get 3.8 $ round-turn, instead of 4 $) just because of my passionate trading (over 150 trades monthly) with deposit over 10K which means I just got even lower transaction cost.

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Although it’s pretty much part of learning when we will know about the sessions and when they are active, but the usual problem is that we often tend to forget it which is why it is so tough to answer exactly for many traders. I was pretty similar with regularly forgetting which session I am trading, so I use to put notes on timing to be aware of it, but luckily I found the best possible solution and that is OctaFX broker’s fantastic service with their cTrader platform, it is especially develop for ECN trading and helps me work so much better with keeping things in control and shows which session is active, so I don’t have to remember anything but it’s pretty simple.

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As a scalper, Asian trading session is my favorite trading session. Because, I avoid volatile market. On the other hand, in the slow move of market I feel much comfort for trading. Whatever, I see TradingBanks broker provides me fixed trading spread service for every trading session. So, I get best trading environment as always.

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