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If you wanted to do forex marketing forex order is very much important that you have to know it. In forex order is basically a way to in or out process of trade. Now I will share my experience of different types of orders that you may place in the market of forex. At first you have to that which order will   except your broker. Not all types order except by every broker. There are some basic types of orders that every broker offers such as limit entry order, market order, stop-entry order, stop-loss order, trailing stop order etc.

Without these basic orders there are some weird kinds of orders are also offered. GTC (Good till cancelled), GFD (Good for the day), OCO (One cancels the other) etc. MXTrade is the best solution of variety of orders. You can blindly depend on this trade service

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is time and place for each order type in the forex market, and a forex trader has to know when to use the different types of orders. Using the right order at the right time can make a difference between making profit or loss from your trades.

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  • 1 month later...

There are two types of order in forex market. One is instant execution and another is pending order. To execute instant order is easy. But when you execute pending you can face slippage problem because of broker problem. I have been trading in forex since 8 years. I also faced slippage problem on pending order with other broker. Then I found AAFX , and believe me I never faced any slippage problem till then.

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To take orders in forex market and profits you must have to know about orders. There are total three types of order in forex market. Number one is market order. It is the most common trade which everyone uses. In this order we take the bidding where the market price belongs at that moment. The others are limit order and stop order. Mostly professional trader uses these types of order. I use market order and stop order basically.

If you take sell order in this market that means you desire the market to go lower. If you take buy your aspiration should be higher. Mostly traders complain about slippage. But you can’t do anything about it. To avoid this incident you have to choose such kind of broker that prevent this incident. And for this reason AAFX is one of the best.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I always use market execution orders to trade in the market. I do not put pending orders in the trades because I am not fond of trading with pending orders. I personally don't like them. I know it can help to set and forget about trading but still I don't like them. I trade with Forex4you where they provide me with such analysis that I always feel like trading with direct market execution.

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  • 2 months later...

There are 6 types of order available in mt4 in forex market. They are buy, sell, buy limit, sell limit, buy stop, sell stop. But mt5 platform gives you 2 additional orders called buy stop limit and sell stop limit. I am using mt5 platform in CapitalsTrade. They execute my order fast and perfectly. There is less slippage problem I encounter. 24 hour trading news is available in that platform. I like this platform most.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A Trader must comprehend what each order is and does and what part it plays in catching benefit. As a Trader on the FOREX you utilize three sorts of orders: a Market Order, a Limit Order, and a Stop Order. The two essential orders you should use for entering and leaving the market are a Limit Order and a Stop Order. 
Orders in my Forex4you terminal are executed immediately. I like to exchange with stop and limit orders its a sort of computerized technique yet it doesn't require additional coding abilities or Meta trader information.

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Order is one of the basic terms in the forex market. There are two basic types of orders: market orders and limit orders. In a market order, a trader executes orders at the current exchange rate of a currency pair. So he will that the bid (buying order) or the ask price (selling order) is the best price for that transaction. And in limit order a trader waits for a certain desired price and the broker will execute the transaction when it reaches to that value.

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  • 6 years later...
On 12/14/2017 at 11:24 AM, Joe Hoover said:

Order is one of the basic terms in the forex market. There are two basic types of orders: market orders and limit orders. In a market order, a trader executes orders at the current exchange rate of a currency pair. So he will that the bid (buying order) or the ask price (selling order) is the best price for that transaction. And in limit order a trader waits for a certain desired price and the broker will execute the transaction when it reaches to that value.

What do you think is better way to trade: using market or limit order? I still cant' decide which is better?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/20/2024 at 12:05 AM, FredUrble said:

Limit orders will be filled at or near your requested price when the limit is hit.

Market orders will be filled immediately at the current bid or ask price which may mean a larger hit to your expected price. Would be used if you have to/want to just "get out".

I guess better to work with limit orders because they are cheaper in terms of transaction costs, at least because your order was in the queue so less time is spent on waiting while the queue is cleared 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/12/2017 at 9:50 AM, Jacob Smith said:

If you wanted to do forex marketing forex order is very much important that you have to know it. In forex order is basically a way to in or out process of trade. Now I will share my experience of different types of orders that you may place in the market of forex. At first you have to that which order will   except your broker. Not all types order except by every broker. There are some basic types of orders that every broker offers such as limit entry order, market order, stop-entry order, stop-loss order, trailing stop order etc.

Without these basic orders there are some weird kinds of orders are also offered. GTC (Good till cancelled), GFD (Good for the day), OCO (One cancels the other) etc. MXTrade is the best solution of variety of orders. You can blindly depend on this trade service

I only use GTC with HFM and sometimes limit order because they are the most efficient, especially limit orders which have lightning fast execution

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