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Learning, how to "PLAY SAFE"


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Would like to talk a little on the "PLAY SAFE" Phrase:

Know that the internet is a chancy place to spend your money, no matter who you are or where you are...

The GAMES are the MOST risky...

Only spend what you can afford to lose, as that is what will happen too many times...


Get your initial investment/upgrade back as soon as possible and

spend your PROFITS ONLY...

One helpful way of hedging against a loss, is to CHECK IT OUT FIRST...

In MONITORS: see what the Monitors are saying about the program you are interested in trying...

In FORUMS: check out what others who are IN THE PROGRAM, are saying...

If you have access to a Researcher, use him/her and get a pretty accurate idea on what the chances of the program are...

CIF has a Researcher and I'm sure others do too...

That's one of the tools Monitors use to keep a quite accurate listing of Paying versus Not Paying or Slow Paying sites...

Just a few ideas to reinforce what you already know or to enlighten for the newbies...

New members, players, are the future of our games... I truly believe this...

...and it's up to the 'Old Timers' to help them learn a constructive, helpful and courteous way to handle different and/or difficult situations...

Hopefully one of you that is good with the words and knows how to use them can help out with a section of

Learning, how to post without rancor ...


Learning how to post encouragingly ... {something on that order}:)

knowing what to do,

how to say the helpful words and not say the harmful words,

why it's important to POST,

when to inspire with hope and not cheering...

...and ofcourse much more...enough from me for now :v_SPIN:

If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito...

skylady ;)

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Thank you Mary :v_SPIN:

You are an 'Old Timer'

...get your Thinking Cap on, the new members need our help in this cyber space arena...

...and some of us 'Old Timers' need a reminder...

We have an abundance of knowledge in what promotes and what henders...

Lets share it !!!

skylady ;)

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Hi Skylady and everyone.

Well I will like to make a good point here for all new people here so they keep their money safe.

Never, NEVER, click on any link in an email sent from your payment processor or any of your banks. That is a very very big NO NO

If you receive an email from one of your banks or payment processors that tells you there is problems with your account, always go to the only link you use to log into your account and check your account that way.

99% of the time these emails that you think you are getting from payment processors are fake and contain viruis.

So the new people who are reading this please take this as strong advice as I did not know and learnt the horrible way and ended up having to buy another computer because a horrible viruis ended up on my computer when I first started doing these programs.

So lady I think this thread is excellent idea and I just posted to help out.


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Hi Skylady and everyone.

Well I will like to make a good point here for all new people here so they keep their money safe.

Never, NEVER, click on any link in an email sent from your payment processor or any of your banks.

That is a very very big NO NO

If you receive an email from one of your banks or payment processors that tells you there is problems with your account,

always go to the only link you use to log into your account and check your account that way.

99% of the time these emails that you think you are getting from payment processors are fake and contain viruis.

So the new people who are reading this please take this as strong advice as I did not know and learned the horrible way and ended up having to buy another computer because a horrible viruis ended up on my computer when I first started doing these programs.

So lady I think this thread is excellent idea and I just posted to help out.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Katherine you are soooooo correct on emails and figured it needed an additional showing,

I too learned the hard way, by having my funds stolen...

Thank you for your help in giving our 'Learned Knowledge' to others...

Good to see you here Katherine, you are a "TEAM PLAYER" and know a lot of the ins and outs of our cyberspace arena,

so hope to see more of you and your tips for our members and guests :v_SPIN:

skylady ;)

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  • 6 months later...
Katherine you are soooooo correct on emails and figured it needed an additional showing,

I too learned the hard way, by having my funds stolen...

Thank you for your help in giving our 'Learned Knowledge' to others...

Good to see you here Katherine, you are a "TEAM PLAYER" and know a lot of the ins and outs of our cyberspace arena,

so hope to see more of you and your tips for our members and guests :v_SPIN:

skylady ;)

I would like to add that you have to check the new programes , this is very important thing all investors must check it.

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