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beginners traders love scalpling

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Scalping is a short term trading .The beginners love this type of trading because they get results in a short time and they concentrate on trades for some moments . They can get a small profit soon from a trade .I think scalping is good for newbies for getting experience of trading and for getting some profit .Beginners also face loss of a little amount of money from scalping by setting stop loss order in their trades . Some people think that it is a wastage of time and it is not proper trading .

How about you opinion?

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Scalping is a technical trading strategy that brings profit in a short time. So it becomes a popular policy to trades especially the newcomer. Although it is not instructive, but as a newcomer I took it as my foremost technique to earn profit. And I am very lucky that in my trading platform MxTrade provides the facility to scalp. And I am able to scalp all popular currencies with narrowest trading spread.

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Trading with scalping method requires expertise and skill that good. novice traders should not be used to using this technique, but can use other analytical techniques which have a smaller risk. besides, if wrong in choosing a broker with a large spread and slow execution speed would be very dangerous. so now I use tickmill. this broker provide me EUR/USD pair with average raw spread 0.2-0.5 pips,No-requotes on my close to 1700 trades now and Positive slippage on news trading.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I am a newcomer in this trading stage. So, I have to depend on my scalping trading strategy for making profit that brings profit in a short time. Even though, many regulated are not willing to apply this trading policy in their platform but, luckily I can use my trading technique in my trading platform MxTrade. This trading stage is always providing only one pip trading spread which is very supportive to make profit at any currency pair. So, my trading life is very profitable.

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  • 3 months later...

Due to having too much volatility and unpredictable nature we have to depend on some trading strategy in this market ,that we select in order to our trading experience. From, all trading policy, I like most price action which is very appropriate for any kinds of trader. and, for using this trading policy ,I have chosen MxTrade as my trading partner where I am getting proper candlestick that is very supportive to predict the real faction of this market with certainly.

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I am a newcomer in this trading stage. So, I have to depend on my scalping trading strategy for making profit that brings profit in a short time. Even though, many regulated are not willing to apply this trading policy in their platform but, luckily I can use my trading technique in my trading platform MxTrade. This trading stage is always providing only one pip trading spread which is very supportive to make profit at any currency pair. So, my trading life is very profitable.

Scalping is a strategy that most of the traders use but in order to do that you have to be a experienced trader or else you will loose evry now and then.

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From all trading strategies scalping is considered as a most usable and profitable trading policy in particularly for the beginners. In my trading career, I have chosen MXTrade trading broker for using scalping policy in a proper way. Because, by providing only one pip lowest trading spread this ECN trading broker for all time make sure best trading environment for scalping.

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Every times, I have to depend on this trading strategy for making profit quickly. Pragmatically, for using this trading strategy, it is very essential to get narrowest trading spread. So, I have chosen MxTrade as my trading platform where, I am getting competitive low spread for trading at any kinds of major currency pair. So, it is possible to me to make profit by using scalp.

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For making profit very rapidly we the traders in particularly the beginners are extremely dependable on scalping strategy that brings profit in a short time. And, I am very lucky to select Trade12 as my trading broker where I can scalp at any major exotic pair with lowest trading spreads. So, my trading life is very much comfort and profitable.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah! Money management and risk management are very important issue for doing scalping trading. But, it seems best scalping trading environment when I do scaling on TradingBanks broker. Because, here is available low trading spread for all kind of trading instruments even for gold metal. That’s way, I get my small tps very quickly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In spite of a profitable trading policy scalping cannot use in a regulated trading broker practically. But, I am very lucky to select MXTrade as my trading broker from where I am able to scalp at any major currency pair with only one pip lowest trading spreads which is very supportive to make profit with certainly by scalping that brings profit in a short time.

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  • 1 year later...

Scalping strategy happens to be popular among most beginners of forex trading, because some beginners do  not yet possess the skills required for swing and long term trading which is often more profitable. A trader may apply any strategy that ensures profitable trading consistently. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

We the traders who are particularly scalpers have to choose the broker which at all times make sure lowest trading spreads. as a scalper in my trading career I have chosen TempleFX which for all time ensures lowest trading spreads from 0 pips which is very supportive to make profit with certainly by using any kinds of trading strategies in particularly the scalping that brings profit in a short time. so, my trading life is very much profitable.    

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  • 1 month later...

Scalping trading is very simple trading according to other trading system. Many traders use this system as a backup trading style. This is very short time trading system. Most traders like this because of the timing of results. They get their result in very short notice. Specially beginners get the most benefits from this system as they are new and don’t know many strategies for trading. AAFX is the best broker for scalping. I am scalping in this broker for last 2 years.

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