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Time to say Hi.


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Hello Folks. I'm Jack, alias JackPop/HappyJack. I have mostly enjoyed being in this autosurf industry for over three years, which followed the MLM industry where I lost my shirt several times. I have been doing this long enough to want to dedicate my abilities to helping others come out on top. So with that said, I'll plug my site which is True Income Shares. I won't go into the details, but you can check it out in the AutoSurf section.

I'm an ex-Texan now living in the Ozarks of NW Arkansas, USA. I'm single, and plan to stay that way. I tried the other life twice, and should have stopped at one. lol But I refuse to let mishaps get in the way of enjoying life and the wonderful experiences that can be discovered. I like football, woodworking and generally goofing off. Don't we all. I've made some great friends online through the years, and some even like me back.

Well, I'm not to good at self praise, so I'll just say Hi to all, and hope everyone can build an income through the industry we call Surfing.






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Hi Jack,

Another fellow Texan!

Ya'll know what they say; once a Texan always a Texan!

Well it is sure nice to have you here on the forum

and I look forward to reading your posts.



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